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Real-world autonomous missions often require rich interaction with nearby objects, such as doors or switches, along with effective navigation. However, such complex behaviors are difficult to learn because they involve both high-level planning and low-level motor control. We present a novel framework, Cascaded Compositional Residual Learning (CCRL), which learns composite skills by recursively leveraging a library of previously learned control policies. Our framework learns multiplicative policy composition, task-specific residual actions, and synthetic goal information simultaneously while freezing the prerequisite policies. We further explicitly control the style of the motion by regularizing residual actions. We show that our framework learns joint-level control policies for a diverse set of motor skills ranging from basic locomotion to complex interactive navigation, including navigating around obstacles, pushing objects, crawling under a table, pushing a door open with its leg, and holding it open while walking through it. The proposed CCRL framework leads to policies with consistent styles and lower joint torques, which we successfully transfer to a real Unitree A1 robot without any additional fine-tuning.
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Active target sensing is the task of discovering and classifying an unknown number of targets in an environment and is critical in search-and-rescue missions. This paper develops a deep reinforcement learning approach to plan informative trajectories that increase the likelihood for an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) to discover missing targets. Our approach efficiently (1) explores the environment to discover new targets, (2) exploits its current belief of the target states and incorporates inaccurate sensor models for high-fidelity classification, and (3) generates dynamically feasible trajectories for an agile UAV by employing a motion primitive library. Extensive simulations on randomly generated environments show that our approach is more efficient in discovering and classifying targets than several other baselines. A unique characteristic of our approach, in contrast to heuristic informative path planning approaches, is that it is robust to varying amounts of deviations of the prior belief from the true target distribution, thereby alleviating the challenge of designing heuristics specific to the application conditions.
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Of late, insurance fraud detection has assumed immense significance owing to the huge financial & reputational losses fraud entails and the phenomenal success of the fraud detection techniques. Insurance is majorly divided into two categories: (i) Life and (ii) Non-life. Non-life insurance in turn includes health insurance and auto insurance among other things. In either of the categories, the fraud detection techniques should be designed in such a way that they capture as many fraudulent transactions as possible. Owing to the rarity of fraudulent transactions, in this paper, we propose a chaotic variational autoencoder (C-VAE to perform one-class classification (OCC) on genuine transactions. Here, we employed the logistic chaotic map to generate random noise in the latent space. The effectiveness of C-VAE is demonstrated on the health insurance fraud and auto insurance datasets. We considered vanilla Variational Auto Encoder (VAE) as the baseline. It is observed that C-VAE outperformed VAE in both datasets. C-VAE achieved a classification rate of 77.9% and 87.25% in health and automobile insurance datasets respectively. Further, the t-test conducted at 1% level of significance and 18 degrees of freedom infers that C-VAE is statistically significant than the VAE.
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The tropical cyclone formation process is one of the most complex natural phenomena which is governed by various atmospheric, oceanographic, and geographic factors that varies with time and space. Despite several years of research, accurately predicting tropical cyclone formation remains a challenging task. While the existing numerical models have inherent limitations, the machine learning models fail to capture the spatial and temporal dimensions of the causal factors behind TC formation. In this study, a deep learning model has been proposed that can forecast the formation of a tropical cyclone with a lead time of up to 60 hours with high accuracy. The model uses the high-resolution reanalysis data ERA5 (ECMWF reanalysis 5th generation), and best track data IBTrACS (International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship) to forecast tropical cyclone formation in six ocean basins of the world. For 60 hours lead time the models achieve an accuracy in the range of 86.9% - 92.9% across the six ocean basins. The model takes about 5-15 minutes of training time depending on the ocean basin, and the amount of data used and can predict within seconds, thereby making it suitable for real-life usage.
