In this paper, we propose a robust 3D detector, named Cross Modal Transformer (CMT), for end-to-end 3D multi-modal detection. Without explicit view transformation, CMT takes the image and point clouds tokens as inputs and directly outputs accurate 3D bounding boxes. The spatial alignment of multi-modal tokens is performed implicitly, by encoding the 3D points into multi-modal features. The core design of CMT is quite simple while its performance is impressive. CMT obtains 73.0% NDS on nuScenes benchmark. Moreover, CMT has a strong robustness even if the LiDAR is missing. Code will be released at
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Motivation: Enhancers are important cis-regulatory elements that regulate a wide range of biological functions and enhance the transcription of target genes. Although many state-of-the-art computational methods have been proposed in order to efficiently identify enhancers, learning globally contextual features is still one of the challenges for computational methods. Regarding the similarities between biological sequences and natural language sentences, the novel BERT-based language techniques have been applied to extracting complex contextual features in various computational biology tasks such as protein function/structure prediction. To speed up the research on enhancer identification, it is urgent to construct a BERT-based enhancer language model. Results: In this paper, we propose a multi-scale enhancer identification method (iEnhancer-ELM) based on enhancer language models, which treat enhancer sequences as natural language sentences that are composed of k-mer nucleotides. iEnhancer-ELM can extract contextual information of multi-scale k-mers with positions from raw enhancer sequences. Benefiting from the complementary information of k-mers in multi-scale, we ensemble four iEnhancer-ELM models for improving enhancer identification. The benchmark comparisons show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods. By the interpretable attention mechanism, we finds 30 biological patterns, where 40% (12/30) are verified by a widely used motif tool (STREME) and a popular dataset (JASPAR), demonstrating our model has a potential ability to reveal the biological mechanism of enhancer. Availability: The source code are available at Contact: and; Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
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With the rapid development of cloud computing, virtual machine scheduling has become one of the most important but challenging issues for the cloud computing community, especially for practical heterogeneous request sequences. By analyzing the impact of request heterogeneity on some popular heuristic schedulers, it can be found that existing scheduling algorithms can not handle the request heterogeneity properly and efficiently. In this paper, a plug-and-play virtual machine scheduling intensifier, called Resource Assigner (ReAssigner), is proposed to enhance the scheduling efficiency of any given scheduler for heterogeneous requests. The key idea of ReAssigner is to pre-assign roles to physical resources and let resources of the same role form a virtual cluster to handle homogeneous requests. ReAssigner can cooperate with arbitrary schedulers by restricting their scheduling space to virtual clusters. With evaluations on the real dataset from Huawei Cloud, the proposed ReAssigner achieves significant scheduling performance improvement compared with some state-of-the-art scheduling methods.
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High order structures (cavities and cliques) of the gene network of influenza A virus reveal tight associations among viruses during evolution and are key signals that indicate viral cross-species infection and cause pandemics. As indicators for sensing the dynamic changes of viral genes, these higher order structures have been the focus of attention in the field of virology. However, the size of the viral gene network is usually huge, and searching these structures in the networks introduces unacceptable delay. To mitigate this issue, in this paper, we propose a simple-yet-effective model named HyperSearch based on deep learning to search cavities in a computable complex network for influenza virus genetics. Extensive experiments conducted on a public influenza virus dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of HyperSearch over other advanced deep-learning methods without any elaborated model crafting. Moreover, HyperSearch can finish the search works in minutes while 0-1 programming takes days. Since the proposed method is simple and easy to be transferred to other complex networks, HyperSearch has the potential to facilitate the monitoring of dynamic changes in viral genes and help humans keep up with the pace of virus mutations.
