模仿学习研究社区最近取得了重大进展,以使人工代理人仅凭视频演示模仿行为。然而,由于视频观察的高维质性质,针对此问题开发的当前最新方法表现出很高的样本复杂性。为了解决这个问题,我们在这里介绍了一种新的算法,称为使用状态观察者VGAIFO-SO从观察中获得的,称为视觉生成对抗性模仿。 Vgaifo-So以此为核心,试图使用一种新型的自我监管的状态观察者来解决样本效率低下,该观察者从高维图像中提供了较低维度的本体感受状态表示的估计。我们在几个连续的控制环境中进行了实验表明,Vgaifo-SO比其他IFO算法更有效地从仅视频演示中学习,有时甚至可以实现与观察(Gaifo)算法的生成对抗性模仿(Gaifo)算法的性能,该算法有特权访问访问权限示威者的本体感知状态信息。
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Cartoons are an important part of our entertainment culture. Though drawing a cartoon is not for everyone, creating it using an arrangement of basic geometric primitives that approximates that character is a fairly frequent technique in art. The key motivation behind this technique is that human bodies - as well as cartoon figures - can be split down into various basic geometric primitives. Numerous tutorials are available that demonstrate how to draw figures using an appropriate arrangement of fundamental shapes, thus assisting us in creating cartoon characters. This technique is very beneficial for children in terms of teaching them how to draw cartoons. In this paper, we develop a tool - shape2toon - that aims to automate this approach by utilizing a generative adversarial network which combines geometric primitives (i.e. circles) and generate a cartoon figure (i.e. Mickey Mouse) depending on the given approximation. For this purpose, we created a dataset of geometrically represented cartoon characters. We apply an image-to-image translation technique on our dataset and report the results in this paper. The experimental results show that our system can generate cartoon characters from input layout of geometric shapes. In addition, we demonstrate a web-based tool as a practical implication of our work.
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The cover is the face of a book and is a point of attraction for the readers. Designing book covers is an essential task in the publishing industry. One of the main challenges in creating a book cover is representing the theme of the book's content in a single image. In this research, we explore ways to produce a book cover using artificial intelligence based on the fact that there exists a relationship between the summary of the book and its cover. Our key motivation is the application of text-to-image synthesis methods to generate images from given text or captions. We explore several existing text-to-image conversion techniques for this purpose and propose an approach to exploit these frameworks for producing book covers from provided summaries. We construct a dataset of English books that contains a large number of samples of summaries of existing books and their cover images. In this paper, we describe our approach to collecting, organizing, and pre-processing the dataset to use it for training models. We apply different text-to-image synthesis techniques to generate book covers from the summary and exhibit the results in this paper.
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