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在本文中,我们通过深度学习研究了高光谱(HS)图像空间超分辨率的问题。特别是,我们专注于如何有效有效地嵌入HS图像的高维空间光谱信息。具体而言,与采用经验设计的网络模块的现有方法相反,我们将HS嵌入为一组精心定义的HS嵌入事件的后验分布的近似聚合。然后,我们将所提出的特征嵌入方案纳入源符合的超级分辨率框架中,该框架具有物理性开采,从而产生了轻质的PDE-NET,其中高分辨率(HR)HS图像是从输入低 - 低 - 之间的残差迭代完善的。分辨率(LR)HS图像和伪LR-HS图像通过概率启发的HS嵌入从重建的HR-HS图像中退化。在三个常见基准数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,PDE-NET比最先进的方法实现了卓越的性能。此外,这种网络的概率特征可以提供网络输出的认知不确定性,当用于其他基于HS图像的应用程序时,这可能会带来其他好处。该代码将在https://github.com/jinnh/pde-net上公开获得。
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我们研究大规模网络嵌入问题,旨在学习网络挖掘应用的低维潜在表示。网络嵌入领域的最新研究导致了大型进展,如深散,线,NetMF,NetSMF。然而,许多真实网络的巨大尺寸使得从整个网络学习网络嵌入的网络昂贵。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的网络嵌入方法,称为“NES”,其学习来自小型代表性子图的网络嵌入。 NES利用图表采样的理论,以有效地构建具有较小尺寸的代表性子图,该子图尺寸可用于对完整网络进行推断,使得能够显着提高嵌入学习的效率。然后,NES有效地计算从该代表子图嵌入的网络。与众所周知的方法相比,对各种规模和类型网络的广泛实验表明NES实现了可比性和显着的效率优势。
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For the aerial manipulator that performs aerial work tasks, the actual operating environment it faces is very complex, and it is affected by internal and external multi-source disturbances. In this paper, to effectively improve the anti-disturbance control performance of the aerial manipulator, an adaptive neural network backstepping control method based on variable inertia parameter modeling is proposed. Firstly, for the intense internal coupling disturbance, we analyze and model it from the perspective of the generation mechanism of the coupling disturbance, and derive the dynamics model of the aerial manipulator system and the coupling disturbance model based on the variable inertia parameters. Through the proposed coupling disturbance model, we can compensate the strong coupling disturbance in a way of feedforward. Then, the adaptive neural network is proposed and applid to estimate and compensate the additional disturbances, and the closed-loop controller is designed based on the backstepping control method. Finally, we verify the correctness of the proposed coupling disturbance model through physical experiment under a large range motion of the manipulator. Two sets of comparative simulation results also prove the accurate estimation of the proposed adaptive neural network for additional disturbances and the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed control method.
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How to effectively explore the colors of reference exemplars and propagate them to colorize each frame is vital for exemplar-based video colorization. In this paper, we present an effective BiSTNet to explore colors of reference exemplars and utilize them to help video colorization by a bidirectional temporal feature fusion with the guidance of semantic image prior. We first establish the semantic correspondence between each frame and the reference exemplars in deep feature space to explore color information from reference exemplars. Then, to better propagate the colors of reference exemplars into each frame and avoid the inaccurate matches colors from exemplars we develop a simple yet effective bidirectional temporal feature fusion module to better colorize each frame. We note that there usually exist color-bleeding artifacts around the boundaries of the important objects in videos. To overcome this problem, we further develop a mixed expert block to extract semantic information for modeling the object boundaries of frames so that the semantic image prior can better guide the colorization process for better performance. In addition, we develop a multi-scale recurrent block to progressively colorize frames in a coarse-to-fine manner. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed BiSTNet performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods on the benchmark datasets. Our code will be made available at \url{https://yyang181.github.io/BiSTNet/}
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As a natural extension of the image synthesis task, video synthesis has attracted a lot of interest recently. Many image synthesis works utilize class labels or text as guidance. However, neither labels nor text can provide explicit temporal guidance, such as when an action starts or ends. To overcome this limitation, we introduce semantic video scene graphs as input for video synthesis, as they represent the spatial and temporal relationships between objects in the scene. Since video scene graphs are usually temporally discrete annotations, we propose a video scene graph (VSG) encoder that not only encodes the existing video scene graphs but also predicts the graph representations for unlabeled frames. The VSG encoder is pre-trained with different contrastive multi-modal losses. A semantic scene graph-to-video synthesis framework (SSGVS), based on the pre-trained VSG encoder, VQ-VAE, and auto-regressive Transformer, is proposed to synthesize a video given an initial scene image and a non-fixed number of semantic scene graphs. We evaluate SSGVS and other state-of-the-art video synthesis models on the Action Genome dataset and demonstrate the positive significance of video scene graphs in video synthesis. The source code will be released.
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立体声匹配是许多视觉和机器人应用程序的基本构建块。信息性和简洁的成本量表示对于高准确性和效率的立体声匹配至关重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的成本量构建方法,称为“注意串联量”(ACV),该方法从相关线索中产生了注意力权重,以抑制冗余信息并增强串联体积中与匹配相关的信息。 ACV可以无缝嵌入大多数立体声匹配网络中,所得网络可以使用更轻巧的聚合网络,同时获得更高的精度。我们进一步设计了快速版本的ACV版本以实现实时性能,名为FAST-ACV,它产生了很高的可能性差异假设,以及来自低分辨率相关线索的相应注意力权重,可显着降低计算和记忆成本,同时保持令人满意的精度。我们快速ACV的核心思想是音量注意传播(VAP),它可以自动从上采样相关量中选择准确的相关值,并将这些准确的值传播到周围环境像素具有模棱两可的相关线索。此外,我们分别基于我们的ACV和Fast-ACV设计了高度准确的网络ACVNET和实时网络快速ACVNET,该网络在几个基准上实现了最新性能(即,我们的ACVNET排名第二,第二名在Kitti 2015和场景流以及所有已发布方法中的Kitti 2012和Eth3d的第三次;我们的快速ACVNET几乎优于现场流的所有最新实时方法,Kitti 2012和2015年,与此同时,与此同时更好的概括能力)
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