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Persuasion modeling is a key building block for conversational agents. Existing works in this direction are limited to analyzing textual dialogue corpus. We argue that visual signals also play an important role in understanding human persuasive behaviors. In this paper, we introduce the first multimodal dataset for modeling persuasion behaviors. Our dataset includes 199 dialogue transcriptions and videos captured in a multi-player social deduction game setting, 26,647 utterance level annotations of persuasion strategy, and game level annotations of deduction game outcomes. We provide extensive experiments to show how dialogue context and visual signals benefit persuasion strategy prediction. We also explore the generalization ability of language models for persuasion modeling and the role of persuasion strategies in predicting social deduction game outcomes. Our dataset, code, and models can be found at https://persuasion-deductiongame.socialai-data.org.
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Generating a chain of thought (CoT) can increase large language model (LLM) performance on a wide range of tasks. Zero-shot CoT evaluations, however, have been conducted primarily on logical tasks (e.g. arithmetic, commonsense QA). In this paper, we perform a controlled evaluation of zero-shot CoT across two sensitive domains: harmful questions and stereotype benchmarks. We find that using zero-shot CoT reasoning in a prompt can significantly increase a model's likelihood to produce undesirable output. Without future advances in alignment or explicit mitigation instructions, zero-shot CoT should be avoided on tasks where models can make inferences about marginalized groups or harmful topics.
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In recent years, the number of parameters of one deep learning (DL) model has been growing much faster than the growth of GPU memory space. People who are inaccessible to a large number of GPUs resort to heterogeneous training systems for storing model parameters in CPU memory. Existing heterogeneous systems are based on parallelization plans in the scope of the whole model. They apply a consistent parallel training method for all the operators in the computation. Therefore, engineers need to pay a huge effort to incorporate a new type of model parallelism and patch its compatibility with other parallelisms. For example, Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) is still incompatible with ZeRO-3 in Deepspeed. Also, current systems face efficiency problems on small scale, since they are designed and tuned for large-scale training. In this paper, we propose Elixir, a new parallel heterogeneous training system, which is designed for efficiency and flexibility. Elixir utilizes memory resources and computing resources of both GPU and CPU. For flexibility, Elixir generates parallelization plans in the granularity of operators. Any new type of model parallelism can be incorporated by assigning a parallel pattern to the operator. For efficiency, Elixir implements a hierarchical distributed memory management scheme to accelerate inter-GPU communications and CPU-GPU data transmissions. As a result, Elixir can train a 30B OPT model on an A100 with 40GB CUDA memory, meanwhile reaching 84% efficiency of Pytorch GPU training. With its super-linear scalability, the training efficiency becomes the same as Pytorch GPU training on multiple GPUs. Also, large MoE models can be trained 5.3x faster than dense models of the same size. Now Elixir is integrated into ColossalAI and is available on its main branch.
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In the presence of noisy labels, designing robust loss functions is critical for securing the generalization performance of deep neural networks. Cross Entropy (CE) loss has been shown to be not robust to noisy labels due to its unboundedness. To alleviate this issue, existing works typically design specialized robust losses with the symmetric condition, which usually lead to the underfitting issue. In this paper, our key idea is to induce a loss bound at the logit level, thus universally enhancing the noise robustness of existing losses. Specifically, we propose logit clipping (LogitClip), which clamps the norm of the logit vector to ensure that it is upper bounded by a constant. In this manner, CE loss equipped with our LogitClip method is effectively bounded, mitigating the overfitting to examples with noisy labels. Moreover, we present theoretical analyses to certify the noise-tolerant ability of LogitClip. Extensive experiments show that LogitClip not only significantly improves the noise robustness of CE loss, but also broadly enhances the generalization performance of popular robust losses.
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图像目标导航是一项具有挑战性的任务,因为它要求代理必须导航到以前看不见的场景中图像指示的目标。当前方法介绍了各种存储机制,这些记忆机制可以保存导航历史记录以解决此任务。但是,这些方法使用内存中的所有观察值来生成导航操作,而无需考虑该内存的哪一部分是有益的。为了解决这一限制,我们提出了Memonav,这是一种用于图像目标导航的新型内存机制,该机制保留了代理商的短期记忆和长期记忆,以改善多进球任务上的导航性能。代理拓扑图上的节点功能存储在短期内存中,因为这些功能已动态更新。为了帮助短期记忆,我们还通过通过图形注意模块连续汇总短期内存来生成长期记忆。 MEMONAV通过基于变压器解码器的遗忘模块保留短期内存的信息部分,然后将此保留的短期内存和长期内存结合到工作内存中。最后,代理使用工作内存进行动作生成。我们在新的多进球导航数据集上评估了我们的模型。实验结果表明,MEMONAV的表现优于SOTA方法,而导航历史悠久的比例较小。从经验上看,结果还表明,我们的模型不太可能被困在僵局中,这进一步验证了Memonav通过减少冗余步骤来提高代理商的导航效率。
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Class-incremental learning (CIL) learns a classification model with training data of different classes arising progressively. Existing CIL either suffers from serious accuracy loss due to catastrophic forgetting, or invades data privacy by revisiting used exemplars. Inspired by linear learning formulations, we propose an analytic class-incremental learning (ACIL) with absolute memorization of past knowledge while avoiding breaching of data privacy (i.e., without storing historical data). The absolute memorization is demonstrated in the sense that class-incremental learning using ACIL given present data would give identical results to that from its joint-learning counterpart which consumes both present and historical samples. This equality is theoretically validated. Data privacy is ensured since no historical data are involved during the learning process. Empirical validations demonstrate ACIL's competitive accuracy performance with near-identical results for various incremental task settings (e.g., 5-50 phases). This also allows ACIL to outperform the state-of-the-art methods for large-phase scenarios (e.g., 25 and 50 phases).
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