This work addresses the problem of estimating the full body 3D human pose and shape from a single color image. This is a task where iterative optimization-based solutions have typically prevailed, while Convolutional Networks (ConvNets) have suffered because of the lack of training data and their low resolution 3D predictions. Our work aims to bridge this gap and proposes an efficient and effective direct prediction method based on ConvNets. Central part to our approach is the incorporation of a parametric statistical body shape model (SMPL) within our end-to-end framework. This allows us to get very detailed 3D mesh results, while requiring estimation only of a small number of parameters, making it friendly for direct network prediction. Interestingly, we demonstrate that these parameters can be predicted reliably only from 2D keypoints and masks. These are typical outputs of generic 2D human analysis ConvNets, allowing us to relax the massive requirement that images with 3D shape ground truth are available for training. Simultaneously, by maintaining differentiability, at training time we generate the 3D mesh from the estimated parameters and optimize explicitly for the surface using a 3D per-vertex loss. Finally, a differentiable renderer is employed to project the 3D mesh to the image, which enables further refinement of the network, by optimizing for the consistency of the projection with 2D annotations (i.e., 2D keypoints or masks). The proposed approach outperforms previous baselines on this task and offers an attractive solution for direct prediction of 3D shape from a single color image.
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Most cross-device federated learning (FL) studies focus on the model-homogeneous setting where the global server model and local client models are identical. However, such constraint not only excludes low-end clients who would otherwise make unique contributions to model training but also restrains clients from training large models due to on-device resource bottlenecks. In this work, we propose FedRolex, a partial training (PT)-based approach that enables model-heterogeneous FL and can train a global server model larger than the largest client model. At its core, FedRolex employs a rolling sub-model extraction scheme that allows different parts of the global server model to be evenly trained, which mitigates the client drift induced by the inconsistency between individual client models and server model architectures. We show that FedRolex outperforms state-of-the-art PT-based model-heterogeneous FL methods (e.g. Federated Dropout) and reduces the gap between model-heterogeneous and model-homogeneous FL, especially under the large-model large-dataset regime. In addition, we provide theoretical statistical analysis on its advantage over Federated Dropout and evaluate FedRolex on an emulated real-world device distribution to show that FedRolex can enhance the inclusiveness of FL and boost the performance of low-end devices that would otherwise not benefit from FL. Our code is available at
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多任务学习在NLP中是有用的,因为实际上是希望在一系列任务中有一个型号的单个模型。在医疗领域,对任务的顺序培训可能有时是培训模型的唯一方法,因为因为对原始(潜在敏感)数据的访问不再可用,或者只是由于联合再培训所固有的计算成本。然而,顺序学习固有的一个主要问题是灾难性的遗忘,即,当为新任务更新模型时,对先前任务的准确性大幅下降。弹性重量整合是最近提出的解决这个问题的方法,但是将这种方法扩展到实践中使用的现代大型模型需要对模型参数进行强烈的独立假设,限制其有效性。在这项工作中,我们应用了Kronecker分解 - 最近的方法可以放松独立假设 - 以防止在规模的卷积和变压器的神经网络中灾难忘记。我们展示了该技术对在三个数据集中的医疗实体链接的重要和说明性任务中的有效性,证明了在新的医疗数据可用时,用于对现有方法进行有效更新的技术的能力。平均而言,当使用基于BERT的模型时,所提出的方法将灾难性忘记减少51%,相比使用标准弹性重量固结的27%减少,同时保持与模型参数数量成比例的空间复杂性。
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使用X光片级注释(是或否疾病)和细粒病变级注释(病变边界框)开发了两个DL模型,分别为Chexnet和ChexDet。在测试集(n = 2,922)中比较了模型的内部分类性能和病变定位性能,在NIH-Google(n = 4,376)和Padchest(n = 24,536)数据集上比较了外部分类性能,以及外部病变的本地化性能性能在NIH-Chestx-Ray14数据集(n = 880)上进行了比较。还将模型与内部测试集子集的放射学家进行了比较(n = 496)。鉴于足够的训练数据,这两个模型都与放射科医生相当。 CHEXDET对外部分类有了显着改善,例如在NIH-Google上分类(ROC曲线下的ChexDet区域[AUC]:0.67:Chexnet AUC:0.51; P <.001)和PadChest(ChexDet AUC:0.78,Chexnet AUC,Chexnet AUC,Chexnet AUC,Chexnet auc:chexnet auc auc:chexnet auc auc auc:0.78,chexnet auc auc: :0.55; p <.001)。对于所有数据集的大多数异常,例如在内部集合中检测气胸(Chexdet Jacknife替代自由响应ROC的功绩[JAFROC-FOM]:0.87,0.87,CHEXNET JAFROC-FOM:0.113) ; p <.001)和NIH-Chestx-Ray14(Chexdet Jafroc-fom:0.55,Chexnet Jafroc-fom:0.04; p <.001)。总结,细粒的注释克服了快捷方式学习并启用了DL模型,以识别正确的病变模式,从而改善模型的概括性。
