3D点云的卷积经过广泛研究,但在几何深度学习中却远非完美。卷积的传统智慧在3D点之间表现出特征对应关系,这是对差的独特特征学习的内在限制。在本文中,我们提出了自适应图卷积(AGCONV),以供点云分析的广泛应用。 AGCONV根据其动态学习的功能生成自适应核。与使用固定/各向同性核的解决方案相比,AGCONV提高了点云卷积的灵活性,有效,精确地捕获了不同语义部位的点之间的不同关系。与流行的注意力体重方案不同,AGCONV实现了卷积操作内部的适应性,而不是简单地将不同的权重分配给相邻点。广泛的评估清楚地表明,我们的方法优于各种基准数据集中的点云分类和分割的最新方法。同时,AGCONV可以灵活地采用更多的点云分析方法来提高其性能。为了验证其灵活性和有效性,我们探索了基于AGCONV的完成,DeNoing,Upsmpling,注册和圆圈提取的范式,它们与竞争对手相当甚至优越。我们的代码可在https://github.com/hrzhou2/adaptconv-master上找到。
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Single-channel deep speech enhancement approaches often estimate a single multiplicative mask to extract clean speech without a measure of its accuracy. Instead, in this work, we propose to quantify the uncertainty associated with clean speech estimates in neural network-based speech enhancement. Predictive uncertainty is typically categorized into aleatoric uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty. The former accounts for the inherent uncertainty in data and the latter corresponds to the model uncertainty. Aiming for robust clean speech estimation and efficient predictive uncertainty quantification, we propose to integrate statistical complex Gaussian mixture models (CGMMs) into a deep speech enhancement framework. More specifically, we model the dependency between input and output stochastically by means of a conditional probability density and train a neural network to map the noisy input to the full posterior distribution of clean speech, modeled as a mixture of multiple complex Gaussian components. Experimental results on different datasets show that the proposed algorithm effectively captures predictive uncertainty and that combining powerful statistical models and deep learning also delivers a superior speech enhancement performance.
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神经辐射场(NERF)最近在新型视图合成中取得了令人印象深刻的结果。但是,以前的NERF作品主要关注以对象为中心的方案。在这项工作中,我们提出了360ROAM,这是一种新颖的场景级NERF系统,可以实时合成大型室内场景的图像并支持VR漫游。我们的系统首先从多个输入$ 360^\ circ $图像构建全向神经辐射场360NERF。然后,我们逐步估算一个3D概率的占用图,该概率占用图代表了空间密度形式的场景几何形状。跳过空的空间和上采样占据的体素本质上可以使我们通过以几何学意识的方式使用360NERF加速量渲染。此外,我们使用自适应划分和扭曲策略来减少和调整辐射场,以进一步改进。从占用地图中提取的场景的平面图可以为射线采样提供指导,并促进现实的漫游体验。为了显示我们系统的功效,我们在各种场景中收集了$ 360^\ Circ $图像数据集并进行广泛的实验。基线之间的定量和定性比较说明了我们在复杂室内场景的新型视图合成中的主要表现。
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Video action segmentation aims to slice the video into several action segments. Recently, timestamp supervision has received much attention due to lower annotation costs. We find the frames near the boundaries of action segments are in the transition region between two consecutive actions and have unclear semantics, which we call ambiguous intervals. Most existing methods iteratively generate pseudo-labels for all frames in each video to train the segmentation model. However, ambiguous intervals are more likely to be assigned with noisy and incorrect pseudo-labels, which leads to performance degradation. We propose a novel framework to train the model under timestamp supervision including the following two parts. First, pseudo-label ensembling generates pseudo-label sequences with ambiguous intervals, where the frames have no pseudo-labels. Second, iterative clustering iteratively propagates the pseudo-labels to the ambiguous intervals by clustering, and thus updates the pseudo-label sequences to train the model. We further introduce a clustering loss, which encourages the features of frames within the same action segment more compact. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our method.
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are sensitive and susceptible to tiny perturbation by adversarial attacks which causes erroneous predictions. Various methods, including adversarial defense and uncertainty inference (UI), have been developed in recent years to overcome the adversarial attacks. In this paper, we propose a multi-head uncertainty inference (MH-UI) framework for detecting adversarial attack examples. We adopt a multi-head architecture with multiple prediction heads (i.e., classifiers) to obtain predictions from different depths in the DNNs and introduce shallow information for the UI. Using independent heads at different depths, the normalized predictions are assumed to follow the same Dirichlet distribution, and we estimate distribution parameter of it by moment matching. Cognitive uncertainty brought by the adversarial attacks will be reflected and amplified on the distribution. Experimental results show that the proposed MH-UI framework can outperform all the referred UI methods in the adversarial attack detection task with different settings.
