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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Yggdrasil Decision Forests is a library for the training, serving and interpretation of decision forest models, targeted both at research and production work, implemented in C++, and available in C++, command line interface, Python (under the name TensorFlow Decision Forests), JavaScript, and Go. The library has been developed organically since 2018 following a set of four design principles applicable to machine learning libraries and frameworks: simplicity of use, safety of use, modularity and high-level abstraction, and integration with other machine learning libraries. In this paper, we describe those principles in detail and present how they have been used to guide the design of the library. We then showcase the use of our library on a set of classical machine learning problems. Finally, we report a benchmark comparing our library to related solutions.
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Because of their close relationship with humans, non-human apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans, and gibbons, including siamangs) are of great scientific interest. The goal of understanding their complex behavior would be greatly advanced by the ability to perform video-based pose tracking. Tracking, however, requires high-quality annotated datasets of ape photographs. Here we present OpenApePose, a new public dataset of 71,868 photographs, annotated with 16 body landmarks, of six ape species in naturalistic contexts. We show that a standard deep net (HRNet-W48) trained on ape photos can reliably track out-of-sample ape photos better than networks trained on monkeys (specifically, the OpenMonkeyPose dataset) and on humans (COCO) can. This trained network can track apes almost as well as the other networks can track their respective taxa, and models trained without one of the six ape species can track the held out species better than the monkey and human models can. Ultimately, the results of our analyses highlight the importance of large specialized databases for animal tracking systems and confirm the utility of our new ape database.
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PAC-Bayes has recently re-emerged as an effective theory with which one can derive principled learning algorithms with tight performance guarantees. However, applications of PAC-Bayes to bandit problems are relatively rare, which is a great misfortune. Many decision-making problems in healthcare, finance and natural sciences can be modelled as bandit problems. In many of these applications, principled algorithms with strong performance guarantees would be very much appreciated. This survey provides an overview of PAC-Bayes performance bounds for bandit problems and an experimental comparison of these bounds. Our experimental comparison has revealed that available PAC-Bayes upper bounds on the cumulative regret are loose, whereas available PAC-Bayes lower bounds on the expected reward can be surprisingly tight. We found that an offline contextual bandit algorithm that learns a policy by optimising a PAC-Bayes bound was able to learn randomised neural network polices with competitive expected reward and non-vacuous performance guarantees.
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Recent work in large language modeling (LLMs) has used fine-tuning to align outputs with the preferences of a prototypical user. This work assumes that human preferences are static and homogeneous across individuals, so that aligning to a a single "generic" user will confer more general alignment. Here, we embrace the heterogeneity of human preferences to consider a different challenge: how might a machine help people with diverse views find agreement? We fine-tune a 70 billion parameter LLM to generate statements that maximize the expected approval for a group of people with potentially diverse opinions. Human participants provide written opinions on thousands of questions touching on moral and political issues (e.g., "should we raise taxes on the rich?"), and rate the LLM's generated candidate consensus statements for agreement and quality. A reward model is then trained to predict individual preferences, enabling it to quantify and rank consensus statements in terms of their appeal to the overall group, defined according to different aggregation (social welfare) functions. The model produces consensus statements that are preferred by human users over those from prompted LLMs (>70%) and significantly outperforms a tight fine-tuned baseline that lacks the final ranking step. Further, our best model's consensus statements are preferred over the best human-generated opinions (>65%). We find that when we silently constructed consensus statements from only a subset of group members, those who were excluded were more likely to dissent, revealing the sensitivity of the consensus to individual contributions. These results highlight the potential to use LLMs to help groups of humans align their values with one another.
