冷冻切片(FS)是手术操作期间组织微观评估的制备方法。该程序的高速允许病理学医师快速评估关键的微观特征,例如肿瘤边距和恶性地位,以引导手术决策,并尽量减少对操作过程的干扰。然而,FS容易引入许多误导性的人工结构(组织学人工制品),例如核冰晶,压缩和切割人工制品,妨碍了病理学家的及时和准确的诊断判断。额外的培训和长期经验通常需要对冻结部分进行高度有效和时间关键的诊断。另一方面,福尔马林固定和石蜡嵌入(FFPE)的黄金标准组织制备技术提供了显着优越的图像质量,而是一种非常耗时的过程(12-48小时),使其不适合术语用。在本文中,我们提出了一种人工智能(AI)方法,通过在几分钟内将冻结的整个幻灯片(FS-WSIS)计算冻结的整个幻灯片(FS-WSIS)来改善FS图像质量。 AI-FFPE将FS人工制品终止了注意力机制的指导,该引导机制在利用FS输入图像和合成的FFPE样式图像之间利用建立的自正则化机制,以及综合相关特征的合成的FFPE样式图像。结果,AI-FFPE方法成功地生成了FFPE样式图像,而不会显着扩展组织处理时间,从而提高诊断准确性。我们证明了使用各种不同的定性和定量度量,包括来自20个董事会认证的病理学家的视觉图灵测试的各种不同的定性和定量度量。
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Segmenting humans in 3D indoor scenes has become increasingly important with the rise of human-centered robotics and AR/VR applications. In this direction, we explore the tasks of 3D human semantic-, instance- and multi-human body-part segmentation. Few works have attempted to directly segment humans in point clouds (or depth maps), which is largely due to the lack of training data on humans interacting with 3D scenes. We address this challenge and propose a framework for synthesizing virtual humans in realistic 3D scenes. Synthetic point cloud data is attractive since the domain gap between real and synthetic depth is small compared to images. Our analysis of different training schemes using a combination of synthetic and realistic data shows that synthetic data for pre-training improves performance in a wide variety of segmentation tasks and models. We further propose the first end-to-end model for 3D multi-human body-part segmentation, called Human3D, that performs all the above segmentation tasks in a unified manner. Remarkably, Human3D even outperforms previous task-specific state-of-the-art methods. Finally, we manually annotate humans in test scenes from EgoBody to compare the proposed training schemes and segmentation models.
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The emergence of COVID-19 has had a global and profound impact, not only on society as a whole, but also on the lives of individuals. Various prevention measures were introduced around the world to limit the transmission of the disease, including face masks, mandates for social distancing and regular disinfection in public spaces, and the use of screening applications. These developments also triggered the need for novel and improved computer vision techniques capable of (i) providing support to the prevention measures through an automated analysis of visual data, on the one hand, and (ii) facilitating normal operation of existing vision-based services, such as biometric authentication schemes, on the other. Especially important here, are computer vision techniques that focus on the analysis of people and faces in visual data and have been affected the most by the partial occlusions introduced by the mandates for facial masks. Such computer vision based human analysis techniques include face and face-mask detection approaches, face recognition techniques, crowd counting solutions, age and expression estimation procedures, models for detecting face-hand interactions and many others, and have seen considerable attention over recent years. The goal of this survey is to provide an introduction to the problems induced by COVID-19 into such research and to present a comprehensive review of the work done in the computer vision based human analysis field. Particular attention is paid to the impact of facial masks on the performance of various methods and recent solutions to mitigate this problem. Additionally, a detailed review of existing datasets useful for the development and evaluation of methods for COVID-19 related applications is also provided. Finally, to help advance the field further, a discussion on the main open challenges and future research direction is given.
