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K-Subspaces(KSS)方法是用于子空间聚类的K-均值方法的概括。在这项工作中,我们介绍了KSS的本地收敛分析和恢复保证,假设数据是由Smari-random的子空间模型生成的,其中$ n $点是从$ k \ ge 2 $重叠子空间随机采样的。我们表明,如果KSS方法的初始分配位于真实聚类的邻域内,则它以高等的速率收敛,并在$ \ theta(\ log \ log \ log n)$迭代中找到正确的群集。此外,我们提出了一种基于阈值的基于内部产品的光谱方法来初始化,并证明它在该社区中产生了一个点。我们还提出了研究方法的数值结果,以支持我们的理论发展。
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当节点具有人口统计属性时,概率图形模型中社区结构的推理可能不会与公平约束一致。某些人口统计学可能在某些检测到的社区中过度代表,在其他人中欠代表。本文定义了一个新的$ \ ell_1 $ -regulared伪似然方法,用于公平图形模型选择。特别是,我们假设真正的基础图表​​中存在一些社区或聚类结构,我们寻求从数据中学习稀疏的无向图形及其社区,使得人口统计团体在社区内相当代表。我们的优化方法使用公平的人口统计奇偶校验定义,但框架很容易扩展到其他公平的定义。我们建立了分别,连续和二进制数据的高斯图形模型和Ising模型的提出方法的统计一致性,证明了我们的方法可以以高概率恢复图形及其公平社区。
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学习如何有效地控制未知的动态系统对于智能自治系统至关重要。当潜在的动态随着时间的推移时,这项任务成为一个重大挑战。本文认为这一挑战,本文考虑了控制未知马尔可夫跳跃线性系统(MJS)的问题,以优化二次目标。通过采用基于模型的透视图,我们考虑对MJSS的识别自适应控制。我们首先为MJS提供系统识别算法,用于从系统状态,输入和模式的单个轨迹,从模式开关的演进中的底层中学习MJS的系统识别算法。通过混合时间参数,该算法的样本复杂性显示为$ \ mathcal {o}(1 / \ sqrt {t})$。然后,我们提出了一种自适应控制方案,其与确定性等效控制一起执行系统识别,以使控制器以焦化方式调整。 Combining our sample complexity results with recent perturbation results for certainty equivalent control, we prove that when the episode lengths are appropriately chosen, the proposed adaptive control scheme achieves $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret, which can be改进了$ \ mathcal {o}(polylog(t))$与系统的部分了解。我们的证据策略介绍了在MJSS中处理马尔可维亚跳跃的创新和较弱的稳定概念。我们的分析提供了影响学习准确性和控制性能的系统理论量的见解。提出了数值模拟,以进一步加强这些见解。
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Models of sensory processing and learning in the cortex need to efficiently assign credit to synapses in all areas. In deep learning, a known solution is error backpropagation, which however requires biologically implausible weight transport from feed-forward to feedback paths. We introduce Phaseless Alignment Learning (PAL), a bio-plausible method to learn efficient feedback weights in layered cortical hierarchies. This is achieved by exploiting the noise naturally found in biophysical systems as an additional carrier of information. In our dynamical system, all weights are learned simultaneously with always-on plasticity and using only information locally available to the synapses. Our method is completely phase-free (no forward and backward passes or phased learning) and allows for efficient error propagation across multi-layer cortical hierarchies, while maintaining biologically plausible signal transport and learning. Our method is applicable to a wide class of models and improves on previously known biologically plausible ways of credit assignment: compared to random synaptic feedback, it can solve complex tasks with less neurons and learn more useful latent representations. We demonstrate this on various classification tasks using a cortical microcircuit model with prospective coding.
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Language models (LMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance on downstream tasks, using in-context exemplars or human instructions. Recent works have shown that chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting can elicit models to solve complex reasoning tasks, step-by-step. However, the efficacy of prompt-based CoT methods is restricted to very large LMs such as GPT-3 (175B), thus limiting deployability. In this paper, we revisit the fine-tuning approach to enable complex reasoning in smaller LMs, optimized to efficiently perform a specific task. We propose Fine-tune-CoT, a method that leverages the capabilities of very large LMs to generate reasoning samples and teach smaller models via fine-tuning. We evaluate our method on publicly available LMs across a wide range of complex tasks and model sizes. We find that Fine-tune-CoT enables substantial reasoning capability in small models, whereas previous prompt-based baselines exhibit near-random performance. Student models can even outperform the teacher in some tasks while reducing model size requirements by several orders of magnitude. We conduct extensive ablations and sample studies to understand the reasoning capabilities of student models. We also identify several important nuances that have been overlooked in concurrent fine-tuning works on CoT and address them in our analysis.
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After just a few hundred training updates, a standard probabilistic model for language generation has likely not yet learnt many semantic or syntactic rules of natural language, which inherently makes it difficult to estimate the right probability distribution over next tokens. Yet around this point, these models have identified a simple, loss-minimising behaviour: to output the unigram distribution of the target training corpus. The use of such a crude heuristic raises the question: Rather than wasting precious compute resources and model capacity for learning this strategy at early training stages, can we initialise our models with this behaviour? Here, we show that we can effectively endow our model with a separate module that reflects unigram frequency statistics as prior knowledge. Standard neural language generation architectures offer a natural opportunity for implementing this idea: by initialising the bias term in a model's final linear layer with the log-unigram distribution. Experiments in neural machine translation demonstrate that this simple technique: (i) improves learning efficiency; (ii) achieves better overall performance; and (iii) appears to disentangle strong frequency effects, encouraging the model to specialise in non-frequency-related aspects of language.
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