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Benefiting from the intrinsic supervision information exploitation capability, contrastive learning has achieved promising performance in the field of deep graph clustering recently. However, we observe that two drawbacks of the positive and negative sample construction mechanisms limit the performance of existing algorithms from further improvement. 1) The quality of positive samples heavily depends on the carefully designed data augmentations, while inappropriate data augmentations would easily lead to the semantic drift and indiscriminative positive samples. 2) The constructed negative samples are not reliable for ignoring important clustering information. To solve these problems, we propose a Cluster-guided Contrastive deep Graph Clustering network (CCGC) by mining the intrinsic supervision information in the high-confidence clustering results. Specifically, instead of conducting complex node or edge perturbation, we construct two views of the graph by designing special Siamese encoders whose weights are not shared between the sibling sub-networks. Then, guided by the high-confidence clustering information, we carefully select and construct the positive samples from the same high-confidence cluster in two views. Moreover, to construct semantic meaningful negative sample pairs, we regard the centers of different high-confidence clusters as negative samples, thus improving the discriminative capability and reliability of the constructed sample pairs. Lastly, we design an objective function to pull close the samples from the same cluster while pushing away those from other clusters by maximizing and minimizing the cross-view cosine similarity between positive and negative samples. Extensive experimental results on six datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of CCGC compared with the existing state-of-the-art algorithms.
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To generate high quality rendering images for real time applications, it is often to trace only a few samples-per-pixel (spp) at a lower resolution and then supersample to the high resolution. Based on the observation that the rendered pixels at a low resolution are typically highly aliased, we present a novel method for neural supersampling based on ray tracing 1/4-spp samples at the high resolution. Our key insight is that the ray-traced samples at the target resolution are accurate and reliable, which makes the supersampling an interpolation problem. We present a mask-reinforced neural network to reconstruct and interpolate high-quality image sequences. First, a novel temporal accumulation network is introduced to compute the correlation between current and previous features to significantly improve their temporal stability. Then a reconstruct network based on a multi-scale U-Net with skip connections is adopted for reconstruction and generation of the desired high-resolution image. Experimental results and comparisons have shown that our proposed method can generate higher quality results of supersampling, without increasing the total number of ray-tracing samples, over current state-of-the-art methods.
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Temporal sentence grounding (TSG) aims to identify the temporal boundary of a specific segment from an untrimmed video by a sentence query. All existing works first utilize a sparse sampling strategy to extract a fixed number of video frames and then conduct multi-modal interactions with query sentence for reasoning. However, we argue that these methods have overlooked two indispensable issues: 1) Boundary-bias: The annotated target segment generally refers to two specific frames as corresponding start and end timestamps. The video downsampling process may lose these two frames and take the adjacent irrelevant frames as new boundaries. 2) Reasoning-bias: Such incorrect new boundary frames also lead to the reasoning bias during frame-query interaction, reducing the generalization ability of model. To alleviate above limitations, in this paper, we propose a novel Siamese Sampling and Reasoning Network (SSRN) for TSG, which introduces a siamese sampling mechanism to generate additional contextual frames to enrich and refine the new boundaries. Specifically, a reasoning strategy is developed to learn the inter-relationship among these frames and generate soft labels on boundaries for more accurate frame-query reasoning. Such mechanism is also able to supplement the absent consecutive visual semantics to the sampled sparse frames for fine-grained activity understanding. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SSRN on three challenging datasets.
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