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360 {\ deg}场景中基于图像的显着对象检测(ISOD)对于理解和应用全景信息非常重要。但是,由于缺乏大型,复杂,高分辨率且标记良好的数据集,对360 {\ deg} ISOD的研究尚未被广泛探索。为此,我们构建了一个大型360 {\ deg} ISOD数据集,具有对象级像素的依次投影(ERP),其中包含不少于2K分辨率的丰富全景场景,并且是360 {最大的数据集,是最大的数据集{ \ deg} ISOD据我们所知。通过观察数据,我们发现当前的方法在全景方案中面临三个重大挑战:不同的失真度,不连续的边缘效应和可变的对象量表。受到人类观察过程的启发,我们提出了一种基于样本自适应视图变压器(SAVT)模块的视图显着对象检测方法,并带有两个子模块,以减轻这些问题。具体而言,子模块视图变压器(VT)基于不同种类的变换,在不同视图下学习各种特征,并增强模型的变形,边缘效果和对象量表的特征耐受性。此外,亚模块样品自适应融合(SAF)是根据各种样品特征调整不同变换分支的权重,并使转换的增强功能更适当地融合。 20种最先进的ISOD方法的基准结果表明,构造的数据集非常具有挑战性。此外,详尽的实验验证了所提出的方法是实际的,并且表现优于最先进的方法。
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如今,基础模型已成为人工智能中的基本基础设施之一,铺平了通往通用情报的方式。但是,现实提出了两个紧急挑战:现有的基础模型由英语社区主导;用户通常会获得有限的资源,因此不能总是使用基础模型。为了支持中文社区的发展,我们介绍了一个名为Fengshenbang的开源项目,该项目由认知计算与自然语言研究中心(CCNL)领导。我们的项目具有全面的功能,包括大型预培训模型,用户友好的API,基准,数据集等。我们将所有这些都包装在三个子项目中:风水次模型,风水框架和狂热基准。 Fengshenbang的开源路线图旨在重新评估中国预培训的大型大型模型的开源社区,促使整个中国大型模型社区的发展。我们还希望构建一个以用户为中心的开源生态系统,以允许个人访问所需的模型以匹配其计算资源。此外,我们邀请公司,大学和研究机构与我们合作建立大型开源模型的生态系统。我们希望这个项目将成为中国认知情报的基础。
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在无监督的域自适应(UDA)语义分割中,基于蒸馏的方法目前在性能上占主导地位。但是,蒸馏技术需要使多阶段的过程和许多培训技巧复杂化。在本文中,我们提出了一种简单而有效的方法,可以实现高级蒸馏方法的竞争性能。我们的核心思想是从边界和功能的观点充分探索目标域信息。首先,我们提出了一种新颖的混合策略,以产生具有地面标签的高质量目标域边界。与以前的作品中的源域边界不同,我们选择了高信心目标域区域,然后将其粘贴到源域图像中。这样的策略可以使用正确的标签在目标域(目标域对象区域的边缘)中生成对象边界。因此,可以通过学习混合样品来有效地捕获目标域的边界信息。其次,我们设计了多层对比损失,以改善目标域数据的表示,包括像素级和原型级对比度学习。通过结合两种建议的方法,可以提取更多的判别特征,并且可以更好地解决目标域的硬对象边界。对两个常用基准测试的实验结果(\ textit {i.e。},gta5 $ \ rightarrow $ cityScapes and synthia $ \ rightarrow $ cityScapes)表明,我们的方法在复杂的蒸馏方法上取得了竞争性能。值得注意的是,对于Synthia $ \ rightarrow $ CityScapes方案,我们的方法以$ 57.8 \%$ MIOU和$ 64.6 \%$ MIOU的16堂课和16堂课实现了最先进的性能。代码可在上找到。
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在本文中,我们介绍了2022年多模式情感分析挑战(MUSE)的解决方案,其中包括Muse-Humor,Muse-Rection和Muse Surns Sub-Challenges。 2022年穆斯穆斯(Muse 2022)着重于幽默检测,情绪反应和多模式的情感压力,利用不同的方式和数据集。在我们的工作中,提取了不同种类的多模式特征,包括声学,视觉,文本和生物学特征。这些功能由Temma和Gru融合到自发机制框架中。在本文中,1)提取了一些新的音频功能,面部表达功能和段落级文本嵌入以进行准确的改进。 2)我们通过挖掘和融合多模式特征来显着提高多模式情感预测的准确性和可靠性。 3)在模型培训中应用有效的数据增强策略,以减轻样本不平衡问题并防止模型形成学习有偏见的主题字符。对于博物馆的子挑战,我们的模型获得了0.8932的AUC分数。对于Muse Rection子挑战,我们在测试集上的Pearson相关系数为0.3879,它的表现优于所有其他参与者。对于Muse Surst Sub-Challenge,我们的方法在测试数据集上的唤醒和价值都优于基线,达到了0.5151的最终综合结果。
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