We present the Group Propagation Vision Transformer (GPViT): a novel nonhierarchical (i.e. non-pyramidal) transformer model designed for general visual recognition with high-resolution features. High-resolution features (or tokens) are a natural fit for tasks that involve perceiving fine-grained details such as detection and segmentation, but exchanging global information between these features is expensive in memory and computation because of the way self-attention scales. We provide a highly efficient alternative Group Propagation Block (GP Block) to exchange global information. In each GP Block, features are first grouped together by a fixed number of learnable group tokens; we then perform Group Propagation where global information is exchanged between the grouped features; finally, global information in the updated grouped features is returned back to the image features through a transformer decoder. We evaluate GPViT on a variety of visual recognition tasks including image classification, semantic segmentation, object detection, and instance segmentation. Our method achieves significant performance gains over previous works across all tasks, especially on tasks that require high-resolution outputs, for example, our GPViT-L3 outperforms Swin Transformer-B by 2.0 mIoU on ADE20K semantic segmentation with only half as many parameters. Code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/ChenhongyiYang/GPViT .
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现在,我们目睹了深度学习方法在各种蛋白质(或数据集)中的重大进展。但是,缺乏评估不同方法的性能的标准基准,这阻碍了该领域的深度学习进步。在本文中,我们提出了一种称为PEER的基准,这是一种用于蛋白质序列理解的全面和多任务基准。 PEER提供了一组不同的蛋白质理解任务,包括蛋白质功能预测,蛋白质定位预测,蛋白质结构预测,蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用预测和蛋白质 - 配体相互作用预测。我们评估每个任务的不同类型的基于序列的方法,包括传统的特征工程方法,不同的序列编码方法以及大规模的预训练蛋白质语言模型。此外,我们还研究了这些方法在多任务学习设置下的性能。实验结果表明,大规模的预训练蛋白质语言模型可实现大多数单个任务的最佳性能,共同训练多个任务进一步提高了性能。该基准的数据集和源代码均可在https://github.com/deepgraphlearning/peer_benchmark上获得
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分组和识别是视觉场景理解的重要组成部分,例如,用于对象检测和语义分割。借助端到端的深度学习系统,图像区域的分组通常通过像素级识别标签的自上而下的监督隐式进行。取而代之的是,在本文中,我们建议将分组机制恢复到深层网络中,从而使语义片段仅在文本监督下自动出现。我们提出了一个分层分组视觉变压器(GroupVit),它超出了常规的网格结构表示,并学会了将图像区域分组为逐渐更大的任意形状段。我们通过对比度损失在大规模图像文本数据集上与文本编码器共同训练小组vit。只有文本监督并且没有任何像素级注释,GroupVit就学会了将语义区域分组在一起,并以零拍的方式成功地将语义分割的任务转移到语义分割的任务,即,而没有任何进一步的微调。它在Pascal VOC 2012上获得了52.3%MIOU的零拍摄精度和Pascal上下文数据集中的22.4%MIOU,并竞争性地表现为需要更高水平监督的最先进的转移学习方法。我们在https://github.com/nvlabs/groupvit上开放代码。
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在本文中,我们介绍了一种基于结构的神经网络体系结构,即RC结构,用于MIMO-OFDM符号检测。 RC结构通过储层计算(RC)利用MIMO-OFDM信号的时间结构。二进制分类器利用系统中的重复星座结构来执行多级检测。 RC的合并允许以纯粹的在线方式学习RC结构,并在每个OFDM子帧中具有极为有限的飞行员符号。二进制分类器可以有效利用宝贵的在线培训符号,并可以轻松地扩展到高级调制,而无需大幅度提高复杂性。实验表明,在BIT错误率(BER)方面,引入的RC结构优于常规模型的符号检测方法和基于最新学习的策略。当采用等级和链接适应时,RC结构比现有方法的优势变得更加重要。引入的RC结构阐明了将通信领域知识和基于学习的接收处理结合在一起,可用于5G/5G高级及以后。
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The Non-Local Network (NLNet) presents a pioneering approach for capturing long-range dependencies, via aggregating query-specific global context to each query position. However, through a rigorous empirical analysis, we have found that the global contexts modeled by non-local network are almost the same for different query positions within an image. In this paper, we take advantage of this finding to create a simplified network based on a queryindependent formulation, which maintains the accuracy of NLNet but with significantly less computation. We further observe that this simplified design shares similar structure with Squeeze-Excitation Network (SENet). Hence we unify them into a three-step general framework for global context modeling. Within the general framework, we design a better instantiation, called the global context (GC) block, which is lightweight and can effectively model the global context. The lightweight property allows us to apply it for multiple layers in a backbone network to construct a global context network (GCNet), which generally outperforms both simplified NLNet and SENet on major benchmarks for various recognition tasks. The code and configurations are released at https://github.com/xvjiarui/GCNet.