在线发布的产品评论数量越来越多的是设计师的金矿,通过捕捉客户的声音,并相应地改善这些产品,了解他们开发的产品。与此同时,产品设计和开发在创造更可持续的未来方面具有重要作用。随着自然语言处理领域的人工智能技术最近,该研究旨在开发一体化机器学习解决方案,以便自动从线产品评论获得可持续设计的洞察。在本文中,讨论了,说明了现有框架 - 包括Python库,软件包以及伯爵等最先进的算法的机会和挑战。这一贡献讨论了达成的机会和建立机器学习管道的挑战,以便从产品审查中获取有限性,以设计更可持续的产品,包括五个阶段,包括与解释的可持续性相关的审查可持续设计引导:数据收集,数据格式,模型培训,模型评估和模型部署。给出了可持续设计见解的例子,可提供退出产品审查采矿和加工。最后,提供了用于该领域未来研究的有希望的线,包括与可持续替代品的平行标准产品的案例研究,以比较客户价值的特征,并在优质的可持续设计引线中产生。
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to a class of attacks called "backdoor attacks", which create an association between a backdoor trigger and a target label the attacker is interested in exploiting. A backdoored DNN performs well on clean test images, yet persistently predicts an attacker-defined label for any sample in the presence of the backdoor trigger. Although backdoor attacks have been extensively studied in the image domain, there are very few works that explore such attacks in the video domain, and they tend to conclude that image backdoor attacks are less effective in the video domain. In this work, we revisit the traditional backdoor threat model and incorporate additional video-related aspects to that model. We show that poisoned-label image backdoor attacks could be extended temporally in two ways, statically and dynamically, leading to highly effective attacks in the video domain. In addition, we explore natural video backdoors to highlight the seriousness of this vulnerability in the video domain. And, for the first time, we study multi-modal (audiovisual) backdoor attacks against video action recognition models, where we show that attacking a single modality is enough for achieving a high attack success rate.
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Multi-view projection techniques have shown themselves to be highly effective in achieving top-performing results in the recognition of 3D shapes. These methods involve learning how to combine information from multiple view-points. However, the camera view-points from which these views are obtained are often fixed for all shapes. To overcome the static nature of current multi-view techniques, we propose learning these view-points. Specifically, we introduce the Multi-View Transformation Network (MVTN), which uses differentiable rendering to determine optimal view-points for 3D shape recognition. As a result, MVTN can be trained end-to-end with any multi-view network for 3D shape classification. We integrate MVTN into a novel adaptive multi-view pipeline that is capable of rendering both 3D meshes and point clouds. Our approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in 3D classification and shape retrieval on several benchmarks (ModelNet40, ScanObjectNN, ShapeNet Core55). Further analysis indicates that our approach exhibits improved robustness to occlusion compared to other methods. We also investigate additional aspects of MVTN, such as 2D pretraining and its use for segmentation. To support further research in this area, we have released MVTorch, a PyTorch library for 3D understanding and generation using multi-view projections.
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Recent advances in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) treat the problem of novel view synthesis as Sparse Radiance Field (SRF) optimization using sparse voxels for efficient and fast rendering (plenoxels,InstantNGP). In order to leverage machine learning and adoption of SRFs as a 3D representation, we present SPARF, a large-scale ShapeNet-based synthetic dataset for novel view synthesis consisting of $\sim$ 17 million images rendered from nearly 40,000 shapes at high resolution (400 X 400 pixels). The dataset is orders of magnitude larger than existing synthetic datasets for novel view synthesis and includes more than one million 3D-optimized radiance fields with multiple voxel resolutions. Furthermore, we propose a novel pipeline (SuRFNet) that learns to generate sparse voxel radiance fields from only few views. This is done by using the densely collected SPARF dataset and 3D sparse convolutions. SuRFNet employs partial SRFs from few/one images and a specialized SRF loss to learn to generate high-quality sparse voxel radiance fields that can be rendered from novel views. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results in the task of unconstrained novel view synthesis based on few views on ShapeNet as compared to recent baselines. The SPARF dataset will be made public with the code and models on the project website .
