Copy-Paste is a simple and effective data augmentation strategy for instance segmentation. By randomly pasting object instances onto new background images, it creates new training data for free and significantly boosts the segmentation performance, especially for rare object categories. Although diverse, high-quality object instances used in Copy-Paste result in more performance gain, previous works utilize object instances either from human-annotated instance segmentation datasets or rendered from 3D object models, and both approaches are too expensive to scale up to obtain good diversity. In this paper, we revisit Copy-Paste at scale with the power of newly emerged zero-shot recognition models (e.g., CLIP) and text2image models (e.g., StableDiffusion). We demonstrate for the first time that using a text2image model to generate images or zero-shot recognition model to filter noisily crawled images for different object categories is a feasible way to make Copy-Paste truly scalable. To make such success happen, we design a data acquisition and processing framework, dubbed "X-Paste", upon which a systematic study is conducted. On the LVIS dataset, X-Paste provides impressive improvements over the strong baseline CenterNet2 with Swin-L as the backbone. Specifically, it archives +2.6 box AP and +2.1 mask AP gains on all classes and even more significant gains with +6.8 box AP +6.5 mask AP on long-tail classes.
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Background and Purpose: Colorectal cancer is a common fatal malignancy, the fourth most common cancer in men, and the third most common cancer in women worldwide. Timely detection of cancer in its early stages is essential for treating the disease. Currently, there is a lack of datasets for histopathological image segmentation of rectal cancer, which often hampers the assessment accuracy when computer technology is used to aid in diagnosis. Methods: This present study provided a new publicly available Enteroscope Biopsy Histopathological Hematoxylin and Eosin Image Dataset for Image Segmentation Tasks (EBHI-Seg). To demonstrate the validity and extensiveness of EBHI-Seg, the experimental results for EBHI-Seg are evaluated using classical machine learning methods and deep learning methods. Results: The experimental results showed that deep learning methods had a better image segmentation performance when utilizing EBHI-Seg. The maximum accuracy of the Dice evaluation metric for the classical machine learning method is 0.948, while the Dice evaluation metric for the deep learning method is 0.965. Conclusion: This publicly available dataset contained 5,170 images of six types of tumor differentiation stages and the corresponding ground truth images. The dataset can provide researchers with new segmentation algorithms for medical diagnosis of colorectal cancer, which can be used in the clinical setting to help doctors and patients.
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In dense image segmentation tasks (e.g., semantic, panoptic), existing methods can hardly generalize well to unseen image domains, predefined classes, and image resolution & quality variations. Motivated by these observations, we construct a large-scale entity segmentation dataset to explore fine-grained entity segmentation, with a strong focus on open-world and high-quality dense segmentation. The dataset contains images spanning diverse image domains and resolutions, along with high-quality mask annotations for training and testing. Given the high-quality and -resolution nature of the dataset, we propose CropFormer for high-quality segmentation, which can improve mask prediction using high-res image crops that provide more fine-grained image details than the full image. CropFormer is the first query-based Transformer architecture that can effectively ensemble mask predictions from multiple image crops, by learning queries that can associate the same entities across the full image and its crop. With CropFormer, we achieve a significant AP gain of $1.9$ on the challenging fine-grained entity segmentation task. The dataset and code will be released at
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Video super-resolution is one of the most popular tasks on mobile devices, being widely used for an automatic improvement of low-bitrate and low-resolution video streams. While numerous solutions have been proposed for this problem, they are usually quite computationally demanding, demonstrating low FPS rates and power efficiency on mobile devices. In this Mobile AI challenge, we address this problem and propose the participants to design an end-to-end real-time video super-resolution solution for mobile NPUs optimized for low energy consumption. The participants were provided with the REDS training dataset containing video sequences for a 4X video upscaling task. The runtime and power efficiency of all models was evaluated on the powerful MediaTek Dimensity 9000 platform with a dedicated AI processing unit capable of accelerating floating-point and quantized neural networks. All proposed solutions are fully compatible with the above NPU, demonstrating an up to 500 FPS rate and 0.2 [Watt / 30 FPS] power consumption. A detailed description of all models developed in the challenge is provided in this paper.
