As an effective method to deliver external materials into biological cells, microinjection has been widely applied in the biomedical field. However, the cognition of cell mechanical property is still inadequate, which greatly limits the efficiency and success rate of injection. Thus, a new rate-dependent mechanical model based on membrane theory is proposed for the first time. In this model, an analytical equilibrium equation between the injection force and cell deformation is established by considering the speed effect of microinjection. Different from the traditional membrane-theory-based model, the elastic coefficient of the constitutive material in the proposed model is modified as a function of the injection velocity and acceleration, effectively simulating the influence of speeds on the mechanical responses and providing a more generalized and practical model. Using this model, other mechanical responses at different speeds can be also accurately predicted, including the distribution of membrane tension and stress and the deformed shape. To verify the validity of the model, numerical simulations and experiments are carried out. The results show that the proposed model can match the real mechanical responses well at different injection speeds.
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人类视频运动转移(HVMT)的目的是鉴于源头的形象,生成了模仿驾驶人员运动的视频。 HVMT的现有方法主要利用生成对抗网络(GAN),以根据根据源人员图像和每个驾驶视频框架估计的流量来执行翘曲操作。但是,由于源头,量表和驾驶人员之间的巨大差异,这些方法始终会产生明显的人工制品。为了克服这些挑战,本文提出了基于gan的新型人类运动转移(远程移动)框架。为了产生逼真的动作,远遥采用了渐进的一代范式:它首先在没有基于流动的翘曲的情况下生成每个身体的零件,然后将所有零件变成驾驶运动的完整人。此外,为了保留自然的全球外观,我们设计了一个全球对齐模块,以根据其布局与驾驶员的规模和位置保持一致。此外,我们提出了一个纹理对准模块,以使人的每个部分都根据纹理的相似性对齐。最后,通过广泛的定量和定性实验,我们的远及以两个公共基准取得了最先进的结果。
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重新安排任务已被确定为智能机器人操纵的关键挑战,但是很少有方法可以精确构造看不见的结构。我们为挑选重排操作提供了视觉远见模型,该模型能够有效地学习。此外,我们开发了一个多模式的动作提案模块,该模块建立在目标条件转运者网络上,这是一种最新的模仿学习方法。我们基于图像的任务计划方法,具有视觉前瞻性的转运蛋白,只能从少数数据中学习,并以零拍的方式推广到多个看不见的任务。 TVF能够提高对模拟和真实机器人实验中看不见的任务的最先进模仿学习方法的性能。特别是,在模拟实验中,看不见的任务的平均成功率从55.4%提高到78.5%,而在实际机器人实验中,只有数十次专家示范。视频和代码可在我们的项目网站上找到:
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长期以来,PATH规划一直是机器人技术的主要研究领域之一,PRM和RRT是最有效的计划者之一。尽管通常非常有效,但这些基于抽样的计划者在“狭窄通道”的重要情况下可能会变得昂贵。本文开发了专门为狭窄通道问题制定的路径规划范例。核心是基于计划由椭圆形工会封装的刚体机器人的计划。每个环境特征都使用具有$ \ Mathcal {C}^1 $边界的严格凸面来表示几何(例如,超级方面)。这样做的主要好处是,配置空间障碍物可以以封闭形式明确地进行参数化,从而可以使用先验知识来避免采样不可行的配置。然后,通过表征针对多个椭圆形的紧密体积,可以保证涉及旋转的机器人过渡无碰撞,而无需执行传统的碰撞检测。此外,通过与随机抽样策略结合使用,可以将提出的计划框架扩展到解决较高的维度问题,在该问题中,机器人具有移动的基础和铰接的附属物。基准结果表明,所提出的框架通常优于基于采样的计划者的计算时间和成功率,在找到单身机器人和具有较高维度配置空间的狭窄走廊的路径方面。使用建议的框架进行了物理实验,在人形机器人中进一步证明,该机器人在几个混乱的环境中行走,通道狭窄。
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The detection of human body and its related parts (e.g., face, head or hands) have been intensively studied and greatly improved since the breakthrough of deep CNNs. However, most of these detectors are trained independently, making it a challenging task to associate detected body parts with people. This paper focuses on the problem of joint detection of human body and its corresponding parts. Specifically, we propose a novel extended object representation that integrates the center location offsets of body or its parts, and construct a dense single-stage anchor-based Body-Part Joint Detector (BPJDet). Body-part associations in BPJDet are embedded into the unified representation which contains both the semantic and geometric information. Therefore, BPJDet does not suffer from error-prone association post-matching, and has a better accuracy-speed trade-off. Furthermore, BPJDet can be seamlessly generalized to jointly detect any body part. To verify the effectiveness and superiority of our method, we conduct extensive experiments on the CityPersons, CrowdHuman and BodyHands datasets. The proposed BPJDet detector achieves state-of-the-art association performance on these three benchmarks while maintains high accuracy of detection. Code will be released to facilitate further studies.