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), originally proposed for node classification, have also motivated many recent works on edge prediction (a.k.a., link prediction). However, existing methods lack elaborate design regarding the distinctions between two tasks that have been frequently overlooked: (i) edges only constitute the topology in the node classification task but can be used as both the topology and the supervisions (i.e., labels) in the edge prediction task; (ii) the node classification makes prediction over each individual node, while the edge prediction is determinated by each pair of nodes. To this end, we propose a novel edge prediction paradigm named Edge-aware Message PassIng neuRal nEtworks (EMPIRE). Concretely, we first introduce an edge splitting technique to specify use of each edge where each edge is solely used as either the topology or the supervision (named as topology edge or supervision edge). We then develop a new message passing mechanism that generates the messages to source nodes (through topology edges) being aware of target nodes (through supervision edges). In order to emphasize the differences between pairs connected by supervision edges and pairs unconnected, we further weight the messages to highlight the relative ones that can reflect the differences. In addition, we design a novel negative node-pair sampling trick that efficiently samples 'hard' negative instances in the supervision instances, and can significantly improve the performance. Experimental results verify that the proposed method can significantly outperform existing state-of-the-art models regarding the edge prediction task on multiple homogeneous and heterogeneous graph datasets.
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There is increasing adoption of artificial intelligence in drug discovery. However, existing works use machine learning to mainly utilize the chemical structures of molecules yet ignore the vast textual knowledge available in chemistry. Incorporating textual knowledge enables us to realize new drug design objectives, adapt to text-based instructions, and predict complex biological activities. We present a multi-modal molecule structure-text model, MoleculeSTM, by jointly learning molecule's chemical structures and textual descriptions via a contrastive learning strategy. To train MoleculeSTM, we construct the largest multi-modal dataset to date, namely PubChemSTM, with over 280K chemical structure-text pairs. To demonstrate the effectiveness and utility of MoleculeSTM, we design two challenging zero-shot tasks based on text instructions, including structure-text retrieval and molecule editing. MoleculeSTM possesses two main properties: open vocabulary and compositionality via natural language. In experiments, MoleculeSTM obtains the state-of-the-art generalization ability to novel biochemical concepts across various benchmarks.
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In recent years, the number of parameters of one deep learning (DL) model has been growing much faster than the growth of GPU memory space. People who are inaccessible to a large number of GPUs resort to heterogeneous training systems for storing model parameters in CPU memory. Existing heterogeneous systems are based on parallelization plans in the scope of the whole model. They apply a consistent parallel training method for all the operators in the computation. Therefore, engineers need to pay a huge effort to incorporate a new type of model parallelism and patch its compatibility with other parallelisms. For example, Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) is still incompatible with ZeRO-3 in Deepspeed. Also, current systems face efficiency problems on small scale, since they are designed and tuned for large-scale training. In this paper, we propose Elixir, a new parallel heterogeneous training system, which is designed for efficiency and flexibility. Elixir utilizes memory resources and computing resources of both GPU and CPU. For flexibility, Elixir generates parallelization plans in the granularity of operators. Any new type of model parallelism can be incorporated by assigning a parallel pattern to the operator. For efficiency, Elixir implements a hierarchical distributed memory management scheme to accelerate inter-GPU communications and CPU-GPU data transmissions. As a result, Elixir can train a 30B OPT model on an A100 with 40GB CUDA memory, meanwhile reaching 84% efficiency of Pytorch GPU training. With its super-linear scalability, the training efficiency becomes the same as Pytorch GPU training on multiple GPUs. Also, large MoE models can be trained 5.3x faster than dense models of the same size. Now Elixir is integrated into ColossalAI and is available on its main branch.
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