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Personal assistants, automatic speech recognizers and dialogue understanding systems are becoming more critical in our interconnected digital world. A clear example is air traffic control (ATC) communications. ATC aims at guiding aircraft and controlling the airspace in a safe and optimal manner. These voice-based dialogues are carried between an air traffic controller (ATCO) and pilots via very-high frequency radio channels. In order to incorporate these novel technologies into ATC (low-resource domain), large-scale annotated datasets are required to develop the data-driven AI systems. Two examples are automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language understanding (NLU). In this paper, we introduce the ATCO2 corpus, a dataset that aims at fostering research on the challenging ATC field, which has lagged behind due to lack of annotated data. The ATCO2 corpus covers 1) data collection and pre-processing, 2) pseudo-annotations of speech data, and 3) extraction of ATC-related named entities. The ATCO2 corpus is split into three subsets. 1) ATCO2-test-set corpus contains 4 hours of ATC speech with manual transcripts and a subset with gold annotations for named-entity recognition (callsign, command, value). 2) The ATCO2-PL-set corpus consists of 5281 hours of unlabeled ATC data enriched with automatic transcripts from an in-domain speech recognizer, contextual information, speaker turn information, signal-to-noise ratio estimate and English language detection score per sample. Both available for purchase through ELDA at http://catalog.elra.info/en-us/repository/browse/ELRA-S0484. 3) The ATCO2-test-set-1h corpus is a one-hour subset from the original test set corpus, that we are offering for free at https://www.atco2.org/data. We expect the ATCO2 corpus will foster research on robust ASR and NLU not only in the field of ATC communications but also in the general research community.
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Accent plays a significant role in speech communication, influencing understanding capabilities and also conveying a person's identity. This paper introduces a novel and efficient framework for accented Text-to-Speech (TTS) synthesis based on a Conditional Variational Autoencoder. It has the ability to synthesize a selected speaker's speech that is converted to any desired target accent. Our thorough experiments validate the effectiveness of our proposed framework using both objective and subjective evaluations. The results also show remarkable performance in terms of the ability to manipulate accents in the synthesized speech and provide a promising avenue for future accented TTS research.
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为了提倡研究基于深度学习的机器故障检测系统的研究,我们根据微小的声音数据集对拟议系统进行了案例研究。我们的案例研究调查了一个变异自动编码器(VAE),用于增强Valmet AB的小型钻头数据集。一个气门数据集包含134种声音,分为两类:从Valmet AB的一台钻机中记录的“异常”和“正常”,这是瑞典Sundsvall的一家公司,该公司为生物燃料的生产提供设备和流程。使用深度学习模型来检测如此小的声音数据集上的故障钻头通常没有成功。我们采用了VAE来通过合成原始声音的新声音来增加微小数据集中的声音数量。增强数据集是通过将这些合成的声音与原始声音相结合来创建的。我们使用了一个高通滤波器,其通带频率为1000 Hz和一个具有22 \ kern的Passband频率的低通滤波器0.16667EM000 Hz,以在增强数据集中的预处理声音中,然后将其转换为MEL频谱图。然后使用这些MEL频谱图对预训练的2D-CNN ALEXNET进行训练。与使用原始的小声音数据集进行训练预先训练的Alexnet时,使用增强声音数据集将CNN模型的分类结果提高了6.62 \%(94.12 \%(在增强数据集对87.5 \%训练的原始训练时,接受了87.5 \%)数据集)。
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随着数据的不断增加,将现代机器学习方法应用于建模和控制等领域的兴趣爆炸。但是,尽管这种黑盒模型具有灵活性和令人惊讶的准确性,但仍然很难信任它们。结合两种方法的最新努力旨在开发灵活的模型,这些模型仍然可以很好地推广。我们称为混合分析和建模(HAM)的范式。在这项工作中,我们调查了使用数据驱动模型纠正基于错误的物理模型的纠正源术语方法(COSTA)。这使我们能够开发出可以进行准确预测的模型,即使问题的基本物理学尚未得到充分理解。我们将Costa应用于铝电解电池中的Hall-H \'Eroult工艺。我们证明该方法提高了准确性和预测稳定性,从而产生了总体可信赖的模型。
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