Generic motion understanding from video involves not only tracking objects, but also perceiving how their surfaces deform and move. This information is useful to make inferences about 3D shape, physical properties and object interactions. While the problem of tracking arbitrary physical points on surfaces over longer video clips has received some attention, no dataset or benchmark for evaluation existed, until now. In this paper, we first formalize the problem, naming it tracking any point (TAP). We introduce a companion benchmark, TAP-Vid, which is composed of both real-world videos with accurate human annotations of point tracks, and synthetic videos with perfect ground-truth point tracks. Central to the construction of our benchmark is a novel semi-automatic crowdsourced pipeline which uses optical flow estimates to compensate for easier, short-term motion like camera shake, allowing annotators to focus on harder sections of video. We validate our pipeline on synthetic data and propose a simple end-to-end point tracking model TAP-Net, showing that it outperforms all prior methods on our benchmark when trained on synthetic data.
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现实世界中的数据是高维的:即使在压缩后,书籍,图像或音乐表演也很容易包含数十万个元素。但是,最常用的自回归模型,变压器非常昂贵,以缩放捕获这种远程结构所需的输入和层数。我们开发了感知者AR,这是一种自回归的模态 - 不合骨架构,它使用交叉注意力将远程输入映射到少数潜在的潜在,同时还可以维护端到端的因果关系掩盖。感知器AR可以直接进行十万个令牌,从而实现了实用的长篇小写密度估计,而无需手工制作的稀疏模式或记忆机制。当对图像或音乐进行培训时,感知器AR会生成具有清晰长期连贯性和结构的输出。我们的架构还获得了长期基准测试的最新可能性,包括64 x 64个Imagenet图像和PG-19书籍。
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最近的3D Vision进步已经受到包括几何诱导偏见的专业架构的推动。在本文中,我们使用域名可靠架构来解决3D重建,并将与模型的额外输入直接注入相同类型的电感偏差。这种方法使得可以应用现有的一般模型,例如感知的富域,而无需架构更改,同时保持定制模型的数据效率。特别是我们研究如何将摄像机,投影射线发射和末端几何形式作为模型输入进行编码,并在多个基准上展示竞争性的多视图深度估计性能。
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We introduce the Action Transformer model for recognizing and localizing human actions in video clips. We repurpose a Transformer-style architecture to aggregate features from the spatiotemporal context around the person whose actions we are trying to classify. We show that by using high-resolution, person-specific, class-agnostic queries, the model spontaneously learns to track individual people and to pick up on semantic context from the actions of others. Additionally its attention mechanism learns to emphasize hands and faces, which are often crucial to discriminate an action -all without explicit supervision other than boxes and class labels. We train and test our Action Transformer network on the Atomic Visual Actions (AVA) dataset, outperforming the state-of-the-art by a significant margin using only raw RGB frames as input.
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The field of Automatic Music Generation has seen significant progress thanks to the advent of Deep Learning. However, most of these results have been produced by unconditional models, which lack the ability to interact with their users, not allowing them to guide the generative process in meaningful and practical ways. Moreover, synthesizing music that remains coherent across longer timescales while still capturing the local aspects that make it sound ``realistic'' or ``human-like'' is still challenging. This is due to the large computational requirements needed to work with long sequences of data, and also to limitations imposed by the training schemes that are often employed. In this paper, we propose a generative model of symbolic music conditioned by data retrieved from human sentiment. The model is a Transformer-GAN trained with labels that correspond to different configurations of the valence and arousal dimensions that quantitatively represent human affective states. We try to tackle both of the problems above by employing an efficient linear version of Attention and using a Discriminator both as a tool to improve the overall quality of the generated music and its ability to follow the conditioning signals.
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Automatic Text Summarization (ATS) is becoming relevant with the growth of textual data; however, with the popularization of public large-scale datasets, some recent machine learning approaches have focused on dense models and architectures that, despite producing notable results, usually turn out in models difficult to interpret. Given the challenge behind interpretable learning-based text summarization and the importance it may have for evolving the current state of the ATS field, this work studies the application of two modern Generalized Additive Models with interactions, namely Explainable Boosting Machine and GAMI-Net, to the extractive summarization problem based on linguistic features and binary classification.
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This work presents a thorough review concerning recent studies and text generation advancements using Generative Adversarial Networks. The usage of adversarial learning for text generation is promising as it provides alternatives to generate the so-called "natural" language. Nevertheless, adversarial text generation is not a simple task as its foremost architecture, the Generative Adversarial Networks, were designed to cope with continuous information (image) instead of discrete data (text). Thus, most works are based on three possible options, i.e., Gumbel-Softmax differentiation, Reinforcement Learning, and modified training objectives. All alternatives are reviewed in this survey as they present the most recent approaches for generating text using adversarial-based techniques. The selected works were taken from renowned databases, such as Science Direct, IEEEXplore, Springer, Association for Computing Machinery, and arXiv, whereas each selected work has been critically analyzed and assessed to present its objective, methodology, and experimental results.
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Video segmentation consists of a frame-by-frame selection process of meaningful areas related to foreground moving objects. Some applications include traffic monitoring, human tracking, action recognition, efficient video surveillance, and anomaly detection. In these applications, it is not rare to face challenges such as abrupt changes in weather conditions, illumination issues, shadows, subtle dynamic background motions, and also camouflage effects. In this work, we address such shortcomings by proposing a novel deep learning video segmentation approach that incorporates residual information into the foreground detection learning process. The main goal is to provide a method capable of generating an accurate foreground detection given a grayscale video. Experiments conducted on the Change Detection 2014 and on the private dataset PetrobrasROUTES from Petrobras support the effectiveness of the proposed approach concerning some state-of-the-art video segmentation techniques, with overall F-measures of $\mathbf{0.9535}$ and $\mathbf{0.9636}$ in the Change Detection 2014 and PetrobrasROUTES datasets, respectively. Such a result places the proposed technique amongst the top 3 state-of-the-art video segmentation methods, besides comprising approximately seven times less parameters than its top one counterpart.
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Scene change detection is an image processing problem related to partitioning pixels of a digital image into foreground and background regions. Mostly, visual knowledge-based computer intelligent systems, like traffic monitoring, video surveillance, and anomaly detection, need to use change detection techniques. Amongst the most prominent detection methods, there are the learning-based ones, which besides sharing similar training and testing protocols, differ from each other in terms of their architecture design strategies. Such architecture design directly impacts on the quality of the detection results, and also in the device resources capacity, like memory. In this work, we propose a novel Multiscale Cascade Residual Convolutional Neural Network that integrates multiscale processing strategy through a Residual Processing Module, with a Segmentation Convolutional Neural Network. Experiments conducted on two different datasets support the effectiveness of the proposed approach, achieving average overall $\boldsymbol{F\text{-}measure}$ results of $\boldsymbol{0.9622}$ and $\boldsymbol{0.9664}$ over Change Detection 2014 and PetrobrasROUTES datasets respectively, besides comprising approximately eight times fewer parameters. Such obtained results place the proposed technique amongst the top four state-of-the-art scene change detection methods.
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