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We present Pre-trained Machine Reader (PMR), a novel method to retrofit Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) into Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) models without acquiring labeled data. PMR is capable of resolving the discrepancy between model pre-training and downstream fine-tuning of existing PLMs, and provides a unified solver for tackling various extraction tasks. To achieve this, we construct a large volume of general-purpose and high-quality MRC-style training data with the help of Wikipedia hyperlinks and design a Wiki Anchor Extraction task to guide the MRC-style pre-training process. Although conceptually simple, PMR is particularly effective in solving extraction tasks including Extractive Question Answering and Named Entity Recognition, where it shows tremendous improvements over previous approaches especially under low-resource settings. Moreover, viewing sequence classification task as a special case of extraction task in our MRC formulation, PMR is even capable to extract high-quality rationales to explain the classification process, providing more explainability of the predictions.
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The opaqueness of the multi-hop fact verification model imposes imperative requirements for explainability. One feasible way is to extract rationales, a subset of inputs, where the performance of prediction drops dramatically when being removed. Though being explainable, most rationale extraction methods for multi-hop fact verification explore the semantic information within each piece of evidence individually, while ignoring the topological information interaction among different pieces of evidence. Intuitively, a faithful rationale bears complementary information being able to extract other rationales through the multi-hop reasoning process. To tackle such disadvantages, we cast explainable multi-hop fact verification as subgraph extraction, which can be solved based on graph convolutional network (GCN) with salience-aware graph learning. In specific, GCN is utilized to incorporate the topological interaction information among multiple pieces of evidence for learning evidence representation. Meanwhile, to alleviate the influence of noisy evidence, the salience-aware graph perturbation is induced into the message passing of GCN. Moreover, the multi-task model with three diagnostic properties of rationale is elaborately designed to improve the quality of an explanation without any explicit annotations. Experimental results on the FEVEROUS benchmark show significant gains over previous state-of-the-art methods for both rationale extraction and fact verification.
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We present a simple yet effective end-to-end Video-language Pre-training (VidLP) framework, Masked Contrastive Video-language Pretraining (MAC), for video-text retrieval tasks. Our MAC aims to reduce video representation's spatial and temporal redundancy in the VidLP model by a mask sampling mechanism to improve pre-training efficiency. Comparing conventional temporal sparse sampling, we propose to randomly mask a high ratio of spatial regions and only feed visible regions into the encoder as sparse spatial sampling. Similarly, we adopt the mask sampling technique for text inputs for consistency. Instead of blindly applying the mask-then-prediction paradigm from MAE, we propose a masked-then-alignment paradigm for efficient video-text alignment. The motivation is that video-text retrieval tasks rely on high-level alignment rather than low-level reconstruction, and multimodal alignment with masked modeling encourages the model to learn a robust and general multimodal representation from incomplete and unstable inputs. Coupling these designs enables efficient end-to-end pre-training: reduce FLOPs (60% off), accelerate pre-training (by 3x), and improve performance. Our MAC achieves state-of-the-art results on various video-text retrieval datasets, including MSR-VTT, DiDeMo, and ActivityNet. Our approach is omnivorous to input modalities. With minimal modifications, we achieve competitive results on image-text retrieval tasks.
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Recently, Vehicle-to-Everything(V2X) cooperative perception has attracted increasing attention. Infrastructure sensors play a critical role in this research field, however, how to find the optimal placement of infrastructure sensors is rarely studied. In this paper, we investigate the problem of infrastructure sensor placement and propose a pipeline that can efficiently and effectively find optimal installation positions for infrastructure sensors in a realistic simulated environment. To better simulate and evaluate LiDAR placement, we establish a Realistic LiDAR Simulation library that can simulate the unique characteristics of different popular LiDARs and produce high-fidelity LiDAR point clouds in the CARLA simulator. Through simulating point cloud data in different LiDAR placements, we can evaluate the perception accuracy of these placements using multiple detection models. Then, we analyze the correlation between the point cloud distribution and perception accuracy by calculating the density and uniformity of regions of interest. Experiments show that the placement of infrastructure LiDAR can heavily affect the accuracy of perception. We also analyze the correlation between perception performance in the region of interest and LiDAR point cloud distribution and validate that density and uniformity can be indicators of performance.
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