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在科学计算的许多领域越来越流行的人工神经网络(ANN)的大量使用迅速增加了现代高性能计算系统的能源消耗。新型的神经形态范式提供了一种吸引人的替代方案,它直接在硬件中实施了ANN。但是,对于科学计算中用例使用ANN在神经形态硬件上运行ANN的实际好处知之甚少。在这里,我们提出了一种方法,用于测量使用常规硬件的ANN来计算推理任务的时间。此外,我们为这些任务设计了一个体系结构,并根据最先进的模拟内存计算(AIMC)平台估算了相同的指标,这是神经形态计算中的关键范例之一。在二维凝结物质系统中的量子多体物理学中的用例比较两种方法,并在粒子物理学中大型强子对撞机上以40 MHz的速率以40 MHz的速率进行异常检测。我们发现,与传统硬件相比,AIMC最多可以达到一个较短的计算时间,最高三个数量级的能源成本。这表明使用神经形态硬件进行更快,更可持续的科学计算的潜力。
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Deep learning (DL) methods where interpretability is intrinsically considered as part of the model are required to better understand the relationship of clinical and imaging-based attributes with DL outcomes, thus facilitating their use in the reasoning behind medical decisions. Latent space representations built with variational autoencoders (VAE) do not ensure individual control of data attributes. Attribute-based methods enforcing attribute disentanglement have been proposed in the literature for classical computer vision tasks in benchmark data. In this paper, we propose a VAE approach, the Attri-VAE, that includes an attribute regularization term to associate clinical and medical imaging attributes with different regularized dimensions in the generated latent space, enabling a better-disentangled interpretation of the attributes. Furthermore, the generated attention maps explained the attribute encoding in the regularized latent space dimensions. Using the Attri-VAE approach we analyzed healthy and myocardial infarction patients with clinical, cardiac morphology, and radiomics attributes. The proposed model provided an excellent trade-off between reconstruction fidelity, disentanglement, and interpretability, outperforming state-of-the-art VAE approaches according to several quantitative metrics. The resulting latent space allowed the generation of realistic synthetic data in the trajectory between two distinct input samples or along a specific attribute dimension to better interpret changes between different cardiac conditions.
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IOT应用中的总是关于Tinyml的感知任务需要非常高的能量效率。模拟计算内存(CIM)使用非易失性存储器(NVM)承诺高效率,并提供自包含的片上模型存储。然而,模拟CIM推出了新的实际考虑因素,包括电导漂移,读/写噪声,固定的模数转换器增益等。必须解决这些附加约束,以实现可以通过可接受的模拟CIM部署的模型精度损失。这项工作描述了$ \ textit {analognets} $:tinyml模型用于关键字点(kws)和视觉唤醒词(VWW)的流行始终是on。模型架构专门为模拟CIM设计,我们详细介绍了一种全面的培训方法,以在推理时间内保持面对模拟非理想的精度和低精度数据转换器。我们还描述了AON-CIM,可编程,最小面积的相变存储器(PCM)模拟CIM加速器,具有新颖的层串行方法,以消除与完全流水线设计相关的复杂互连的成本。我们在校准的模拟器以及真正的硬件中评估了对校准模拟器的矛盾,并发现精度下降限制为KWS / VWW的PCM漂移(8位)24小时后的0.8 $ \%$ / 1.2 $ \%$。在14nm AON-CIM加速器上运行的analognets使用8位激活,分别使用8位激活,并增加到57.39 / 25.69个顶部/ w,以4美元$ 4 $ 57.39 / 25.69。
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卫生组织建议社会疏远,佩戴面罩,避免触摸面,以防止冠状病毒的传播。根据这些保护措施,我们开发了一种计算机视觉系统,以帮助防止Covid-19的传输。具体地,开发系统执行面部掩模检测,面部手互动检测,并测量社交距离。要培训和评估发达的系统,我们收集和注释图像,代表现实世界中的面部掩模使用和面部手互动。除了在自己的数据集上评估开发系统的性能外,还在文献中的现有数据集中测试了它,而不会对它们进行任何适应性。此外,我们提出了一个模块,以跟踪人之间的社交距离。实验结果表明,我们的数据集代表了真实世界的多样性。所提出的系统实现了面罩使用检测,面部手互动检测和在看不见的数据的真实情况下测量社会距离的高性能和泛化容量。数据集将在https://github.com/ilemeyiokur/covid-19-preventions-control -system中获得。
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