Adversarial attacks hamper the decision-making ability of neural networks by perturbing the input signal. The addition of calculated small distortion to images, for instance, can deceive a well-trained image classification network. In this work, we propose a novel attack technique called Sparse Adversarial and Interpretable Attack Framework (SAIF). Specifically, we design imperceptible attacks that contain low-magnitude perturbations at a small number of pixels and leverage these sparse attacks to reveal the vulnerability of classifiers. We use the Frank-Wolfe (conditional gradient) algorithm to simultaneously optimize the attack perturbations for bounded magnitude and sparsity with $O(1/\sqrt{T})$ convergence. Empirical results show that SAIF computes highly imperceptible and interpretable adversarial examples, and outperforms state-of-the-art sparse attack methods on the ImageNet dataset.
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Post-hoc explanation methods have become increasingly depended upon for understanding black-box classifiers in high-stakes applications, precipitating a need for reliable explanations. While numerous explanation methods have been proposed, recent works have shown that many existing methods can be inconsistent or unstable. In addition, high-performing classifiers are often highly nonlinear and can exhibit complex behavior around the decision boundary, leading to brittle or misleading local explanations. Therefore, there is an impending need to quantify the uncertainty of such explanation methods in order to understand when explanations are trustworthy. We introduce a novel uncertainty quantification method parameterized by a Gaussian Process model, which combines the uncertainty approximation of existing methods with a novel geodesic-based similarity which captures the complexity of the target black-box decision boundary. The proposed framework is highly flexible; it can be used with any black-box classifier and feature attribution method to amortize uncertainty estimates for explanations. We show theoretically that our proposed geodesic-based kernel similarity increases with the complexity of the decision boundary. Empirical results on multiple tabular and image datasets show that our decision boundary-aware uncertainty estimate improves understanding of explanations as compared to existing methods.
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持续学习的现有工作(CL)的重点是减轻灾难性遗忘,即学习新任务时过去任务的模型绩效恶化。但是,CL系统的训练效率不足,这限制了CL系统在资源有限的方案下的现实应用。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个名为“稀疏持续学习”(SPARCL)的新颖框架,这是第一个利用稀疏性以使边缘设备上具有成本效益的持续学习的研究。 SPARCL通过三个方面的协同作用来实现训练加速度和准确性保护:体重稀疏性,数据效率和梯度稀疏性。具体而言,我们建议在整个CL过程中学习一个稀疏网络,动态数据删除(DDR),以删除信息较少的培训数据和动态梯度掩盖(DGM),以稀疏梯度更新。他们每个人不仅提高了效率,而且进一步减轻了灾难性的遗忘。 SPARCL始终提高现有最新CL方法(SOTA)CL方法的训练效率最多减少了训练失败,而且令人惊讶的是,SOTA的准确性最多最多提高了1.7%。 SPARCL还优于通过将SOTA稀疏训练方法适应CL设置的效率和准确性获得的竞争基线。我们还评估了SPARCL在真实手机上的有效性,进一步表明了我们方法的实际潜力。
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持续学习旨在使单个模型能够学习一系列任务,而不会造成灾难性的遗忘。表现最好的方法通常需要排练缓冲区来存储过去的原始示例以进行经验重播,但是,由于隐私和内存约束,这会限制其实际价值。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个简单而有效的框架,即DualPrompt,该框架学习了一组称为提示的参数,以正确指示预先训练的模型,以依次学习到达的任务,而不会缓冲过去的示例。 DualPrompt提出了一种新颖的方法,可以将互补提示附加到预训练的主链上,然后将目标提出为学习任务不变和特定于任务的“指令”。通过广泛的实验验证,双启示始终在具有挑战性的课堂开发环境下始终设置最先进的表现。尤其是,双启示的表现优于最近的高级持续学习方法,其缓冲尺寸相对较大。我们还引入了一个更具挑战性的基准Split Imagenet-R,以帮助概括无连续的持续学习研究。源代码可在上找到。
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El Nino Southern振荡(ENSO)是热带中央和东太平洋的海面温度(SST)的半周期波动,通过远程依赖或电信连接,影响世界各地的区域水文中的际变化。最近的研究表明了改进ENSO预测以及用于了解电信连接的复杂网络(CN)的深度学习(DL)方法的价值。然而,预测对Enso驱动的河流流动的差距包括DL的黑匣子性质,使用简单的ENSO指数来描述复杂的现象并将基于DL的ENSO预测翻译成河流预测。在这里,我们显示可解释的DL(XDL)方法,基于显着性图,可以提取全球SST中包含的可解释的预测信息,并发现对河流的新型SST信息区域和依赖结构,这些信息与气候网络结构串联,使得改进的预测性理解。我们的结果揭示了全球SST超越ENSO指数的更多信息内容,开发了对SSTS影响河流的新了解,并产生了与不确定性的改进的河流预测。观察,重新分析数据和地球系统模型模拟用于展示基于XDL-CN基于互际和分支尺度的气候预测的方法的价值。
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We propose a novel task, G4C (Goal-driven Guidance Generation in Grounded Communication), for studying goal-driven and grounded natural language interactions. Specifically, we choose Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) -- a role-playing game consisting of multiple player characters and a Dungeon Master (DM) who collaborate to achieve a set of goals that are beneficial to the players -- as a testbed for this task. Here, each of the player characters is a student, with their own personas and abilities, and the DM is the teacher, an arbitrator of the rules of the world and responsible for assisting and guiding the students towards a global goal. We propose a theory-of-mind-inspired methodology for training such a DM with reinforcement learning (RL), where a DM: (1) learns to predict how the players will react to its utterances using a dataset of D&D dialogue transcripts; and (2) uses this prediction as a reward function providing feedback on how effective these utterances are at guiding the players towards a goal. Human and automated evaluations show that a DM trained with RL to generate guidance by incorporating a theory-of-mind of the players significantly improves the players' ability to achieve goals grounded in their shared world.
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