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When annotators label data, a key metric for quality assurance is inter-annotator agreement (IAA): the extent to which annotators agree on their labels. Though many IAA measures exist for simple categorical and ordinal labeling tasks, relatively little work has considered more complex labeling tasks, such as structured, multi-object, and free-text annotations. Krippendorff's alpha, best known for use with simpler labeling tasks, does have a distance-based formulation with broader applicability, but little work has studied its efficacy and consistency across complex annotation tasks. We investigate the design and evaluation of IAA measures for complex annotation tasks, with evaluation spanning seven diverse tasks: image bounding boxes, image keypoints, text sequence tagging, ranked lists, free text translations, numeric vectors, and syntax trees. We identify the difficulty of interpretability and the complexity of choosing a distance function as key obstacles in applying Krippendorff's alpha generally across these tasks. We propose two novel, more interpretable measures, showing they yield more consistent IAA measures across tasks and annotation distance functions.
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The correct functioning of photovoltaic (PV) cells is critical to ensuring the optimal performance of a solar plant. Anomaly detection techniques for PV cells can result in significant cost savings in operation and maintenance (O&M). Recent research has focused on deep learning techniques for automatically detecting anomalies in Electroluminescence (EL) images. Automated anomaly annotations can improve current O&M methodologies and help develop decision-making systems to extend the life-cycle of the PV cells and predict failures. This paper addresses the lack of anomaly segmentation annotations in the literature by proposing a combination of state-of-the-art data-driven techniques to create a Golden Standard benchmark. The proposed method stands out for (1) its adaptability to new PV cell types, (2) cost-efficient fine-tuning, and (3) leverage public datasets to generate advanced annotations. The methodology has been validated in the annotation of a widely used dataset, obtaining a reduction of the annotation cost by 60%.
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The estimation of the generalization error of classifiers often relies on a validation set. Such a set is hardly available in few-shot learning scenarios, a highly disregarded shortcoming in the field. In these scenarios, it is common to rely on features extracted from pre-trained neural networks combined with distance-based classifiers such as nearest class mean. In this work, we introduce a Gaussian model of the feature distribution. By estimating the parameters of this model, we are able to predict the generalization error on new classification tasks with few samples. We observe that accurate distance estimates between class-conditional densities are the key to accurate estimates of the generalization performance. Therefore, we propose an unbiased estimator for these distances and integrate it in our numerical analysis. We show that our approach outperforms alternatives such as the leave-one-out cross-validation strategy in few-shot settings.
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Climate change is expected to aggravate wildfire activity through the exacerbation of fire weather. Improving our capabilities to anticipate wildfires on a global scale is of uttermost importance for mitigating their negative effects. In this work, we create a global fire dataset and demonstrate a prototype for predicting the presence of global burned areas on a sub-seasonal scale with the use of segmentation deep learning models. Particularly, we present an open-access global analysis-ready datacube, which contains a variety of variables related to the seasonal and sub-seasonal fire drivers (climate, vegetation, oceanic indices, human-related variables), as well as the historical burned areas and wildfire emissions for 2001-2021. We train a deep learning model, which treats global wildfire forecasting as an image segmentation task and skillfully predicts the presence of burned areas 8, 16, 32 and 64 days ahead of time. Our work motivates the use of deep learning for global burned area forecasting and paves the way towards improved anticipation of global wildfire patterns.
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Forecasting the state of vegetation in response to climate and weather events is a major challenge. Its implementation will prove crucial in predicting crop yield, forest damage, or more generally the impact on ecosystems services relevant for socio-economic functioning, which if absent can lead to humanitarian disasters. Vegetation status depends on weather and environmental conditions that modulate complex ecological processes taking place at several timescales. Interactions between vegetation and different environmental drivers express responses at instantaneous but also time-lagged effects, often showing an emerging spatial context at landscape and regional scales. We formulate the land surface forecasting task as a strongly guided video prediction task where the objective is to forecast the vegetation developing at very fine resolution using topography and weather variables to guide the prediction. We use a Convolutional LSTM (ConvLSTM) architecture to address this task and predict changes in the vegetation state in Africa using Sentinel-2 satellite NDVI, having ERA5 weather reanalysis, SMAP satellite measurements, and topography (DEM of SRTMv4.1) as variables to guide the prediction. Ours results highlight how ConvLSTM models can not only forecast the seasonal evolution of NDVI at high resolution, but also the differential impacts of weather anomalies over the baselines. The model is able to predict different vegetation types, even those with very high NDVI variability during target length, which is promising to support anticipatory actions in the context of drought-related disasters.
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众所周知,深厚的强化学习者是效率低下的样本,这大大限制了其在现实世界中的应用。最近,已经设计了许多基于模型的方法来解决这个问题,以了解世界模型是最突出的方法之一。但是,尽管与模拟环境的几乎无限互动听起来很吸引人,但世界模型必须在较长时间内准确。在序列建模任务中变形金刚的成功的动机,我们介绍了Iris,这是一种数据效率的代理,它在由离散自动编码器和自动回归变压器组成的世界模型中学习。在Atari 100k基准中,艾里斯(Iris)的平均正常化得分为1.046,而在26场比赛中的10场比赛中,艾里斯(Iris)的平均正常化得分为1.046。我们的方法为无需lookahead搜索的方法设定了新的技术状态,甚至超过了Muzero。为了培养有关变压器和世界模型的未来研究,用于样品有效的增强学习,我们在上发布了代码库。
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我们介绍了仇恨言论推文的Hateval语料库(Basile等,2019年)的丰富,旨在促进自动化的反叙事一代。与以前的工作相比(Chung etal。2019),手动书面反叙事与推文有关。但是,仅此信息似乎不足以获得反叙事生成的令人满意的语言模型。这就是为什么我们还根据Wagemanns(2016)提供了带有争论性信息的注释推文,我们认为可以帮助建立令人信服和有效的反叙事,以针对特定群体进行仇恨言论。我们讨论了这种注释过程的充分和困难,并提出了几个基线以自动检测带注释的元素。初步结果表明,自动注释者会靠近人类注释者来检测论证的某些方面,而其他人仅达到低或中等水平的通知者一致性。
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