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Intonations play an important role in delivering the intention of a speaker. However, current end-to-end TTS systems often fail to model proper intonations. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel, intuitive method to synthesize speech in different intonations using predefined intonation templates. Prior to TTS model training, speech data are grouped into intonation templates in an unsupervised manner. Two proposed modules are added to the end-to-end TTS framework: an intonation predictor and an intonation encoder. The intonation predictor recommends a suitable intonation template to the given text. The intonation encoder, attached to the text encoder output, synthesizes speech abiding the requested intonation template. Main contributions of our paper are: (a) an easy-to-use intonation control system covering a wide range of users; (b) better performance in wrapping speech in a requested intonation with improved objective and subjective evaluation; and (c) incorporating a pre-trained language model for intonation modelling. Audio samples are available at https://srtts.github.io/IntoTTS.
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这里,我们提出了一种新方法,在没有任何额外的平滑算法的模型预测路径积分控制(MPPI)任务中产生平滑控制序列。我们的方法有效地减轻了抽样中的喋喋不休,而MPPI的信息定位仍然是相同的。我们展示了具有不同算法的定量评估的挑战性自主驾驶任务中的提出方法。还提出了一种用于估算不同道路摩擦条件下的系统动态的神经网络车辆模型。我们的视频可以找到:\ url {https://youtu.be/o3nmi0ujfqg}。
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Traversability estimation for mobile robots in off-road environments requires more than conventional semantic segmentation used in constrained environments like on-road conditions. Recently, approaches to learning a traversability estimation from past driving experiences in a self-supervised manner are arising as they can significantly reduce human labeling costs and labeling errors. However, the self-supervised data only provide supervision for the actually traversed regions, inducing epistemic uncertainty according to the scarcity of negative information. Negative data are rarely harvested as the system can be severely damaged while logging the data. To mitigate the uncertainty, we introduce a deep metric learning-based method to incorporate unlabeled data with a few positive and negative prototypes in order to leverage the uncertainty, which jointly learns using semantic segmentation and traversability regression. To firmly evaluate the proposed framework, we introduce a new evaluation metric that comprehensively evaluates the segmentation and regression. Additionally, we construct a driving dataset `Dtrail' in off-road environments with a mobile robot platform, which is composed of a wide variety of negative data. We examine our method on Dtrail as well as the publicly available SemanticKITTI dataset.
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The 3D-aware image synthesis focuses on conserving spatial consistency besides generating high-resolution images with fine details. Recently, Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has been introduced for synthesizing novel views with low computational cost and superior performance. While several works investigate a generative NeRF and show remarkable achievement, they cannot handle conditional and continuous feature manipulation in the generation procedure. In this work, we introduce a novel model, called Class-Continuous Conditional Generative NeRF ($\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF), which can synthesize conditionally manipulated photorealistic 3D-consistent images by projecting conditional features to the generator and the discriminator. The proposed $\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF is evaluated with three image datasets, AFHQ, CelebA, and Cars. As a result, our model shows strong 3D-consistency with fine details and smooth interpolation in conditional feature manipulation. For instance, $\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF exhibits a Fr\'echet Inception Distance (FID) of 7.64 in 3D-aware face image synthesis with a $\text{128}^{2}$ resolution. Additionally, we provide FIDs of generated 3D-aware images of each class of the datasets as it is possible to synthesize class-conditional images with $\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF.
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