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Algorithms that involve both forecasting and optimization are at the core of solutions to many difficult real-world problems, such as in supply chains (inventory optimization), traffic, and in the transition towards carbon-free energy generation in battery/load/production scheduling in sustainable energy systems. Typically, in these scenarios we want to solve an optimization problem that depends on unknown future values, which therefore need to be forecast. As both forecasting and optimization are difficult problems in their own right, relatively few research has been done in this area. This paper presents the findings of the ``IEEE-CIS Technical Challenge on Predict+Optimize for Renewable Energy Scheduling," held in 2021. We present a comparison and evaluation of the seven highest-ranked solutions in the competition, to provide researchers with a benchmark problem and to establish the state of the art for this benchmark, with the aim to foster and facilitate research in this area. The competition used data from the Monash Microgrid, as well as weather data and energy market data. It then focused on two main challenges: forecasting renewable energy production and demand, and obtaining an optimal schedule for the activities (lectures) and on-site batteries that lead to the lowest cost of energy. The most accurate forecasts were obtained by gradient-boosted tree and random forest models, and optimization was mostly performed using mixed integer linear and quadratic programming. The winning method predicted different scenarios and optimized over all scenarios jointly using a sample average approximation method.
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While modern Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems can produce speech rated highly in terms of subjective evaluation, the distance between real and synthetic speech distributions remains understudied, where we use the term \textit{distribution} to mean the sample space of all possible real speech recordings from a given set of speakers; or of the synthetic samples that could be generated for the same set of speakers. We evaluate the distance of real and synthetic speech distributions along the dimensions of the acoustic environment, speaker characteristics and prosody using a range of speech processing measures and the respective Wasserstein distances of their distributions. We reduce these distribution distances along said dimensions by providing utterance-level information derived from the measures to the model and show they can be generated at inference time. The improvements to the dimensions translate to overall distribution distance reduction approximated using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) by evaluating the fitness of the synthetic data as training data.
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Automatic speech recognition (ASR) has been established as a well-performing technique for many scenarios where lots of labeled data is available. Additionally, unsupervised representation learning recently helped to tackle tasks with limited data. Following this, hardware limitations and applications give rise to the question how to efficiently take advantage of large pretrained models and reduce their complexity for downstream tasks. In this work, we study a challenging low resource conversational telephony speech corpus from the medical domain in Vietnamese and German. We show the benefits of using unsupervised techniques beyond simple fine-tuning of large pre-trained models, discuss how to adapt them to a practical telephony task including bandwidth transfer and investigate different data conditions for pre-training and fine-tuning. We outperform the project baselines by 22% relative using pretraining techniques. Further gains of 29% can be achieved by refinements of architecture and training and 6% by adding 0.8 h of in-domain adaptation data.
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大量的研究与逼真的传感器数据的产生有关。激光点云是由复杂的模拟或学习的生成模型生成的。通常利用生成的数据来启用或改善下游感知算法。这些程序来自两个主要问题:首先,如何评估生成数据的现实主义?其次,更现实的数据还会导致更好的感知表现吗?本文解决了问题,并提出了一个新颖的指标,以量化LiDar Point Cloud的现实主义。通过训练代理分类任务,可以从现实世界和合成点云中学到相关功能。在一系列实验中,我们证明了我们的指标的应用来确定生成的LiDAR数据的现实主义,并将我们的度量的现实主义估计与分割模型的性能进行比较。我们确认我们的指标为下游细分性能提供了指示。
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背景:虽然卷积神经网络(CNN)实现了检测基于磁共振成像(MRI)扫描的阿尔茨海默病(AD)痴呆的高诊断准确性,但它们尚未应用于临床常规。这是一个重要原因是缺乏模型可理解性。最近开发的用于导出CNN相关性图的可视化方法可能有助于填补这种差距。我们调查了具有更高准确性的模型还依赖于先前知识预定义的判别脑区域。方法:我们培训了CNN,用于检测痴呆症和Amnestic认知障碍(MCI)患者的N = 663 T1加权MRI扫描的AD,并通过交叉验证和三个独立样本验证模型的准确性= 1655例。我们评估了相关评分和海马体积的关联,以验证这种方法的临床效用。为了提高模型可理解性,我们实现了3D CNN相关性图的交互式可视化。结果:跨三个独立数据集,组分离表现出广告痴呆症与控制的高精度(AUC $ \ GEQUQ $ 0.92)和MCI与控制的中等精度(AUC $ \约0.75美元)。相关性图表明海马萎缩被认为是广告检测的最具信息性因素,其其他皮质和皮质区域中的萎缩额外贡献。海马内的相关评分与海马体积高度相关(Pearson的r $ \大约$ -0.86,p <0.001)。结论:相关性地图突出了我们假设先验的地区的萎缩。这加强了CNN模型的可理解性,这些模型基于扫描和诊断标签以纯粹的数据驱动方式培训。
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