历史互动是推荐模型培训的默认选择,通常表现出高稀疏性,即大多数用户项目对都是未观察到的缺失数据。标准选择是将缺失的数据视为负训练样本,并估计用户项目对之间的相互作用以及观察到的相互作用。通过这种方式,在训练过程中不可避免地会误标记一些潜在的互动,这将损害模型的保真度,阻碍模型回忆起错误标签的项目,尤其是长尾尾。在这项工作中,我们从新的不确定性的新角度研究了标签的问题,该问题描述了缺失数据的固有随机性。随机性促使我们超越了相互作用的可能性,并接受了不确定性建模。为此,我们提出了一个新的不确定性不确定性建议(AUR)框架,该框架由新的不确定性估计器以及正常的推荐模型组成。根据核心不确定性理论,我们得出了一个新的建议目标来学习估计量。由于错误标签的机会反映了一对的潜力,因此AUR根据不确定性提出了建议,该建议被证明是为了改善较不受欢迎的项目的建议性能而不会牺牲整体性能。我们在三个代表性推荐模型上实例化AUR:来自主流模型体系结构的矩阵分解(MF),LightGCN和VAE。两个现实世界数据集的广泛结果验证了AUR W.R.T.的有效性。更好的建议结果,尤其是在长尾项目上。
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面部反欺骗(FAS)保护人脸识别从演示攻击(PAS)。现有的FAS方法通常监控PA探测器,使用手工制作二进制或像素 - 明智标签。然而,手工制作的标签可能不是监督PA探测器学习足够和内在欺骗线索的最适当的方式。我们提出了一种新的元师FAS(MT-FAS)方法来培训Meta-Tears FAS(MT-FAS)方法,用于更有效地监督PA探测器。元师以双层优化方式接受培训,以了解监督PA探测器学习丰富欺骗线索的能力。双级优化包含两个关键组件:1)元教师在培训集上监督探测器的学习过程的较低级别培训; 2)通过最大限度地减少探测器的验证损失,优化了元教师教学性能的更高级别培训。我们的元老师与现有的教师学生模型有很大不同,因为元教师明确培训,以便更好地教导探测器(学生),而现有教师受过卓越的准确性忽视教学能力。在五个FAS基准上的广泛实验表明,随着拟议的MT-FA,训练有素的Meta-Buiter 1)提供比手工标签和现有教师学生模型更适合的监督; 2)显着提高了PA探测器的性能。
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为鼓励AI代理商进行有意义的视觉对话(VD),削减了潜力的使用。在钢筋学习中,代表各国至关重要,并根据国家的行动过渡分配奖励。但是,先前的Visual Dialogue Works中的状态表示仅使用文本信息,并且其转换是隐式的。在本文中,我们建议明确关于各国(ECS)代表每轮视觉内容以及在整个视觉对话中关注的内容。 ECS由多模式信息建模,并明确表示。基于ECS,我们制定了两种直观和可意识的奖励,以鼓励视觉对话代理商对多元化和信息的视觉信息相反。根据多种自动指标,人类研究和定性分析,对VideDial V1.0数据集进行了实验结果,使我们的方法能够产生更高的视觉对话代理,以产生更高的视觉对话代理,与以前的方法相比,与以前的方法相比,可以产生更高的视觉相干,更重复和更具视觉信息的对话。
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Face Anti-spoofing (FAS) is essential to secure face recognition systems from various physical attacks. However, recent research generally focuses on short-distance applications (i.e., phone unlocking) while lacking consideration of long-distance scenes (i.e., surveillance security checks). In order to promote relevant research and fill this gap in the community, we collect a large-scale Surveillance High-Fidelity Mask (SuHiFiMask) dataset captured under 40 surveillance scenes, which has 101 subjects from different age groups with 232 3D attacks (high-fidelity masks), 200 2D attacks (posters, portraits, and screens), and 2 adversarial attacks. In this scene, low image resolution and noise interference are new challenges faced in surveillance FAS. Together with the SuHiFiMask dataset, we propose a Contrastive Quality-Invariance Learning (CQIL) network to alleviate the performance degradation caused by image quality from three aspects: (1) An Image Quality Variable module (IQV) is introduced to recover image information associated with discrimination by combining the super-resolution network. (2) Using generated sample pairs to simulate quality variance distributions to help contrastive learning strategies obtain robust feature representation under quality variation. (3) A Separate Quality Network (SQN) is designed to learn discriminative features independent of image quality. Finally, a large number of experiments verify the quality of the SuHiFiMask dataset and the superiority of the proposed CQIL.
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Face recognition technology has been widely used in daily interactive applications such as checking-in and mobile payment due to its convenience and high accuracy. However, its vulnerability to presentation attacks (PAs) limits its reliable use in ultra-secure applicational scenarios. A presentation attack is first defined in ISO standard as: a presentation to the biometric data capture subsystem with the goal of interfering with the operation of the biometric system. Specifically, PAs range from simple 2D print, replay and more sophisticated 3D masks and partial masks. To defend the face recognition systems against PAs, both academia and industry have paid extensive attention to developing face presentation attack detection (PAD) technology (or namely `face anti-spoofing (FAS)').
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This study proposes a uniform passive fault-tolerant control (FTC) method for a quadcopter that does not rely on fault information subject to one, two adjacent, two opposite, or three rotors failure. The uniform control implies that the passive FTC is able to cover the condition from quadcopter fault-free to rotor failure without controller switching. To achieve the purpose of the passive FTC, the rotors' fault is modeled as a disturbance acting on the virtual control of the quadcopter system. The disturbance estimate is used directly for the passive FTC with rotor failure. To avoid controller switching between normal control and FTC, a dynamic control allocation is used. In addition, the closed-loop stability has been analyzed and a virtual control feedback is adopted to achieve the passive FTC for the quadcopter with two and three rotor failure. To validate the proposed uniform passive FTC method, outdoor experiments are performed for the first time, which have demonstrated that the hovering quadcopter is able to recover from one rotor failure by the proposed controller and continue to fly even if two adjacent, two opposite, or three rotors fail, without any rotor fault information and controller switching.
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标识识别的挑战之一在于形式的多样性,例如符号,文本或两者的组合;此外,徽标在设计中往往非常简洁,而外观类似,表明学习歧视性表示的难度。为了调查徽标的品种和表示,我们介绍了Makeup216,这是来自现实世界的化妆领域的最大和最复杂的Logo数据集。它包括216个标志和157个品牌,包括10,019个图像和37,018个注释的徽标对象。此外,我们发现纯粹徽标周围的边缘背景可以提供重要的上下文信息,并提出了对抗主题的普发提徒注意力表示框架(AAR),分别参加徽标主体和辅助边缘背景,这可以组合以获得更好的表示。我们所提出的框架在Makeup216和另一个大型开放标识数据集中实现了竞争结果,可以为徽标识别提供新的思考。 MakeUp216的数据集及建议框架的代码即将发布。
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