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Reliable and cost-effective counting of people in large indoor spaces is a significant challenge with many applications. An emerging approach is to deploy multiple fisheye cameras mounted overhead to monitor the whole space. However, due to the overlapping fields of view, person re-identificaiton (PRID) is critical for the accuracy of counting. While PRID has been thoroughly researched for traditional rectilinear cameras, few methods have been proposed for fisheye cameras and their performance is comparatively lower. To close this performance gap, we propose a multi-feature framework for fisheye PRID where we combine deep-learning, color-based and location-based features by means of novel feature fusion. We evaluate the performance of our framework for various feature combinations on FRIDA, a public fisheye PRID dataset. The results demonstrate that our multi-feature approach outperforms recent appearance-based deep-learning methods by almost 18% points and location-based methods by almost 3% points in accuracy.
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In this work, we propose a novel image reconstruction framework that directly learns a neural implicit representation in k-space for ECG-triggered non-Cartesian Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMR). While existing methods bin acquired data from neighboring time points to reconstruct one phase of the cardiac motion, our framework allows for a continuous, binning-free, and subject-specific k-space representation.We assign a unique coordinate that consists of time, coil index, and frequency domain location to each sampled k-space point. We then learn the subject-specific mapping from these unique coordinates to k-space intensities using a multi-layer perceptron with frequency domain regularization. During inference, we obtain a complete k-space for Cartesian coordinates and an arbitrary temporal resolution. A simple inverse Fourier transform recovers the image, eliminating the need for density compensation and costly non-uniform Fourier transforms for non-Cartesian data. This novel imaging framework was tested on 42 radially sampled datasets from 6 subjects. The proposed method outperforms other techniques qualitatively and quantitatively using data from four and one heartbeat(s) and 30 cardiac phases. Our results for one heartbeat reconstruction of 50 cardiac phases show improved artifact removal and spatio-temporal resolution, leveraging the potential for real-time CMR.
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This article presents a survey of literature in the area of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), specifically on systems containing more than two agents (i.e., having multiple humans and/or multiple robots). We identify three core aspects of ``Multi-agent" HRI systems that are useful for understanding how these systems differ from dyadic systems and from one another. These are the Team structure, Interaction style among agents, and the system's Computational characteristics. Under these core aspects, we present five attributes of HRI systems, namely Team size, Team composition, Interaction model, Communication modalities, and Robot control. These attributes are used to characterize and distinguish one system from another. We populate resulting categories with examples from recent literature along with a brief discussion of their applications and analyze how these attributes differ from the case of dyadic human-robot systems. We summarize key observations from the current literature, and identify challenges and promising areas for future research in this domain. In order to realize the vision of robots being part of the society and interacting seamlessly with humans, there is a need to expand research on multi-human -- multi-robot systems. Not only do these systems require coordination among several agents, they also involve multi-agent and indirect interactions which are absent from dyadic HRI systems. Adding multiple agents in HRI systems requires advanced interaction schemes, behavior understanding and control methods to allow natural interactions among humans and robots. In addition, research on human behavioral understanding in mixed human-robot teams also requires more attention. This will help formulate and implement effective robot control policies in HRI systems with large numbers of heterogeneous robots and humans; a team composition reflecting many real-world scenarios.
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Accurate activity location prediction is a crucial component of many mobility applications and is particularly required to develop personalized, sustainable transportation systems. Despite the widespread adoption of deep learning models, next location prediction models lack a comprehensive discussion and integration of mobility-related spatio-temporal contexts. Here, we utilize a multi-head self-attentional (MHSA) neural network that learns location transition patterns from historical location visits, their visit time and activity duration, as well as their surrounding land use functions, to infer an individual's next location. Specifically, we adopt point-of-interest data and latent Dirichlet allocation for representing locations' land use contexts at multiple spatial scales, generate embedding vectors of the spatio-temporal features, and learn to predict the next location with an MHSA network. Through experiments on two large-scale GNSS tracking datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms other state-of-the-art prediction models, and reveal the contribution of various spatio-temporal contexts to the model's performance. Moreover, we find that the model trained on population data achieves higher prediction performance with fewer parameters than individual-level models due to learning from collective movement patterns. We also reveal mobility conducted in the recent past and one week before has the largest influence on the current prediction, showing that learning from a subset of the historical mobility is sufficient to obtain an accurate location prediction result. We believe that the proposed model is vital for context-aware mobility prediction. The gained insights will help to understand location prediction models and promote their implementation for mobility applications.
