涉及环境声音分析的音频应用越来越多地使用通用音频表示(也称为嵌入)进行转移学习。最近,对音频表示形式(HEAR)的整体评估评估了关于19个不同任务的29个嵌入模型。但是,评估的有效性取决于给定数据集中已经捕获的变化。因此,对于给定的数据域,尚不清楚表示形式如何受到由无数麦克风范围和声学条件引起的变化的影响 - 通常称为通道效应。我们的目标是扩展听力,以评估不变性以在这项工作中的渠道效果。为此,我们通过向音频信号注入扰动来模仿通道效应,并用三个距离测量方法测量新(扰动)嵌入的变化,从而使评估域依赖但不依赖于任务依赖性。结合下游性能,它有助于我们对嵌入方式对频道效果的鲁棒性进行更明智的预测。我们评估了两个嵌入 - Yamnet和OpenL3在单声道(Urbansound8K)和多音(Sonyc-ust)Urban数据集上。我们表明,在这种无关的评估中,一个距离度量不足。尽管FR \'Echet音频距离(FAD)与下游任务中的性能下降趋势相关,但我们表明我们需要与其他距离一起研究时尚,以清楚地了解对该时尚的整体效果扰动。就嵌入性能而言,我们发现OpenL3比Yamnet更强大,Yamnet与听觉评估保持一致。
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Algorithms that involve both forecasting and optimization are at the core of solutions to many difficult real-world problems, such as in supply chains (inventory optimization), traffic, and in the transition towards carbon-free energy generation in battery/load/production scheduling in sustainable energy systems. Typically, in these scenarios we want to solve an optimization problem that depends on unknown future values, which therefore need to be forecast. As both forecasting and optimization are difficult problems in their own right, relatively few research has been done in this area. This paper presents the findings of the ``IEEE-CIS Technical Challenge on Predict+Optimize for Renewable Energy Scheduling," held in 2021. We present a comparison and evaluation of the seven highest-ranked solutions in the competition, to provide researchers with a benchmark problem and to establish the state of the art for this benchmark, with the aim to foster and facilitate research in this area. The competition used data from the Monash Microgrid, as well as weather data and energy market data. It then focused on two main challenges: forecasting renewable energy production and demand, and obtaining an optimal schedule for the activities (lectures) and on-site batteries that lead to the lowest cost of energy. The most accurate forecasts were obtained by gradient-boosted tree and random forest models, and optimization was mostly performed using mixed integer linear and quadratic programming. The winning method predicted different scenarios and optimized over all scenarios jointly using a sample average approximation method.
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Targeted syntactic evaluations of language models ask whether models show stable preferences for syntactically acceptable content over minimal-pair unacceptable inputs. Most targeted syntactic evaluation datasets ask models to make these judgements with just a single context-free sentence as input. This does not match language models' training regime, in which input sentences are always highly contextualized by the surrounding corpus. This mismatch raises an important question: how robust are models' syntactic judgements in different contexts? In this paper, we investigate the stability of language models' performance on targeted syntactic evaluations as we vary properties of the input context: the length of the context, the types of syntactic phenomena it contains, and whether or not there are violations of grammaticality. We find that model judgements are generally robust when placed in randomly sampled linguistic contexts. However, they are substantially unstable for contexts containing syntactic structures matching those in the critical test content. Among all tested models (GPT-2 and five variants of OPT), we significantly improve models' judgements by providing contexts with matching syntactic structures, and conversely significantly worsen them using unacceptable contexts with matching but violated syntactic structures. This effect is amplified by the length of the context, except for unrelated inputs. We show that these changes in model performance are not explainable by simple features matching the context and the test inputs, such as lexical overlap and dependency overlap. This sensitivity to highly specific syntactic features of the context can only be explained by the models' implicit in-context learning abilities.
