Can we take a recurrent neural network (RNN) trained to translate between languages and augment it to support a new natural language without retraining the model from scratch? Can we fix the faulty behavior of the RNN by replacing portions associated with the faulty behavior? Recent works on decomposing a fully connected neural network (FCNN) and convolutional neural network (CNN) into modules have shown the value of engineering deep models in this manner, which is standard in traditional SE but foreign for deep learning models. However, prior works focus on the image-based multiclass classification problems and cannot be applied to RNN due to (a) different layer structures, (b) loop structures, (c) different types of input-output architectures, and (d) usage of both nonlinear and logistic activation functions. In this work, we propose the first approach to decompose an RNN into modules. We study different types of RNNs, i.e., Vanilla, LSTM, and GRU. Further, we show how such RNN modules can be reused and replaced in various scenarios. We evaluate our approach against 5 canonical datasets (i.e., Math QA, Brown Corpus, Wiki-toxicity, Clinc OOS, and Tatoeba) and 4 model variants for each dataset. We found that decomposing a trained model has a small cost (Accuracy: -0.6%, BLEU score: +0.10%). Also, the decomposed modules can be reused and replaced without needing to retrain.
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深度神经网络(DNN)用于各种应用中。但是,与任何软件应用程序一样,基于DNN的应用程序受到错误的影响。以前的工作观察到DNN错误修复模式与传统错误修复模式不同。此外,由于具有多种选项来修复它们,因此由于具有多种选项的错误错误,那些错误模型是非微不足道的。为了支持开发人员在定位和修复错误中,我们提出DeepDiagnosis,一种定位故障的新型调试方法,报告错误症状,并提出了DNN程序的修复。在第一阶段,我们的技术监视培训模型,定期检查八种类型的错误条件。然后,在问题的情况下,它报告包含足够信息的消息来对模型执行可操作的维修。在评估中,我们通过GitHub和Stack Overflow彻底检查444型号-53现实世界,并由Autotrainer策划391。与UMLUAT和Deeplocalize相比,DeepDiagnosis提供卓越的准确性。我们的技术比Autotrainer更快,用于故障定位。结果表明,我们的方法可以支持其他类型的模型,而最先进的人才能够处理分类。我们的技术能够在培训期间报告在训练期间不明显作为数值错误的错误。此外,它可以提供用于修复的可操作的见解,而Deeplocalize只能在训练期间报告导致数值误差的故障。与其他方法相比,DeepDiagnosis表现出故障检测,错误本地化和症状的最佳能力。
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In this work a novel recommender system (RS) for Tourism is presented. The RS is context aware as is now the rule in the state-of-the-art for recommender systems and works on top of a tourism ontology which is used to group the different items being offered. The presented RS mixes different types of recommenders creating an ensemble which changes on the basis of the RS's maturity. Starting from simple content-based recommendations and iteratively adding popularity, demographic and collaborative filtering methods as rating density and user cardinality increases. The result is a RS that mutates during its lifetime and uses a tourism ontology and natural language processing (NLP) to correctly bin the items to specific item categories and meta categories in the ontology. This item classification facilitates the association between user preferences and items, as well as allowing to better classify and group the items being offered, which in turn is particularly useful for context-aware filtering.
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Dataset scaling, also known as normalization, is an essential preprocessing step in a machine learning pipeline. It is aimed at adjusting attributes scales in a way that they all vary within the same range. This transformation is known to improve the performance of classification models, but there are several scaling techniques to choose from, and this choice is not generally done carefully. In this paper, we execute a broad experiment comparing the impact of 5 scaling techniques on the performances of 20 classification algorithms among monolithic and ensemble models, applying them to 82 publicly available datasets with varying imbalance ratios. Results show that the choice of scaling technique matters for classification performance, and the performance difference between the best and the worst scaling technique is relevant and statistically significant in most cases. They also indicate that choosing an inadequate technique can be more detrimental to classification performance than not scaling the data at all. We also show how the performance variation of an ensemble model, considering different scaling techniques, tends to be dictated by that of its base model. Finally, we discuss the relationship between a model's sensitivity to the choice of scaling technique and its performance and provide insights into its applicability on different model deployment scenarios. Full results and source code for the experiments in this paper are available in a GitHub repository.\footnote{\_matters}
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In this work, we propose a novel image reconstruction framework that directly learns a neural implicit representation in k-space for ECG-triggered non-Cartesian Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMR). While existing methods bin acquired data from neighboring time points to reconstruct one phase of the cardiac motion, our framework allows for a continuous, binning-free, and subject-specific k-space representation.We assign a unique coordinate that consists of time, coil index, and frequency domain location to each sampled k-space point. We then learn the subject-specific mapping from these unique coordinates to k-space intensities using a multi-layer perceptron with frequency domain regularization. During inference, we obtain a complete k-space for Cartesian coordinates and an arbitrary temporal resolution. A simple inverse Fourier transform recovers the image, eliminating the need for density compensation and costly non-uniform Fourier transforms for non-Cartesian data. This novel imaging framework was tested on 42 radially sampled datasets from 6 subjects. The proposed method outperforms other techniques qualitatively and quantitatively using data from four and one heartbeat(s) and 30 cardiac phases. Our results for one heartbeat reconstruction of 50 cardiac phases show improved artifact removal and spatio-temporal resolution, leveraging the potential for real-time CMR.
