Finetuning language models on a collection of datasets phrased as instructions has been shown to improve model performance and generalization to unseen tasks. In this paper we explore instruction finetuning with a particular focus on (1) scaling the number of tasks, (2) scaling the model size, and (3) finetuning on chain-of-thought data. We find that instruction finetuning with the above aspects dramatically improves performance on a variety of model classes (PaLM, T5, U-PaLM), prompting setups (zero-shot, few-shot, CoT), and evaluation benchmarks (MMLU, BBH, TyDiQA, MGSM, open-ended generation). For instance, Flan-PaLM 540B instruction-finetuned on 1.8K tasks outperforms PALM 540B by a large margin (+9.4% on average). Flan-PaLM 540B achieves state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks, such as 75.2% on five-shot MMLU. We also publicly release Flan-T5 checkpoints, which achieve strong few-shot performance even compared to much larger models, such as PaLM 62B. Overall, instruction finetuning is a general method for improving the performance and usability of pretrained language models.
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最近的研究表明,理性或逐步思想链可用于改善多步推理任务的性能。我们重新考虑了理由的提示,提示了几次射击中的内部学习学习,其中(输入 - >输出)提示将扩展到(输入,理由 - >输出)提示。对于以理由为提示的提示,我们证明了现有的方法(依赖手动及时工程)如何受到可能损害绩效的次级理由。为了减轻这种脆弱性,我们提出了一个统一的授权合奏的统一框架,在该框架中,我们将输出空间中的理由抽样确定为可鲁棒提高性能的关键组成部分。该框架是一般的,可以轻松地扩展到常见的自然语言处理任务,即使传统上不利于中间步骤的任务,例如问题回答,单词感官歧义和情感分析。我们证明,与现有的提示方法相比,以理由为原理的合奏获得了更准确和可解释的结果 - 包括标准提示,没有理由和基于理由的链链链,同时通过相关理性同时提高了模型预测的解释性。
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及时调整是以参数有效的方式对预训练的预训练语言模型的新范式。在这里,我们探讨了超级核武器的使用来产生超预价:我们提出了HyperPrompt,这是一种用于迅速基于变形金刚自我注意的任务调节的新型体系结构。超预要是通过超网络通过一代人来学习的端到端。 HyperPrompt允许网络学习特定于任务的功能地图,其中超预告是要参与的查询的任务全局记忆,同时启用了任务之间的灵活信息共享。我们表明,HyperPrompt与强大的多任务学习基线具有竞争力,其额外的任务条件参数的$ 0.14 \%$ $ \%,实现了出色的参数和计算效率。通过广泛的经验实验,我们证明,超级启示可以比强大的T5多任务学习基准和参数效率高效的适配器变体获得卓越的性能,包括及时调整和SuplyFormer ++在许多模型尺寸的自然语言理解胶水和SuperGrue的基准上。
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我们探索如何产生一系列思想 - 一系列中间推理步骤 - 显着提高了大语言模型执行复杂推理的能力。特别是,我们通过一种称为“思想链”提示的简单方法在足够大的语言模型中自然出现这种推理能力,在此过程中,一些思想示范被作为提示的示例提供了。三种大语模型的实验表明,促使思想链提高了一系列算术,常识和象征性推理任务的性能。经验收益可能会引人注目。例如,仅使用八个思想范围的540B参数语言模型才能在数学单词问题的GSM8K基准上实现最新的精度,甚至超过了带有验证器的Fineted GPT-3。
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工业推荐系统处理极大的行动空间 - 许多数百万的项目推荐。此外,他们需要为数十亿用户服务,他们在任何时间点都是独一无止的,制作复杂的用户状态空间。幸运的是,可以学习大量记录的隐式反馈(例如,用户点击,停留时间)。然而,从记录的反馈中学习,才受到仅通过以前版本的推荐器选择的建议的反馈而导致的偏差。在这项工作中,我们展示了在YouTube的生产Top-K推荐系统中解决此类偏差的一般配方,以策略梯度为基础的算法,即加强。本文的贡献是:(1)缩放到生产推荐系统,以数百万的订单为行动空间; (2)申请违规纠正以解决从多种行为策略收集的记录反馈中学习数据偏差; (3)提出新的Top-K违规纠正,以占我们的政策一次推荐多个项目; (4)展示勘探的价值。我们展示了我们通过一系列模拟和youtube上的多个实时实验的方法。
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Tensor robust principal component analysis (RPCA), which seeks to separate a low-rank tensor from its sparse corruptions, has been crucial in data science and machine learning where tensor structures are becoming more prevalent. While powerful, existing tensor RPCA algorithms can be difficult to use in practice, as their performance can be sensitive to the choice of additional hyperparameters, which are not straightforward to tune. In this paper, we describe a fast and simple self-supervised model for tensor RPCA using deep unfolding by only learning four hyperparameters. Despite its simplicity, our model expunges the need for ground truth labels while maintaining competitive or even greater performance compared to supervised deep unfolding. Furthermore, our model is capable of operating in extreme data-starved scenarios. We demonstrate these claims on a mix of synthetic data and real-world tasks, comparing performance against previously studied supervised deep unfolding methods and Bayesian optimization baselines.
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Length extrapolation is a desirable property that permits training a transformer language model on short sequences and retaining similar perplexities when the model is tested on substantially longer sequences. A relative positional embedding mechanism applied on the transformer self-attention matrix, ALiBi, demonstrates the length extrapolation property with the widest usage to date. In this paper, we show that ALiBi surprisingly does not utilize tokens further than the training sequence length, which can be explained by its implicit windowed attention effect that aligns the receptive field during training and testing stages. Inspired by ALiBi and the receptive filed alignment hypothesis, we propose another transformer positional embedding design named~\textbf{Sandwich} that uses longer than training sequence length information, and it is a greatly simplified formulation of the earliest proposed Sinusoidal positional embedding. Finally, we show that both ALiBi and Sandwich enable efficient inference thanks to their implicit windowed attention effect.
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