现有的数据集用于训练窄带射频(RF)信号分类的深度学习模型缺乏信号类型和渠道障碍的多样性,无法充分评估现实世界中的模型性能。我们介绍了SIG53数据集,该数据集由500万个合成生成的样品组成,来自53个不同的信号类别和专业选择的损害。我们还介绍了Torchsig,这是一种信号处理机学习工具包,可用于生成此数据集。 Torchsig结合了视觉域共有的数据处理原理,它旨在作为未来信号机器学习研究的开源基础。使用SIG53数据集的初始实验是使用最新技术(SOTA)卷积神经网络(Convnets)和变压器进行的。这些实验揭示了变形金刚在不需要额外正规化或转向师教师的情况下优于转向器,这与视觉领域的结果相反。其他实验表明,火炬的特定于域的数据增强功能有助于模型培训,最终使模型性能受益。最后,Torchsig在训练时支持即时的合成数据创建,从而可以通过几乎无限的数据集实现大规模训练会话。
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Human perception, memory and decision-making are impacted by tens of cognitive biases and heuristics that influence our actions and decisions. Despite the pervasiveness of such biases, they are generally not leveraged by today's Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems that model human behavior and interact with humans. In this theoretical paper, we claim that the future of human-machine collaboration will entail the development of AI systems that model, understand and possibly replicate human cognitive biases. We propose the need for a research agenda on the interplay between human cognitive biases and Artificial Intelligence. We categorize existing cognitive biases from the perspective of AI systems, identify three broad areas of interest and outline research directions for the design of AI systems that have a better understanding of our own biases.
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Recently Transformer and Convolution neural network (CNN) based models have shown promising results in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), outperforming Recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Transformer models are good at capturing content-based global interactions, while CNNs exploit local features effectively. In this work, we achieve the best of both worlds by studying how to combine convolution neural networks and transformers to model both local and global dependencies of an audio sequence in a parameter-efficient way. To this regard, we propose the convolution-augmented transformer for speech recognition, named Conformer. Conformer significantly outperforms the previous Transformer and CNN based models achieving state-of-the-art accuracies. On the widely used LibriSpeech benchmark, our model achieves WER of 2.1%/4.3% without using a language model and 1.9%/3.9% with an external language model on test/testother. We also observe competitive performance of 2.7%/6.3% with a small model of only 10M parameters.
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