Discriminative pre-trained language models (PLMs) learn to predict original texts from intentionally corrupted ones. Taking the former text as positive and the latter as negative samples, the PLM can be trained effectively for contextualized representation. However, the training of such a type of PLMs highly relies on the quality of the automatically constructed samples. Existing PLMs simply treat all corrupted texts as equal negative without any examination, which actually lets the resulting model inevitably suffer from the false negative issue where training is carried out on pseudo-negative data and leads to less efficiency and less robustness in the resulting PLMs. In this work, on the basis of defining the false negative issue in discriminative PLMs that has been ignored for a long time, we design enhanced pre-training methods to counteract false negative predictions and encourage pre-training language models on true negatives by correcting the harmful gradient updates subject to false negative predictions. Experimental results on GLUE and SQuAD benchmarks show that our counter-false-negative pre-training methods indeed bring about better performance together with stronger robustness.
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Multilingual pretrained models are effective for machine translation and cross-lingual processing because they contain multiple languages in one model. However, they are pretrained after their tokenizers are fixed; therefore it is difficult to change the vocabulary after pretraining. When we extend the pretrained models to new languages, we must modify the tokenizers simultaneously. In this paper, we add new subwords to the SentencePiece tokenizer to apply a multilingual pretrained model to new languages (Inuktitut in this paper). In our experiments, we segmented Inuktitut sentences into subwords without changing the segmentation of already pretrained languages, and applied the mBART-50 pretrained model to English-Inuktitut translation.
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基于有效干预措施的早期疾病检测和预防方法正在引起人们的注意。机器学习技术通过捕获多元数据中的个体差异来实现精确的疾病预测。精确医学的进展表明,在个人层面的健康数据中存在实质性异质性,并且复杂的健康因素与慢性疾病的发展有关。但是,由于多种生物标志物之间的复杂关系,确定跨疾病发作过程中的个体生理状态变化仍然是一个挑战。在这里,我们介绍了健康疾病阶段图(HDPD),它通过可视化在疾病进展过程早期波动的多种生物标志物的边界值来代表个人健康状态。在HDPD中,未来的发作预测是通过扰动多个生物标志物值的情况来表示的,同时考虑变量之间的依赖性。我们从3,238个个体的纵向健康检查队列中构建了11种非传染性疾病(NCD)的HDPD,其中包括3,215个测量项目和遗传数据。 HDPD中非发病区域的生物标志物值的改善显着阻止了11个NCD中的7个未来的疾病发作。我们的结果表明,HDPD可以在发作过程中代表单个生理状态,并用作预防疾病的干预目标。
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