Learning high-dimensional distributions is often done with explicit likelihood modeling or implicit modeling via minimizing integral probability metrics (IPMs). In this paper, we expand this learning paradigm to stochastic orders, namely, the convex or Choquet order between probability measures. Towards this end, exploiting the relation between convex orders and optimal transport, we introduce the Choquet-Toland distance between probability measures, that can be used as a drop-in replacement for IPMs. We also introduce the Variational Dominance Criterion (VDC) to learn probability measures with dominance constraints, that encode the desired stochastic order between the learned measure and a known baseline. We analyze both quantities and show that they suffer from the curse of dimensionality and propose surrogates via input convex maxout networks (ICMNs), that enjoy parametric rates. We provide a min-max framework for learning with stochastic orders and validate it experimentally on synthetic and high-dimensional image generation, with promising results. Finally, our ICMNs class of convex functions and its derived Rademacher Complexity are of independent interest beyond their application in convex orders.
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我们构建了一对分发$ \ mu_d,\ nu_d $ on $ \ mathbb {r} ^ d $,使得数量$ | \ mathbb {e} _ {x \ sim \ mu_d} [f(x)] - \ mathbb{e} _ {x \ sim \ nu_d} [f(x)] | $ \ oomega(1 / d ^ 2)$减少一些三层Relu网络$ F $与多项式宽度和重量,同时下降如果$ F $是具有多项式权重的任何双层网络,则指数呈指数级。这表明深甘判位能够区分浅鉴别者不能的分布。类似地,我们构建了$ \ mu_d,\ nu_d $ on $ \ mathbb {r} ^ d $,这样$ | \ mathbb {e} _ {x \ sim \ mu_d} [f(x)] - \ mathbb{e} _ {x \ sim \ nu_d} [f(x)] | $ ys $ \ omega(1 /(d \ log d))$,双层Relu网络具有多项式权重,同时为界限指数递减-norm在关联的rkhs中的函数。这证实了特征学习对鉴别者有益。我们的界限基于傅里叶变换。
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着名的工作系列(Barron,1993; Bresiman,1993; Klusowski&Barron,2018)提供了宽度$ N $的界限,所需的relu两层神经网络需要近似函数$ f $超过球。 \ mathcal {b} _r(\ mathbb {r} ^ d)$最终$ \ epsilon $,当傅立叶的数量$ c_f = \ frac {1} {(2 \ pi)^ {d / 2}} \ int _ {\ mathbb {r} ^ d} \ | \ xi \ | ^ 2 | \ hat {f}(\ xi)| \ d \ xi $是有限的。最近ongie等。 (2019)将Radon变换用作分析无限宽度Relu两层网络的工具。特别是,他们介绍了基于氡的$ \ mathcal {r} $ - norms的概念,并显示$ \ mathbb {r} ^ d $上定义的函数可以表示为无限宽度的双层神经网络如果只有在$ \ mathcal {r} $ - norm是有限的。在这项工作中,我们扩展了Ongie等人的框架。 (2019)并定义类似的基于氡的半规范($ \ mathcal {r},\ mathcal {r} $ - norms),使得函数承认在有界开放式$ \ mathcal上的无限宽度神经网络表示{ u} \ subseteq \ mathbb {r} ^ d $当它$ \ mathcal {r}时,\ mathcal {u} $ - norm是有限的。建立在这方面,我们派生稀疏(有限宽度)神经网络近似界,其优化Breiman(1993); Klusowski&Barron(2018)。最后,我们表明有限开放集的无限宽度神经网络表示不是唯一的,并研究其结构,提供模式连接的功能视图。
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隐式和明确的生成建模的几种作品经验观察到特征学习鉴别器在模型的样本质量方面优于固定内核鉴别器。我们在使用函数类$ \ mathcal {f} _2 $和$ \ mathcal {f} _1 $分别在使用函数类$ \ mathcal {f} _2 $分别提供分离结果。 。特别地,我们构造了通过固定内核$(\ Mathcal {F} _2)$积分概率度量(IPM)和高维度的超积分(\ Mathcal {F} _2)和高维度差异(SD)的超领域的分布对。但是可以是由他们的特征学习($ \ mathcal {f} _1 $)对应物歧视。为了进一步研究分离,我们提供$ \ mathcal {f} _1 $和$ \ mathcal {f} _2 $ IMM之间的链接。我们的工作表明,固定内核鉴别者的表现比其特征学习对应者更糟糕,因为它们的相应度量较弱。
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