Recent work reported the label alignment property in a supervised learning setting: the vector of all labels in the dataset is mostly in the span of the top few singular vectors of the data matrix. Inspired by this observation, we derive a regularization method for unsupervised domain adaptation. Instead of regularizing representation learning as done by popular domain adaptation methods, we regularize the classifier so that the target domain predictions can to some extent ``align" with the top singular vectors of the unsupervised data matrix from the target domain. In a linear regression setting, we theoretically justify the label alignment property and characterize the optimality of the solution of our regularization by bounding its distance to the optimal solution. We conduct experiments to show that our method can work well on the label shift problems, where classic domain adaptation methods are known to fail. We also report mild improvement over domain adaptation baselines on a set of commonly seen MNIST-USPS domain adaptation tasks and on cross-lingual sentiment analysis tasks.
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现代机器学习系统在大型数据集中培训时取得了巨大的成功。但是,这些数据集通常包含敏感信息(例如医疗记录,面部图像),导致严重的隐私问题。差异化私有生成模型(DPGM)通过生成私有化的敏感数据来避免此类隐私问题的解决方案。与其他差异私人(DP)学习者类似,DPGM的主要挑战也是如何在效用和隐私之间取得微妙的平衡。我们提出了DP $^2 $ -VAE,这是一种具有可证明的DP保证的变性自动编码器(VAE)的新型培训机制,并通过\ emph {pre-emph {pre-emph {prec-emph {pret-emph {pret-training}。在相同的DP约束下,DP $^2 $ -VAE最大程度地减少了训练过程中的扰动噪声,从而改善了实用性。 DP $^2 $ -VAE非常灵活,并且对许多其他VAE变体都很容易适应。从理论上讲,我们研究了预训练对私人数据的影响。从经验上讲,我们在图像数据集上进行了广泛的实验,以说明我们在各种隐私预算和评估指标下对基准的优越性。
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做出强大的预测是一个重要的挑战。联邦学习(FL)中的一个单独挑战是减少交流回合的数量,尤其是因为这样做会降低异质数据设置的性能。为了解决这两个问题,我们对学习全球模型的问题有贝叶斯的看法。我们展示了如何使用客户预测性后代近似全局预测后验。这与其他作品不同,该作品将局部模型空间后代汇总到全局模型空间后部,并且由于后部的高维多模式性质而易受高近似误差的影响。相比之下,我们的方法对预测后期进行了聚集,由于输出空间的低维度,通常更容易近似。我们基于此想法提出了一种算法,该算法在每个客户端对MCMC采样进行了进行估计,然后在一轮中汇总它们以获得全局合奏模型。通过对多个分类和回归任务的经验评估,我们表明,尽管使用了一轮通信,但该方法与其他FL技术具有竞争力,并且在异质环境上的表现优于它们。该代码可在 round上公开获得。
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VirtualCube系统是一个尝试克服传统技术的一些限制的3D视频会议系统。关键的成分是VirtualCube,一种用RGBD摄像机录制的现实世界隔间的抽象表示,用于捕获用户的3D几何和纹理。我们设计VirtualCube,以便数据捕获的任务是标准化和显着简化的,并且所有内容都可以使用现成的硬件构建。我们将VirtualCubes用作虚拟会议环境的基本构建块,我们为每个VirtualCube用户提供一个周围的显示,显示远程参与者的寿命型视频。为了实现远程参与者的实时渲染,我们开发了V-Cube视图算法,它使用多视图立体声进行更精确的深度估计和Lumi-Net渲染,以便更好地渲染质量。 VirtualCube系统正确保留了参与者之间的相互眼睛凝视,使他们能够建立目光接触并意识到谁在视觉上关注它们。该系统还允许参与者与远程参与者具有侧面讨论,就像他们在同一个房间一样。最后,系统揭示了如何支持如何支持工作项的共享空间(例如,文档和应用程序),并跟踪参与者的视觉注意工作项目。
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分发概括是将模型从实验室转移到现实世界时的关键挑战之一。现有努力主要侧重于源和目标域之间建立不变的功能。基于不变的功能,源域上的高性能分类可以在目标域上同样良好。换句话说,不变的功能是\ emph {transcorable}。然而,在实践中,没有完全可转换的功能,并且一些算法似乎学习比其他算法更学习“更可转移”的特征。我们如何理解和量化此类\ EMPH {可转录性}?在本文中,我们正式定义了一种可以量化和计算域泛化的可转换性。我们指出了与域之间的常见差异措施的差异和连接,例如总变化和Wassersein距离。然后,我们证明我们可以使用足够的样本估计我们的可转换性,并根据我们的可转移提供目标误差的新上限。经验上,我们评估现有算法学习的特征嵌入的可转换性,以获得域泛化。令人惊讶的是,我们发现许多算法并不完全学习可转让的功能,尽管很少有人仍然可以生存。鉴于此,我们提出了一种用于学习可转移功能的新算法,并在各种基准数据集中测试,包括RotationMnist,PACS,Office和Wilds-FMOW。实验结果表明,该算法在许多最先进的算法上实现了一致的改进,证实了我们的理论发现。
