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Trajectory prediction is an integral component of modern autonomous systems as it allows for envisioning future intentions of nearby moving agents. Due to the lack of other agents' dynamics and control policies, deep neural network (DNN) models are often employed for trajectory forecasting tasks. Although there exists an extensive literature on improving the accuracy of these models, there is a very limited number of works studying their robustness against adversarially crafted input trajectories. To bridge this gap, in this paper, we propose a targeted adversarial attack against DNN models for trajectory forecasting tasks. We call the proposed attack TA4TP for Targeted adversarial Attack for Trajectory Prediction. Our approach generates adversarial input trajectories that are capable of fooling DNN models into predicting user-specified target/desired trajectories. Our attack relies on solving a nonlinear constrained optimization problem where the objective function captures the deviation of the predicted trajectory from a target one while the constraints model physical requirements that the adversarial input should satisfy. The latter ensures that the inputs look natural and they are safe to execute (e.g., they are close to nominal inputs and away from obstacles). We demonstrate the effectiveness of TA4TP on two state-of-the-art DNN models and two datasets. To the best of our knowledge, we propose the first targeted adversarial attack against DNN models used for trajectory forecasting.
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A central problem in computational biophysics is protein structure prediction, i.e., finding the optimal folding of a given amino acid sequence. This problem has been studied in a classical abstract model, the HP model, where the protein is modeled as a sequence of H (hydrophobic) and P (polar) amino acids on a lattice. The objective is to find conformations maximizing H-H contacts. It is known that even in this reduced setting, the problem is intractable (NP-hard). In this work, we apply deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to the two-dimensional HP model. We can obtain the conformations of best known energies for benchmark HP sequences with lengths from 20 to 50. Our DRL is based on a deep Q-network (DQN). We find that a DQN based on long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture greatly enhances the RL learning ability and significantly improves the search process. DRL can sample the state space efficiently, without the need of manual heuristics. Experimentally we show that it can find multiple distinct best-known solutions per trial. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of deep reinforcement learning in the HP model for protein folding.
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内存处理(PIM)是一种越来越多地研究的神经形态硬件,承诺能量和吞吐量改进以进行深度学习推断。 PIM利用大量平行,有效的模拟计算在内存内部,绕过传统数字硬件中数据移动的瓶颈。但是,需要额外的量化步骤(即PIM量化),通常由于硬件约束而导致的分辨率有限,才能将模拟计算结果转换为数字域。同时,由于不完善的类似物到数字界面,PIM量化中的非理想效应广泛存在,这进一步损害了推理的准确性。在本文中,我们提出了一种培训量化网络的方法,以合并PIM量化,这对所有PIM系统无处不在。具体而言,我们提出了PIM量化意识培训(PIM-QAT)算法,并通过分析训练动力学以促进训练收敛,从而在向后传播期间引入重新传播技术。我们还提出了两种技术,即批处理归一化(BN)校准和调整精度训练,以抑制实际PIM芯片中涉及的非理想线性和随机热噪声的不利影响。我们的方法在三个主流PIM分解方案上进行了验证,并在原型芯片上进行了物理上的验证。与直接在PIM系统上部署常规训练的量化模型相比,该模型没有考虑到此额外的量化步骤并因此失败,我们的方法提供了重大改进。它还可以在CIFAR10和CIFAR100数据集上使用各种网络深度来获得最受欢迎的网络拓扑结构,在CIFAR10和CIFAR100数据集上,在PIM系统上达到了可比的推理精度。
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近年来,图形变压器在各种图形学习任务上表现出了优势。但是,现有图形变压器的复杂性与节点的数量二次缩放,因此难以扩展到具有数千个节点的图形。为此,我们提出了一个邻域聚集图变压器(Nagphormer),该变压器可扩展到具有数百万节点的大图。在将节点特征馈送到变压器模型中之前,Nagphormer构造令牌由称为Hop2Token的邻域聚合模块为每个节点。对于每个节点,Hop2token聚合从每个跳跃到表示形式的邻域特征,从而产生一系列令牌向量。随后,不同HOP信息的结果序列是变压器模型的输入。通过将每个节点视为一个序列,可以以迷你批量的方式训练Nagphormer,从而可以扩展到大图。 Nagphormer进一步开发了基于注意力的读数功能,以便学习每个跳跃的重要性。我们在各种流行的基准测试中进行了广泛的实验,包括六个小数据集和三个大数据集。结果表明,Nagphormer始终优于现有的图形变压器和主流图神经网络。
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This study provides a new understanding of the adversarial attack problem by examining the correlation between adversarial attack and visual attention change. In particular, we observed that: (1) images with incomplete attention regions are more vulnerable to adversarial attacks; and (2) successful adversarial attacks lead to deviated and scattered attention map. Accordingly, an attention-based adversarial defense framework is designed to simultaneously rectify the attention map for prediction and preserve the attention area between adversarial and original images. The problem of adding iteratively attacked samples is also discussed in the context of visual attention change. We hope the attention-related data analysis and defense solution in this study will shed some light on the mechanism behind the adversarial attack and also facilitate future adversarial defense/attack model design.
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In this paper, we propose a robust 3D detector, named Cross Modal Transformer (CMT), for end-to-end 3D multi-modal detection. Without explicit view transformation, CMT takes the image and point clouds tokens as inputs and directly outputs accurate 3D bounding boxes. The spatial alignment of multi-modal tokens is performed implicitly, by encoding the 3D points into multi-modal features. The core design of CMT is quite simple while its performance is impressive. CMT obtains 73.0% NDS on nuScenes benchmark. Moreover, CMT has a strong robustness even if the LiDAR is missing. Code will be released at https://github.com/junjie18/CMT.
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Dataset distillation has emerged as a prominent technique to improve data efficiency when training machine learning models. It encapsulates the knowledge from a large dataset into a smaller synthetic dataset. A model trained on this smaller distilled dataset can attain comparable performance to a model trained on the original training dataset. However, the existing dataset distillation techniques mainly aim at achieving the best trade-off between resource usage efficiency and model utility. The security risks stemming from them have not been explored. This study performs the first backdoor attack against the models trained on the data distilled by dataset distillation models in the image domain. Concretely, we inject triggers into the synthetic data during the distillation procedure rather than during the model training stage, where all previous attacks are performed. We propose two types of backdoor attacks, namely NAIVEATTACK and DOORPING. NAIVEATTACK simply adds triggers to the raw data at the initial distillation phase, while DOORPING iteratively updates the triggers during the entire distillation procedure. We conduct extensive evaluations on multiple datasets, architectures, and dataset distillation techniques. Empirical evaluation shows that NAIVEATTACK achieves decent attack success rate (ASR) scores in some cases, while DOORPING reaches higher ASR scores (close to 1.0) in all cases. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive ablation study to analyze the factors that may affect the attack performance. Finally, we evaluate multiple defense mechanisms against our backdoor attacks and show that our attacks can practically circumvent these defense mechanisms.
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