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The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has put healthcare systems worldwide to their limits, resulting in increased waiting time for diagnosis and required medical assistance. With chest radiographs (CXR) being one of the most common COVID-19 diagnosis methods, many artificial intelligence tools for image-based COVID-19 detection have been developed, often trained on a small number of images from COVID-19-positive patients. Thus, the need for high-quality and well-annotated CXR image databases increased. This paper introduces POLCOVID dataset, containing chest X-ray (CXR) images of patients with COVID-19 or other-type pneumonia, and healthy individuals gathered from 15 Polish hospitals. The original radiographs are accompanied by the preprocessed images limited to the lung area and the corresponding lung masks obtained with the segmentation model. Moreover, the manually created lung masks are provided for a part of POLCOVID dataset and the other four publicly available CXR image collections. POLCOVID dataset can help in pneumonia or COVID-19 diagnosis, while the set of matched images and lung masks may serve for the development of lung segmentation solutions.
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The advances in language-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies applied to build educational applications can present AI for social-good opportunities with a broader positive impact. Across many disciplines, enhancing the quality of mathematics education is crucial in building critical thinking and problem-solving skills at younger ages. Conversational AI systems have started maturing to a point where they could play a significant role in helping students learn fundamental math concepts. This work presents a task-oriented Spoken Dialogue System (SDS) built to support play-based learning of basic math concepts for early childhood education. The system has been evaluated via real-world deployments at school while the students are practicing early math concepts with multimodal interactions. We discuss our efforts to improve the SDS pipeline built for math learning, for which we explore utilizing MathBERT representations for potential enhancement to the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) module. We perform an end-to-end evaluation using real-world deployment outputs from the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Intent Recognition, and Dialogue Manager (DM) components to understand how error propagation affects the overall performance in real-world scenarios.
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我们在新定义的触发警告分配的计算任务上介绍了第一个数据集和评估结果。标记的语料库数据是根据我们自己的档案(AO3)(一个著名的幻想网站)托管的叙事作品编制的。在本文中,我们专注于最常见的触发类型(暴力),并定义文档级二进制分类任务,即是否将暴力触发警告分配给幻想小说,并利用AO3作者提供的警告标签。通过对Corpora进行了四个评估设置培训的SVM和BERT模型,我们编制的汇编$ f_1 $结果范围从0.585到0.798,证明暴力触发警告任务是可行的,这是一项不平凡的任务。
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许多对象检测模型在小物体检测的几个有问题的方面努力,包括样本数量少,缺乏多样性和低特征表示。考虑到甘斯属于生成模型类,其最初的目标是学会模仿任何数据分布。使用适当的GAN模型将增强低精度数据,从而增加其数量和多样性。该解决方案可能会导致改进的对象检测结果。此外,将基于GAN的架构纳入深度学习模型可以提高小物体识别的准确性。在这项工作中,提出了基于GAN的方法,以改善VOC Pascal数据集上的小物体检测。将该方法与不同流行的增强策略(例如对象旋转,换档等)进行比较。实验基于QuasterRCNN模型。
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目的:单个骨骼的本地化和细分是许多计划和导航应用程序中重要的预处理步骤。但是,如果手动完成,这是一项耗时和重复的任务。这不仅对于临床实践,而且对于获取培训数据都是正确的。因此,我们不仅提出了一种端到端学习的算法,该算法能够在上身CT中分割125个不同的骨骼,而且还提供了基于合奏的不确定性度量,有助于单张扫描以扩大训练数据集。方法我们使用受3D-UNET和完全监督培训启发的神经网络体系结构创建全自动的端到端学习细分。使用合奏和推理时间扩展改进结果。我们研究了合奏 - 不确定性与未标记的扫描的前瞻性用途,这是培训数据集的一部分。结果:我们的方法在16个上体CT扫描的内部数据集上进行评估,每个维度的分辨率为\ si {2} {\ milli \ meter}。考虑到我们标签集中的所有125个骨头,我们最成功的合奏中位数骰子得分系数为0.83。我们发现扫描的集合不确定性与其对扩大训练集中获得的准确性的前瞻性影响之间缺乏相关性。同时,我们表明集成不确定性与初始自动分割后需要手动校正的体素数量相关,从而最大程度地降低了最终确定新的地面真实分段所需的时间。结论:结合结合,集合不确定性低的扫描需要更少的注释时间,同时产生类似的未来DSC改进。因此,它们是扩大从CT扫描的上身不同骨分割的训练集的理想候选者。 }
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