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Reinforcement learning is a machine learning approach based on behavioral psychology. It is focused on learning agents that can acquire knowledge and learn to carry out new tasks by interacting with the environment. However, a problem occurs when reinforcement learning is used in critical contexts where the users of the system need to have more information and reliability for the actions executed by an agent. In this regard, explainable reinforcement learning seeks to provide to an agent in training with methods in order to explain its behavior in such a way that users with no experience in machine learning could understand the agent's behavior. One of these is the memory-based explainable reinforcement learning method that is used to compute probabilities of success for each state-action pair using an episodic memory. In this work, we propose to make use of the memory-based explainable reinforcement learning method in a hierarchical environment composed of sub-tasks that need to be first addressed to solve a more complex task. The end goal is to verify if it is possible to provide to the agent the ability to explain its actions in the global task as well as in the sub-tasks. The results obtained showed that it is possible to use the memory-based method in hierarchical environments with high-level tasks and compute the probabilities of success to be used as a basis for explaining the agent's behavior.
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In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) related technology has expanded knowledge in the area, bringing to light new problems and challenges that require solutions. Furthermore, because the technology allows processes usually carried out by people to be automated, it is in great demand in industrial sectors. The automation of these vehicles has been addressed in the literature, applying different machine learning strategies. Reinforcement learning (RL) is an automation framework that is frequently used to train autonomous agents. RL is a machine learning paradigm wherein an agent interacts with an environment to solve a given task. However, learning autonomously can be time consuming, computationally expensive, and may not be practical in highly-complex scenarios. Interactive reinforcement learning allows an external trainer to provide advice to an agent while it is learning a task. In this study, we set out to teach an RL agent to control a drone using reward-shaping and policy-shaping techniques simultaneously. Two simulated scenarios were proposed for the training; one without obstacles and one with obstacles. We also studied the influence of each technique. The results show that an agent trained simultaneously with both techniques obtains a lower reward than an agent trained using only a policy-based approach. Nevertheless, the agent achieves lower execution times and less dispersion during training.
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Traditional learning-based approaches to student modeling (e.g., predicting grades based on measured activities) generalize poorly to underrepresented/minority student groups due to biases in data availability. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Layer Personalized Federated Learning (MLPFL) methodology which optimizes inference accuracy over different layers of student grouping criteria, such as by course and by demographic subgroups within each course. In our approach, personalized models for individual student subgroups are derived from a global model, which is trained in a distributed fashion via meta-gradient updates that account for subgroup heterogeneity while preserving modeling commonalities that exist across the full dataset. To evaluate our methodology, we consider case studies of two popular downstream student modeling tasks, knowledge tracing and outcome prediction, which leverage multiple modalities of student behavior (e.g., visits to lecture videos and participation on forums) in model training. Experiments on three real-world datasets from online courses demonstrate that our approach obtains substantial improvements over existing student modeling baselines in terms of increasing the average and decreasing the variance of prediction quality across different student subgroups. Visual analysis of the resulting students' knowledge state embeddings confirm that our personalization methodology extracts activity patterns which cluster into different student subgroups, consistent with the performance enhancements we obtain over the baselines.
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Evaluating new techniques on realistic datasets plays a crucial role in the development of ML research and its broader adoption by practitioners. In recent years, there has been a significant increase of publicly available unstructured data resources for computer vision and NLP tasks. However, tabular data -- which is prevalent in many high-stakes domains -- has been lagging behind. To bridge this gap, we present Bank Account Fraud (BAF), the first publicly available privacy-preserving, large-scale, realistic suite of tabular datasets. The suite was generated by applying state-of-the-art tabular data generation techniques on an anonymized,real-world bank account opening fraud detection dataset. This setting carries a set of challenges that are commonplace in real-world applications, including temporal dynamics and significant class imbalance. Additionally, to allow practitioners to stress test both performance and fairness of ML methods, each dataset variant of BAF contains specific types of data bias. With this resource, we aim to provide the research community with a more realistic, complete, and robust test bed to evaluate novel and existing methods.
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可见的红外人员重新识别(REID)旨在认识到RGB和IR摄像机网络中的同一个人。一些深度学习(DL)模型已直接纳入了两种模式,以在联合表示空间中区分人。但是,由于RGB和IR模式之间数据分布的较大域转移,因此这个跨模式的REID问题仍然具有挑战性。 %本文引入了一种新的方法,用于创建中间虚拟域,该域在训练过程中充当两个主要领域(即RGB和IR模式)之间的桥梁。该中间域被视为在测试时间无法获得的特权信息(PI),并允许将此跨模式匹配任务制定为在特权信息(LUPI)下学习的问题。我们设计了一种新方法,以在可见的和红外域之间生成图像,这些方法提供了其他信息,以通过中间域的适应来训练深层REID模型。特别是,通过在训练过程中采用无色和多步三重态损失目标,我们的方法提供了通用的特征表示空间,这些空间对大型可见的红外域移动具有牢固的功能。 %关于挑战性可见红外REID数据集的实验结果表明,我们提出的方法始终提高匹配的准确性,而在测试时没有任何计算开销。该代码可在:\ href {} { id-i--i- id-id-i--i--via-lupi} { Via-Lupi}
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