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Multi-player multi-armed bandit is an increasingly relevant decision-making problem, motivated by applications to cognitive radio systems. Most research for this problem focuses exclusively on the settings that players have \textit{full access} to all arms and receive no reward when pulling the same arm. Hence all players solve the same bandit problem with the goal of maximizing their cumulative reward. However, these settings neglect several important factors in many real-world applications, where players have \textit{limited access} to \textit{a dynamic local subset of arms} (i.e., an arm could sometimes be ``walking'' and not accessible to the player). To this end, this paper proposes a \textit{multi-player multi-armed walking bandits} model, aiming to address aforementioned modeling issues. The goal now is to maximize the reward, however, players can only pull arms from the local subset and only collect a full reward if no other players pull the same arm. We adopt Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) to deal with the exploration-exploitation tradeoff and employ distributed optimization techniques to properly handle collisions. By carefully integrating these two techniques, we propose a decentralized algorithm with near-optimal guarantee on the regret, and can be easily implemented to obtain competitive empirical performance.
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In recent years, the field of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) has achieved remarkable success, which is mainly due to the large amount of available annotation data. However, obtaining these annotated data has to afford expensive costs in reality. Therefore, a more realistic strategy is to leverage semi-supervised learning (SSL) with a small amount of labeled data and a large amount of unlabeled data. Typically, semantic consistency regularization and the two-stage learning methods of decoupling feature extraction and classification have been proven effective. Nevertheless, representation learning only limited to semantic consistency regularization may not guarantee the separation or discriminability of representations of samples with different semantics; due to the inherent limitations of the two-stage learning methods, the extracted features may not match the specific downstream tasks. In order to deal with the above drawbacks, this paper proposes an end-to-end deep semi-supervised learning double contrast of semantic and feature, which extracts effective tasks specific discriminative features by contrasting the semantics/features of positive and negative augmented samples pairs. Moreover, we leverage information theory to explain the rationality of double contrast of semantics and features and slack mutual information to contrastive loss in a simpler way. Finally, the effectiveness of our method is verified in benchmark datasets.
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基于图形的模型最近在人的重新识别任务中取得了巨大的成功,该任务首先计算了不同人之间的图形拓扑结构(亲和力),然后将信息传递给他们的信息以实现更强的功能。但是,我们在可见的红外人员重新识别任务(VI-REID)中发现了现有的基于图的方法,因为有两个问题:1)火车测试模式平衡差距,这是VI-REID任务的属性。两个模式数据的数量在训练阶段平衡,但推理极为不平衡,导致基于图的VI-REID方法的概括较低。 2)由图形模块的端到端学习方式引起的亚最佳拓扑结构。我们分析训练有素的输入特征会削弱图形拓扑的学习,从而使其在推理过程中不够概括。在本文中,我们提出了一种反事实干预特征转移(CIFT)方法来解决这些问题。具体而言,均匀和异质的特征转移(H2FT)旨在通过两种独立的设计的图形模块和不平衡的场景模拟来减少火车测试模态差距。此外,提出了反事实关系干预(CRI)来利用反事实干预和因果效应工具来突出拓扑结构在整个训练过程中的作用,这使图形拓扑结构更加可靠。对标准VI-REID基准测试的广泛实验表明,CIFT在各种设置下都优于最新方法。
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