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在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的,通用的数据驱动方法,用于伺服控制连续机器人的3-D形状,并嵌入了纤维bragg光栅(FBG)传感器。 3D形状感知和控制技术的发展对于连续机器人在手术干预中自主执行任务至关重要。但是,由于连续机器人的非线性特性,主要难度在于它们的建模,尤其是对于具有可变刚度的软机器人。为了解决这个问题,我们通过利用FBG形状反馈和神经网络(NNS)提出了一个新的健壮自适应控制器,该反馈和神经网络(NNS)可以在线估算连续机器人的未知模型,并说明了意外的干扰以及NN近似错误,该错误表现出适应性行为对适应性行为呈现没有先验数据探索的未建模系统。基于新的复合适应算法,Lyapunov理论证明了具有NNS学习参数的闭环系统的渐近收敛。为了验证所提出的方法,我们通过使用两个连续机器人进行了一项全面的实验研究,这些连续机器人都与多核FBG集成,包括机器人辅助结肠镜和多部分可扩展的软操纵剂。结果表明,在各种非结构化环境以及幻影实验中,我们的控制器的可行性,适应性和优越性。
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如今,基础模型已成为人工智能中的基本基础设施之一,铺平了通往通用情报的方式。但是,现实提出了两个紧急挑战:现有的基础模型由英语社区主导;用户通常会获得有限的资源,因此不能总是使用基础模型。为了支持中文社区的发展,我们介绍了一个名为Fengshenbang的开源项目,该项目由认知计算与自然语言研究中心(CCNL)领导。我们的项目具有全面的功能,包括大型预培训模型,用户友好的API,基准,数据集等。我们将所有这些都包装在三个子项目中:风水次模型,风水框架和狂热基准。 Fengshenbang的开源路线图旨在重新评估中国预培训的大型大型模型的开源社区,促使整个中国大型模型社区的发展。我们还希望构建一个以用户为中心的开源生态系统,以允许个人访问所需的模型以匹配其计算资源。此外,我们邀请公司,大学和研究机构与我们合作建立大型开源模型的生态系统。我们希望这个项目将成为中国认知情报的基础。
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样品选择是减轻标签噪声在鲁棒学习中的影响的有效策略。典型的策略通常应用小损失标准来识别干净的样品。但是,这些样本位于决策边界周围,通常会与嘈杂的例子纠缠在一起,这将被此标准丢弃,从而导致概括性能的严重退化。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的选择策略,\ textbf {s} elf- \ textbf {f} il \ textbf {t} ering(sft),它利用历史预测中嘈杂的示例的波动来过滤它们,可以过滤它们,这可以是可以过滤的。避免在边界示例中的小损失标准的选择偏置。具体来说,我们介绍了一个存储库模块,该模块存储了每个示例的历史预测,并动态更新以支持随后的学习迭代的选择。此外,为了减少SFT样本选择偏置的累积误差,我们设计了一个正规化术语来惩罚自信的输出分布。通过通过此术语增加错误分类类别的重量,损失函数在轻度条件下标记噪声是可靠的。我们对具有变化噪声类型的三个基准测试并实现了新的最先进的实验。消融研究和进一步分析验证了SFT在健壮学习中选择样本的优点。
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本文解决了新型类别发现(NCD)的问题,该问题旨在区分大规模图像集中的未知类别。 NCD任务由于与现实世界情景的亲密关系而具有挑战性,我们只遇到了一些部分类和图像。与NCD上的其他作品不同,我们利用原型强调类别歧视的重要性,并减轻缺少新颖阶级注释的问题。具体而言,我们提出了一种新型的适应性原型学习方法,该方法由两个主要阶段组成:原型表示学习和原型自我训练。在第一阶段,我们获得了一个可靠的特征提取器,该功能提取器可以为所有具有基础和新颖类别的图像提供。该功能提取器的实例和类别歧视能力通过自我监督的学习和适应性原型来提高。在第二阶段,我们再次利用原型来整理离线伪标签,并训练类别聚类的最终参数分类器。我们对四个基准数据集进行了广泛的实验,并证明了该方法具有最先进的性能的有效性和鲁棒性。
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基于图形的模型最近在人的重新识别任务中取得了巨大的成功,该任务首先计算了不同人之间的图形拓扑结构(亲和力),然后将信息传递给他们的信息以实现更强的功能。但是,我们在可见的红外人员重新识别任务(VI-REID)中发现了现有的基于图的方法,因为有两个问题:1)火车测试模式平衡差距,这是VI-REID任务的属性。两个模式数据的数量在训练阶段平衡,但推理极为不平衡,导致基于图的VI-REID方法的概括较低。 2)由图形模块的端到端学习方式引起的亚最佳拓扑结构。我们分析训练有素的输入特征会削弱图形拓扑的学习,从而使其在推理过程中不够概括。在本文中,我们提出了一种反事实干预特征转移(CIFT)方法来解决这些问题。具体而言,均匀和异质的特征转移(H2FT)旨在通过两种独立的设计的图形模块和不平衡的场景模拟来减少火车测试模态差距。此外,提出了反事实关系干预(CRI)来利用反事实干预和因果效应工具来突出拓扑结构在整个训练过程中的作用,这使图形拓扑结构更加可靠。对标准VI-REID基准测试的广泛实验表明,CIFT在各种设置下都优于最新方法。
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