Pre-trained models have achieved remarkable success in natural language processing (NLP). However, existing pre-training methods underutilize the benefits of language understanding for generation. Inspired by the idea of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), we propose a GAN-style model for encoder-decoder pre-training by introducing an auxiliary discriminator, unifying the ability of language understanding and generation in a single model. Our model, named as GanLM, is trained with two pre-training objectives: replaced token detection and replaced token denoising. Specifically, given masked source sentences, the generator outputs the target distribution and the discriminator predicts whether the target sampled tokens from distribution are incorrect. The target sentence is replaced with misclassified tokens to construct noisy previous context, which is used to generate the gold sentence. In general, both tasks improve the ability of language understanding and generation by selectively using the denoising data. Extensive experiments in language generation benchmarks show that GanLM with the powerful language understanding capability outperforms various strong pre-trained language models (PLMs) and achieves state-of-the-art performance.
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Despite the current success of multilingual pre-training, most prior works focus on leveraging monolingual data or bilingual parallel data and overlooked the value of trilingual parallel data. This paper presents \textbf{Tri}angular Document-level \textbf{P}re-training (\textbf{TRIP}), which is the first in the field to extend the conventional monolingual and bilingual pre-training to a trilingual setting by (i) \textbf{Grafting} the same documents in two languages into one mixed document, and (ii) predicting the remaining one language as the reference translation. Our experiments on document-level MT and cross-lingual abstractive summarization show that TRIP brings by up to 3.65 d-BLEU points and 6.2 ROUGE-L points on three multilingual document-level machine translation benchmarks and one cross-lingual abstractive summarization benchmark, including multiple strong state-of-the-art (SOTA) scores. In-depth analysis indicates that TRIP improves document-level machine translation and captures better document contexts in at least three characteristics: (i) tense consistency, (ii) noun consistency and (iii) conjunction presence.
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Multimodal Machine Translation (MMT) focuses on enhancing text-only translation with visual features, which has attracted considerable attention from both natural language processing and computer vision communities. Recent advances still struggle to train a separate model for each language pair, which is costly and unaffordable when the number of languages increases in the real world. In other words, the multilingual multimodal machine translation (Multilingual MMT) task has not been investigated, which aims to handle the aforementioned issues by providing a shared semantic space for multiple languages. Besides, the image modality has no language boundaries, which is superior to bridging the semantic gap between languages. To this end, we first propose the Multilingual MMT task by establishing two new Multilingual MMT benchmark datasets covering seven languages. Then, an effective baseline LVP-M3 using visual prompts is proposed to support translations between different languages, which includes three stages (token encoding, language-aware visual prompt generation, and language translation). Extensive experimental results on our constructed benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of LVP-M3 method for Multilingual MMT.
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多语言机器翻译已被证明是一种有效的策略,可以用单个模型在多种语言之间进行翻译。但是,大多数研究都集中在多语言句子翻译上,而无需考虑跨不同语言生成长文档,这需要了解多语言上下文依赖性,并且通常更难。在本文中,我们首先是天真地纳入辅助多语言数据的辅助目标或源辅助数据对我们感兴趣的源目标对没有任何改进。在这一观察过程中,我们提出了一个名为多语言传递性(MTRAN)的新型框架,以在多语言模型中通过源辅助目标找到一个隐式的最佳途径。为了鼓励MTRANS,我们提出了一种称为三重平行数据(TPD)的新方法,该方法使用包含(源 - 载体,辅助目标和源目标)的平行三重线进行训练。然后,辅助语言充当枢轴,并自动促进隐式信息过渡流,从而更容易翻译。我们进一步提出了一个名为“双向多语言协议”(BI-Magree)的新颖框架,该框架鼓励不同语言之间的双向协议。为了鼓励Bi-Magree,我们提出了一种称为多语言Kullback-Leibler Divergence(MKL)的新颖方法,该方法迫使输入的输出分布具有相同的含义,但以不同的语言彼此一致。实验结果表明,我们的方法对三个文档翻译任务的强大基准进行了一致的改进:IWSLT2015 ZH-EN,DE-EN和VI-EN。我们的分析验证了MTRAN和BI-MAGREE的实用性和存在,我们的框架和方法对合成辅助数据有效。
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本报告介绍了在大型多语种计算机翻译中为WMT21共享任务的Microsoft的机器翻译系统。我们参加了所有三种评估轨道,包括大轨道和两个小轨道,前者是无约束的,后两者完全受约束。我们的模型提交到共享任务的初始化用deltalm \脚注{\ url {}},一个通用的预训练的多语言编码器 - 解码器模型,并相应地使用巨大的收集并行进行微调数据和允许的数据源根据轨道设置,以及应用逐步学习和迭代背翻译方法进一步提高性能。我们的最终提交在自动评估度量方面排名第一的三条轨道。
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With an increasing amount of data in the art world, discovering artists and artworks suitable to collectors' tastes becomes a challenge. It is no longer enough to use visual information, as contextual information about the artist has become just as important in contemporary art. In this work, we present a generic Natural Language Processing framework (called ArtLM) to discover the connections among contemporary artists based on their biographies. In this approach, we first continue to pre-train the existing general English language models with a large amount of unlabelled art-related data. We then fine-tune this new pre-trained model with our biography pair dataset manually annotated by a team of professionals in the art industry. With extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our ArtLM achieves 85.6% accuracy and 84.0% F1 score and outperforms other baseline models. We also provide a visualisation and a qualitative analysis of the artist network built from ArtLM's outputs.
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