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Optimal transport (OT) has become exceedingly popular in machine learning, data science, and computer vision. The core assumption in the OT problem is the equal total amount of mass in source and target measures, which limits its application. Optimal Partial Transport (OPT) is a recently proposed solution to this limitation. Similar to the OT problem, the computation of OPT relies on solving a linear programming problem (often in high dimensions), which can become computationally prohibitive. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm for calculating the OPT problem between two non-negative measures in one dimension. Next, following the idea of sliced OT distances, we utilize slicing to define the sliced OPT distance. Finally, we demonstrate the computational and accuracy benefits of the sliced OPT-based method in various numerical experiments. In particular, we show an application of our proposed Sliced-OPT in noisy point cloud registration.
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With the recent advances in video and 3D understanding, novel 4D spatio-temporal challenges fusing both concepts have emerged. Towards this direction, the Ego4D Episodic Memory Benchmark proposed a task for Visual Queries with 3D Localization (VQ3D). Given an egocentric video clip and an image crop depicting a query object, the goal is to localize the 3D position of the center of that query object with respect to the camera pose of a query frame. Current methods tackle the problem of VQ3D by lifting the 2D localization results of the sister task Visual Queries with 2D Localization (VQ2D) into a 3D reconstruction. Yet, we point out that the low number of Queries with Poses (QwP) from previous VQ3D methods severally hinders their overall success rate and highlights the need for further effort in 3D modeling to tackle the VQ3D task. In this work, we formalize a pipeline that better entangles 3D multiview geometry with 2D object retrieval from egocentric videos. We estimate more robust camera poses, leading to more successful object queries and substantially improved VQ3D performance. In practice, our method reaches a top-1 overall success rate of 86.36% on the Ego4D Episodic Memory Benchmark VQ3D, a 10x improvement over the previous state-of-the-art. In addition, we provide a complete empirical study highlighting the remaining challenges in VQ3D.
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Artificial intelligence is set to be deployed in operating rooms to improve surgical care. This early-stage clinical evaluation shows the feasibility of concurrently attaining real-time, high-quality predictions from several deep neural networks for endoscopic video analysis deployed for assistance during three laparoscopic cholecystectomies.
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Modern machine learning pipelines are limited due to data availability, storage quotas, privacy regulations, and expensive annotation processes. These constraints make it difficult or impossible to maintain a large-scale model trained on growing annotation sets. Continual learning directly approaches this problem, with the ultimate goal of devising methods where a neural network effectively learns relevant patterns for new (unseen) classes without significantly altering its performance on previously learned ones. In this paper, we address the problem of continual learning for video data. We introduce PIVOT, a novel method that leverages the extensive knowledge in pre-trained models from the image domain, thereby reducing the number of trainable parameters and the associated forgetting. Unlike previous methods, ours is the first approach that effectively uses prompting mechanisms for continual learning without any in-domain pre-training. Our experiments show that PIVOT improves state-of-the-art methods by a significant 27% on the 20-task ActivityNet setup.
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In this paper, we investigate the problem of multi-domain translation: given an element $a$ of domain $A$, we would like to generate a corresponding $b$ sample in another domain $B$, and vice versa. Acquiring supervision in multiple domains can be a tedious task, also we propose to learn this translation from one domain to another when supervision is available as a pair $(a,b)\sim A\times B$ and leveraging possible unpaired data when only $a\sim A$ or only $b\sim B$ is available. We introduce a new unified framework called Latent Space Mapping (\model) that exploits the manifold assumption in order to learn, from each domain, a latent space. Unlike existing approaches, we propose to further regularize each latent space using available domains by learning each dependency between pairs of domains. We evaluate our approach in three tasks performing i) synthetic dataset with image translation, ii) real-world task of semantic segmentation for medical images, and iii) real-world task of facial landmark detection.
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Many challenges from natural world can be formulated as a graph matching problem. Previous deep learning-based methods mainly consider a full two-graph matching setting. In this work, we study the more general partial matching problem with multi-graph cycle consistency guarantees. Building on a recent progress in deep learning on graphs, we propose a novel data-driven method (URL) for partial multi-graph matching, which uses an object-to-universe formulation and learns latent representations of abstract universe points. The proposed approach advances the state of the art in semantic keypoint matching problem, evaluated on Pascal VOC, CUB, and Willow datasets. Moreover, the set of controlled experiments on a synthetic graph matching dataset demonstrates the scalability of our method to graphs with large number of nodes and its robustness to high partiality.
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