Real-world image super-resolution (RISR) has received increased focus for improving the quality of SR images under unknown complex degradation. Existing methods rely on the heavy SR models to enhance low-resolution (LR) images of different degradation levels, which significantly restricts their practical deployments on resource-limited devices. In this paper, we propose a novel Dynamic Channel Splitting scheme for efficient Real-world Image Super-Resolution, termed DCS-RISR. Specifically, we first introduce the light degradation prediction network to regress the degradation vector to simulate the real-world degradations, upon which the channel splitting vector is generated as the input for an efficient SR model. Then, a learnable octave convolution block is proposed to adaptively decide the channel splitting scale for low- and high-frequency features at each block, reducing computation overhead and memory cost by offering the large scale to low-frequency features and the small scale to the high ones. To further improve the RISR performance, Non-local regularization is employed to supplement the knowledge of patches from LR and HR subspace with free-computation inference. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of DCS-RISR on different benchmark datasets. Our DCS-RISR not only achieves the best trade-off between computation/parameter and PSNR/SSIM metric, and also effectively handles real-world images with different degradation levels.
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The deep learning community has witnessed an exponentially growing interest in self-supervised learning (SSL). However, it still remains unexplored how to build a framework for learning useful representations of raw music waveforms in a self-supervised manner. In this work, we design Music2Vec, a framework exploring different SSL algorithmic components and tricks for music audio recordings. Our model achieves comparable results to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) music SSL model Jukebox, despite being significantly smaller with less than 2% of parameters of the latter. The model will be released on Huggingface(Please refer to:
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Image super-resolution is a common task on mobile and IoT devices, where one often needs to upscale and enhance low-resolution images and video frames. While numerous solutions have been proposed for this problem in the past, they are usually not compatible with low-power mobile NPUs having many computational and memory constraints. In this Mobile AI challenge, we address this problem and propose the participants to design an efficient quantized image super-resolution solution that can demonstrate a real-time performance on mobile NPUs. The participants were provided with the DIV2K dataset and trained INT8 models to do a high-quality 3X image upscaling. The runtime of all models was evaluated on the Synaptics VS680 Smart Home board with a dedicated edge NPU capable of accelerating quantized neural networks. All proposed solutions are fully compatible with the above NPU, demonstrating an up to 60 FPS rate when reconstructing Full HD resolution images. A detailed description of all models developed in the challenge is provided in this paper.
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Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) typically suffer from overfitting when limited training data is available. To facilitate GAN training, current methods propose to use data-specific augmentation techniques. Despite the effectiveness, it is difficult for these methods to scale to practical applications. In this work, we present ScoreMix, a novel and scalable data augmentation approach for various image synthesis tasks. We first produce augmented samples using the convex combinations of the real samples. Then, we optimize the augmented samples by minimizing the norms of the data scores, i.e., the gradients of the log-density functions. This procedure enforces the augmented samples close to the data manifold. To estimate the scores, we train a deep estimation network with multi-scale score matching. For different image synthesis tasks, we train the score estimation network using different data. We do not require the tuning of the hyperparameters or modifications to the network architecture. The ScoreMix method effectively increases the diversity of data and reduces the overfitting problem. Moreover, it can be easily incorporated into existing GAN models with minor modifications. Experimental results on numerous tasks demonstrate that GAN models equipped with the ScoreMix method achieve significant improvements.
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Multi-view graph clustering (MGC) methods are increasingly being studied due to the explosion of multi-view data with graph structural information. The critical point of MGC is to better utilize the view-specific and view-common information in features and graphs of multiple views. However, existing works have an inherent limitation that they are unable to concurrently utilize the consensus graph information across multiple graphs and the view-specific feature information. To address this issue, we propose Variational Graph Generator for Multi-View Graph Clustering (VGMGC). Specifically, a novel variational graph generator is proposed to extract common information among multiple graphs. This generator infers a reliable variational consensus graph based on a priori assumption over multiple graphs. Then a simple yet effective graph encoder in conjunction with the multi-view clustering objective is presented to learn the desired graph embeddings for clustering, which embeds the inferred view-common graph and view-specific graphs together with features. Finally, theoretical results illustrate the rationality of VGMGC by analyzing the uncertainty of the inferred consensus graph with information bottleneck principle. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our VGMGC over SOTAs.
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本文介绍了Z-Code ++,这是一种针对抽象文本摘要优化的新的预训练的语言模型。该模型使用三种技术扩展了艺术编码器模型的状态。首先,我们使用两阶段的预训练过程来改善模型在低资源摘要任务上的性能。该模型首先是使用文本语料库进行语言理解的预先培训的,然后在汇总语料库中不断预先培训,以进行基础文本生成。其次,我们用分离的注意力层代替编码器中的自我发项层,其中每个单词都使用两个向量分别代表其内容和位置。第三,我们使用融合编码器,这是一种以层次方式编码长序列的简单而有效的方法。 Z-Code ++在13个文本摘要任务中的9个跨5种语言中创建了新的艺术状态。我们的模型的参数有效,因为它的表现优于XSUM上600倍较大的Palm-540b,并且在Samsum上的易经的200倍GPT3-175B较大。在零射击和少量设置中,我们的模型大大优于竞争模型。
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单步反转合作是逆合合成计划的基石,这是计算机辅助药物发现的至关重要的任务。单步回合合成的目的是确定导致一个反应中靶产物合成的可能反应物。通过将有机分子表示为规范串,现有的基于序列的折叠方法将乘积 - 反应性逆合合成视为序列到序列翻译问题。但是,由于确定性推断,他们中的大多数人都难以识别所需产物的多种化学反应,这与以下事实相矛盾:许多化合物可以通过各种反应类型与不同的反应物组成。在这项工作中,我们旨在增加反应多样性并使用离散的潜在变量产生各种反应物。我们提出了一种基于序列的新方法,即RetrodVcae,该方法将条件变分自动化码器纳入单步回逆转录中,并将离散的潜在变量与生成过程相关联。具体而言,RetroDVCAE使用Gumbel-Softmax分布来近似于潜在反应的分类分布,并生成与变异解码器的多组反应物。实验表明,RetroDVCAE在基准数据集和自制数据集上的最先进基准均优于最先进的基线。定量和定性结果都表明,转化vcae可以在反应类型上对多模式分布进行建模,并产生各种反应物候选物。
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