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State-of-the-art object detectors are fast and accurate, but they require a large amount of well annotated training data to obtain good performance. However, obtaining a large amount of training annotations specific to a particular task, i.e., fine-grained annotations, is costly in practice. In contrast, obtaining common-sense relationships from text, e.g., "a table-lamp is a lamp that sits on top of a table", is much easier. Additionally, common-sense relationships like "on-top-of" are easy to annotate in a task-agnostic fashion. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic model that uses such relational knowledge to transform an off-the-shelf detector of coarse object categories (e.g., "table", "lamp") into a detector of fine-grained categories (e.g., "table-lamp"). We demonstrate that our method, RelDetect, achieves performance competitive to finetuning based state-of-the-art object detector baselines when an extremely low amount of fine-grained annotations is available ($0.2\%$ of entire dataset). We also demonstrate that RelDetect is able to utilize the inherent transferability of relationship information to obtain a better performance ($+5$ mAP points) than the above baselines on an unseen dataset (zero-shot transfer). In summary, we demonstrate the power of using relationships for object detection on datasets where fine-grained object categories can be linked to coarse-grained categories via suitable relationships.
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与计算机视觉合并的基于无人机的遥感系统(UAV)遥感系统具有协助建筑物建设和灾难管理的潜力,例如地震期间的损害评估。可以通过检查来评估建筑物到地震的脆弱性,该检查考虑到相关组件的预期损害进展以及组件对结构系统性能的贡献。这些检查中的大多数是手动进行的,导致高利用人力,时间和成本。本文提出了一种通过基于无人机的图像数据收集和用于后处理的软件库来自动化这些检查的方法,该方法有助于估算地震结构参数。这里考虑的关键参数是相邻建筑物,建筑计划形状,建筑计划区域,屋顶上的对象和屋顶布局之间的距离。通过使用距离测量传感器以及通过Google Earth获得的数据进行的现场测量,可以验证所提出的方法在估计上述参数估算上述参数方面的准确性。可以从https://uvrsabi.github.io/访问其他详细信息和代码。
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经过良好策划的数据集的可用性推动了机器学习(ML)模型的成功。尽管对农业的地球观测数据的获取增加了,但仍有少数策划的标签数据集,这限制了其在训练ML模型中用于农业中的遥控模型的潜力。为此,我们介绍了一个首先的数据集,镰刀,在3个不同卫星的不同空间分辨率下具有时间序列图像,并用多个关键的裁剪参数注释,用于帕迪种植的帕迪耕种,用于泰米尔纳德邦的Cauvery Delta地区,印度。该数据集由388个独特地块的2398个季节样品组成,分布在三角洲的4个地区。该数据集涵盖了2018年1月3月2021日的时间段之间的多光谱,热和微波数据。稻田样品用4个关键的裁剪参数注释,即播种日期,移植日期,收获日期和作物收率。这是最早将生长季节(使用播种和收获日期)视为数据集的一部分的研究之一。我们还提出了一种产量预测策略,该策略使用基于观察到的生长季节以及该地区泰米尔纳德邦农业大学获得的标准季节性信息生成的时间序列数据。随之而来的绩效提高凸显了ML技术的影响,该技术利用了与特定地区的农民紧随其后的标准实践相一致的领域知识。我们在3个单独的任务上进行基准测试数据集,即作物类型,物候日期(播种,移植,收获)和产量预测,并开发了一个端到端框架,用于预测现实世界中的关键作物参数。
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人们最近开始通过社交网站上用户生成的多媒体材料来传达自己的思想和观点。此信息可以是图像,文本,视频或音频。近年来,这种模式的发生频率有所增加。 Twitter是最广泛使用的社交媒体网站之一,它也是最好的地点之一,可以使人们对与蒙基波疾病有关的事件有一种了解。这是因为Twitter上的推文被缩短并经常更新,这两者都促成了平台的角色。这项研究的基本目标是对人们对这种情况的存在的各种反应进行更深入的理解。这项研究重点是找出个人对猴蛋白酶疾病的看法,该疾病介绍了基于CNN和LSTM的混合技术。我们已经考虑了用户推文的所有三个可能的极性:正,负和中立。使用CNN和LSTM构建的架构来确定预测模型的准确性。推荐模型的准确性在Monkeypox Tweet数据集上为94%。其他性能指标(例如准确性,召回和F1得分)也用于测试我们的模型和最大程度和资源有效的方式。然后将发现与更传统的机器学习方法进行比较。这项研究的发现有助于提高对普通人群中蒙基托感染的认识。
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