State-of-the-art named entity recognition systems rely heavily on hand-crafted features and domain-specific knowledge in order to learn effectively from the small, supervised training corpora that are available. In this paper, we introduce two new neural architectures-one based on bidirectional LSTMs and conditional random fields, and the other that constructs and labels segments using a transition-based approach inspired by shift-reduce parsers. Our models rely on two sources of information about words: character-based word representations learned from the supervised corpus and unsupervised word representations learned from unannotated corpora. Our models obtain state-of-the-art performance in NER in four languages without resorting to any language-specific knowledge or resources such as gazetteers. 1
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Target Propagation (TP) is a biologically more plausible algorithm than the error backpropagation (BP) to train deep networks, and improving practicality of TP is an open issue. TP methods require the feedforward and feedback networks to form layer-wise autoencoders for propagating the target values generated at the output layer. However, this causes certain drawbacks; e.g., careful hyperparameter tuning is required to synchronize the feedforward and feedback training, and frequent updates of the feedback path are usually required than that of the feedforward path. Learning of the feedforward and feedback networks is sufficient to make TP methods capable of training, but is having these layer-wise autoencoders a necessary condition for TP to work? We answer this question by presenting Fixed-Weight Difference Target Propagation (FW-DTP) that keeps the feedback weights constant during training. We confirmed that this simple method, which naturally resolves the abovementioned problems of TP, can still deliver informative target values to hidden layers for a given task; indeed, FW-DTP consistently achieves higher test performance than a baseline, the Difference Target Propagation (DTP), on four classification datasets. We also present a novel propagation architecture that explains the exact form of the feedback function of DTP to analyze FW-DTP.
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Deep Metric Learning (DML) is a prominent field in machine learning with extensive practical applications that concentrate on learning visual similarities. It is known that inputs such as Adversarial Examples (AXs), which follow a distribution different from that of clean data, result in false predictions from DML systems. This paper proposes MDProp, a framework to simultaneously improve the performance of DML models on clean data and inputs following multiple distributions. MDProp utilizes multi-distribution data through an AX generation process while leveraging disentangled learning through multiple batch normalization layers during the training of a DML model. MDProp is the first to generate feature space multi-targeted AXs to perform targeted regularization on the training model's denser embedding space regions, resulting in improved embedding space densities contributing to the improved generalization in the trained models. From a comprehensive experimental analysis, we show that MDProp results in up to 2.95% increased clean data Recall@1 scores and up to 2.12 times increased robustness against different input distributions compared to the conventional methods.
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联合学习是一种机器学习方法,其中未在服务器上汇总数据,而是根据安全性和隐私性分配给边缘。 Resnet是一个经典但代表性的神经网络,通过学习将输入和输出加在一起的残留功能,成功地加深了神经网络。在联合学习中,服务器和边缘设备之间执行交流以交换权重参数,但是Resnet具有深层和大量参数,因此通信大小变得很大。在本文中,我们将神经颂歌用作重新设计的轻量级模型,以减少联合学习中的沟通规模。此外,我们使用具有不同数量的迭代的神经ODE模型新引入了灵活的联合学习,这与具有不同深度的重新连接相对应。 CIFAR-10数据集用于评估中,与RESNET相比,神经ODE的使用将通信大小降低了约90%。我们还表明,提出的灵活联合学习可以与不同的迭代计数合并模型。
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经过深入的研究,最低限度的损失景观的局部形状,尤其是平坦度对于深层模型的概括起重要作用。我们开发了一种称为POF的培训算法:特征提取器的训练后培训,该培训更新了已经训练的深层模型的特征提取器部分,以搜索最小的最小值。特征是两倍:1)特征提取器在高层参数空间中的参数扰动下受到训练,基于表明使更高层参数空间变平的观测值,以及2)扰动范围以数据驱动的方式确定旨在减少由正损失曲率引起的一部分测试损失。我们提供了理论分析,该分析表明所提出的算法隐含地减少了目标Hessian组件以及损失。实验结果表明,POF仅针对CIFAR-10和CIFAR-100数据集的基线方法提高了模型性能,仅用于10个上学后培训,以及用于50个上学后培训的SVHN数据集。源代码可用:\ url {
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生物系统对形态损害非常强大,但人工系统(机器人)目前却不是。在本文中,我们介绍了一个基于神经细胞自动机的系统,其中运动机器人的进化,然后赋予能够通过基于梯度的训练从损害中再生其形态。因此,我们的方法结合了进化的好处,可以发现各种不同的机器人形态,以及通过可区别的更新规则对鲁棒性的监督培训的效率。所得的神经细胞自动机能够生长能够恢复超过80 \%功能的虚拟机器人,即使经过严重的形态损害。
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