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Most recent head pose estimation (HPE) methods are dominated by the Euler angle representation. To avoid its inherent ambiguity problem of rotation labels, alternative quaternion-based and vector-based representations are introduced. However, they both are not visually intuitive, and often derived from equivocal Euler angle labels. In this paper, we present a novel single-stage keypoint-based method via an {\it intuitive} and {\it unconstrained} 2D cube representation for joint head detection and pose estimation. The 2D cube is an orthogonal projection of the 3D regular hexahedron label roughly surrounding one head, and itself contains the head location. It can reflect the head orientation straightforwardly and unambiguously in any rotation angle. Unlike the general 6-DoF object pose estimation, our 2D cube ignores the 3-DoF of head size but retains the 3-DoF of head pose. Based on the prior of equal side length, we can effortlessly obtain the closed-form solution of Euler angles from predicted 2D head cube instead of applying the error-prone PnP algorithm. In experiments, our proposed method achieves comparable results with other representative methods on the public AFLW2000 and BIWI datasets. Besides, a novel test on the CMU panoptic dataset shows that our method can be seamlessly adapted to the unconstrained full-view HPE task without modification.
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Scene text editing (STE) aims to replace text with the desired one while preserving background and styles of the original text. However, due to the complicated background textures and various text styles, existing methods fall short in generating clear and legible edited text images. In this study, we attribute the poor editing performance to two problems: 1) Implicit decoupling structure. Previous methods of editing the whole image have to learn different translation rules of background and text regions simultaneously. 2) Domain gap. Due to the lack of edited real scene text images, the network can only be well trained on synthetic pairs and performs poorly on real-world images. To handle the above problems, we propose a novel network by MOdifying Scene Text image at strokE Level (MOSTEL). Firstly, we generate stroke guidance maps to explicitly indicate regions to be edited. Different from the implicit one by directly modifying all the pixels at image level, such explicit instructions filter out the distractions from background and guide the network to focus on editing rules of text regions. Secondly, we propose a Semi-supervised Hybrid Learning to train the network with both labeled synthetic images and unpaired real scene text images. Thus, the STE model is adapted to real-world datasets distributions. Moreover, two new datasets (Tamper-Syn2k and Tamper-Scene) are proposed to fill the blank of public evaluation datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our MOSTEL outperforms previous methods both qualitatively and quantitatively. Datasets and code will be available at
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Scene text spotting is of great importance to the computer vision community due to its wide variety of applications. Recent methods attempt to introduce linguistic knowledge for challenging recognition rather than pure visual classification. However, how to effectively model the linguistic rules in end-to-end deep networks remains a research challenge. In this paper, we argue that the limited capacity of language models comes from 1) implicit language modeling; 2) unidirectional feature representation; and 3) language model with noise input. Correspondingly, we propose an autonomous, bidirectional and iterative ABINet++ for scene text spotting. Firstly, the autonomous suggests enforcing explicitly language modeling by decoupling the recognizer into vision model and language model and blocking gradient flow between both models. Secondly, a novel bidirectional cloze network (BCN) as the language model is proposed based on bidirectional feature representation. Thirdly, we propose an execution manner of iterative correction for the language model which can effectively alleviate the impact of noise input. Finally, to polish ABINet++ in long text recognition, we propose to aggregate horizontal features by embedding Transformer units inside a U-Net, and design a position and content attention module which integrates character order and content to attend to character features precisely. ABINet++ achieves state-of-the-art performance on both scene text recognition and scene text spotting benchmarks, which consistently demonstrates the superiority of our method in various environments especially on low-quality images. Besides, extensive experiments including in English and Chinese also prove that, a text spotter that incorporates our language modeling method can significantly improve its performance both in accuracy and speed compared with commonly used attention-based recognizers.
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Each student matters, but it is hardly for instructors to observe all the students during the courses and provide helps to the needed ones immediately. In this paper, we present StuArt, a novel automatic system designed for the individualized classroom observation, which empowers instructors to concern the learning status of each student. StuArt can recognize five representative student behaviors (hand-raising, standing, sleeping, yawning, and smiling) that are highly related to the engagement and track their variation trends during the course. To protect the privacy of students, all the variation trends are indexed by the seat numbers without any personal identification information. Furthermore, StuArt adopts various user-friendly visualization designs to help instructors quickly understand the individual and whole learning status. Experimental results on real classroom videos have demonstrated the superiority and robustness of the embedded algorithms. We expect our system promoting the development of large-scale individualized guidance of students.
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Domain adaptive object detection (DAOD) aims to alleviate transfer performance degradation caused by the cross-domain discrepancy. However, most existing DAOD methods are dominated by computationally intensive two-stage detectors, which are not the first choice for industrial applications. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised domain adaptive YOLO (SSDA-YOLO) based method to improve cross-domain detection performance by integrating the compact one-stage detector YOLOv5 with domain adaptation. Specifically, we adapt the knowledge distillation framework with the Mean Teacher model to assist the student model in obtaining instance-level features of the unlabeled target domain. We also utilize the scene style transfer to cross-generate pseudo images in different domains for remedying image-level differences. In addition, an intuitive consistency loss is proposed to further align cross-domain predictions. We evaluate our proposed SSDA-YOLO on public benchmarks including PascalVOC, Clipart1k, Cityscapes, and Foggy Cityscapes. Moreover, to verify its generalization, we conduct experiments on yawning detection datasets collected from various classrooms. The results show considerable improvements of our method in these DAOD tasks. Our code is available on \url{}.
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