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We address 2D floorplan reconstruction from 3D scans. Existing approaches typically employ heuristically designed multi-stage pipelines. Instead, we formulate floorplan reconstruction as a single-stage structured prediction task: find a variable-size set of polygons, which in turn are variable-length sequences of ordered vertices. To solve it we develop a novel Transformer architecture that generates polygons of multiple rooms in parallel, in a holistic manner without hand-crafted intermediate stages. The model features two-level queries for polygons and corners, and includes polygon matching to make the network end-to-end trainable. Our method achieves a new state-of-the-art for two challenging datasets, Structured3D and SceneCAD, along with significantly faster inference than previous methods. Moreover, it can readily be extended to predict additional information, i.e., semantic room types and architectural elements like doors and windows. Our code and models will be available at: https://github.com/ywyue/RoomFormer.
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The well-documented presence of texture bias in modern convolutional neural networks has led to a plethora of algorithms that promote an emphasis on shape cues, often to support generalization to new domains. Yet, common datasets, benchmarks and general model selection strategies are missing, and there is no agreed, rigorous evaluation protocol. In this paper, we investigate difficulties and limitations when training networks with reduced texture bias. In particular, we also show that proper evaluation and meaningful comparisons between methods are not trivial. We introduce BiasBed, a testbed for texture- and style-biased training, including multiple datasets and a range of existing algorithms. It comes with an extensive evaluation protocol that includes rigorous hypothesis testing to gauge the significance of the results, despite the considerable training instability of some style bias methods. Our extensive experiments, shed new light on the need for careful, statistically founded evaluation protocols for style bias (and beyond). E.g., we find that some algorithms proposed in the literature do not significantly mitigate the impact of style bias at all. With the release of BiasBed, we hope to foster a common understanding of consistent and meaningful comparisons, and consequently faster progress towards learning methods free of texture bias. Code is available at https://github.com/D1noFuzi/BiasBed
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This technical report presents GPS++, the first-place solution to the Open Graph Benchmark Large-Scale Challenge (OGB-LSC 2022) for the PCQM4Mv2 molecular property prediction task. Our approach implements several key principles from the prior literature. At its core our GPS++ method is a hybrid MPNN/Transformer model that incorporates 3D atom positions and an auxiliary denoising task. The effectiveness of GPS++ is demonstrated by achieving 0.0719 mean absolute error on the independent test-challenge PCQM4Mv2 split. Thanks to Graphcore IPU acceleration, GPS++ scales to deep architectures (16 layers), training at 3 minutes per epoch, and large ensemble (112 models), completing the final predictions in 1 hour 32 minutes, well under the 4 hour inference budget allocated. Our implementation is publicly available at: https://github.com/graphcore/ogb-lsc-pcqm4mv2.
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Tasks critical to enterprise profitability, such as customer churn prediction, fraudulent account detection or customer lifetime value estimation, are often tackled by models trained on features engineered from customer data in tabular format. Application-specific feature engineering adds development, operationalization and maintenance costs over time. Recent advances in representation learning present an opportunity to simplify and generalize feature engineering across applications. When applying these advancements to tabular data researchers deal with data heterogeneity, variations in customer engagement history or the sheer volume of enterprise datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to encode tabular data containing customer transactions, purchase history and other interactions into a generic representation of a customer's association with the business. We then evaluate these embeddings as features to train multiple models spanning a variety of applications. CASPR, Customer Activity Sequence-based Prediction and Representation, applies Transformer architecture to encode activity sequences to improve model performance and avoid bespoke feature engineering across applications. Our experiments at scale validate CASPR for both small and large enterprise applications.
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Fine-grained population maps are needed in several domains, like urban planning, environmental monitoring, public health, and humanitarian operations. Unfortunately, in many countries only aggregate census counts over large spatial units are collected, moreover, these are not always up-to-date. We present POMELO, a deep learning model that employs coarse census counts and open geodata to estimate fine-grained population maps with 100m ground sampling distance. Moreover, the model can also estimate population numbers when no census counts at all are available, by generalizing across countries. In a series of experiments for several countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the maps produced with POMELOare in good agreement with the most detailed available reference counts: disaggregation of coarse census counts reaches R2 values of 85-89%; unconstrained prediction in the absence of any counts reaches 48-69%.
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