Research on remote sensing image classification significantly impacts essential human routine tasks such as urban planning and agriculture. Nowadays, the rapid advance in technology and the availability of many high-quality remote sensing images create a demand for reliable automation methods. The current paper proposes two novel deep learning-based architectures for image classification purposes, i.e., the Discriminant Deep Image Prior Network and the Discriminant Deep Image Prior Network+, which combine Deep Image Prior and Triplet Networks learning strategies. Experiments conducted over three well-known public remote sensing image datasets achieved state-of-the-art results, evidencing the effectiveness of using deep image priors for remote sensing image classification.
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Identifying anomalies has become one of the primary strategies towards security and protection procedures in computer networks. In this context, machine learning-based methods emerge as an elegant solution to identify such scenarios and learn irrelevant information so that a reduction in the identification time and possible gain in accuracy can be obtained. This paper proposes a novel feature selection approach called Finite Element Machines for Feature Selection (FEMa-FS), which uses the framework of finite elements to identify the most relevant information from a given dataset. Although FEMa-FS can be applied to any application domain, it has been evaluated in the context of anomaly detection in computer networks. The outcomes over two datasets showed promising results.
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In the last decade, exponential data growth supplied machine learning-based algorithms' capacity and enabled their usage in daily-life activities. Additionally, such an improvement is partially explained due to the advent of deep learning techniques, i.e., stacks of simple architectures that end up in more complex models. Although both factors produce outstanding results, they also pose drawbacks regarding the learning process as training complex models over large datasets are expensive and time-consuming. Such a problem is even more evident when dealing with video analysis. Some works have considered transfer learning or domain adaptation, i.e., approaches that map the knowledge from one domain to another, to ease the training burden, yet most of them operate over individual or small blocks of frames. This paper proposes a novel approach to map the knowledge from action recognition to event recognition using an energy-based model, denoted as Spectral Deep Belief Network. Such a model can process all frames simultaneously, carrying spatial and temporal information through the learning process. The experimental results conducted over two public video dataset, the HMDB-51 and the UCF-101, depict the effectiveness of the proposed model and its reduced computational burden when compared to traditional energy-based models, such as Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Deep Belief Networks.
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需要在机器学习模型中对最小参数设置的需求,以避免耗时的优化过程。$ k $ - 最终的邻居是在许多问题中使用的最有效,最直接的模型之一。尽管具有众所周知的性能,但它仍需要特定数据分布的$ K $值,从而需要昂贵的计算工作。本文提出了一个$ k $ - 最终的邻居分类器,该分类器绕过定义$ k $的值的需求。考虑到训练集的数据分布,该模型计算$ k $值。我们将提出的模型与标准$ K $ - 最近的邻居分类器和文献中的两个无参数版本进行了比较。11个公共数据集的实验证实了所提出方法的鲁棒性,因为所获得的结果相似甚至更好。
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本文提出了Mburst,这是一种新型的多模式解决方案,用于视听语音增强功能,该解决方案考虑了有关前额叶皮层和其他大脑区域的锥体细胞的最新神经系统发现。所谓的爆发传播实现了几个标准,以更加可行的方式解决信用分配问题:通过反馈来指导可塑性的标志和大小,并线性化反馈信号。 Mburst从这种能力中受益于学习嘈杂信号和视觉刺激之间的相关性,从而通过扩增相关信息和抑制噪声来归因于语音。通过网格语料库和基于Chime3的数据集进行的实验表明,Mburst可以将类似的掩模重建基于多模态反向传播基线,同时证明了出色的能量效率管理,从而降低了神经元的发射速率,以降低价值,最高为\ textbf {$ 70 \%$}降低。这样的功能意味着更可持续的实现,适合助听器或任何其他类似的嵌入式系统。
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当大量机器人试图到达公共区域时,会发生拥堵,导致严重的延误。为了最大程度地减少机器人群体中的交通拥堵,必须以分散的方式使用交通控制算法。基于旨在最大化共同目标区域吞吐量的策略,我们使用人工潜在领域为机器人开发了两种新颖的算法,以避免障碍和导航。一种算法是通过创建一个队列到达目标区域的启发的(单队列以前-SQF),而另一个使机器人通过使用矢量字段(触摸和运行矢量字段-TRVF)使机器人触摸圆形区域的边界。 。我们进行了仿真实验,以表明所提出的算法受其启发的理论策略的吞吐量,并将两种新型算法与同一问题的最先进算法进行比较(PCC,EE和PCC-EE)。 SQF算法明显优于大量机器人或圆形目标区域半径较小的所有其他算法。另一方面,对于有限数量的机器人,TRVF仅比SQF更好,而对于众多机器人来说,TRVF仅优于PCC。但是,它使我们能够分析当思想从理论策略转移到混凝土算法时对吞吐量的潜在影响,该算法考虑了改变机器人之间的线性速度和距离。
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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