Since the mid-10s, the era of Deep Learning (DL) has continued to this day, bringing forth new superlatives and innovations each year. Nevertheless, the speed with which these innovations translate into real applications lags behind this fast pace. Safety-critical applications, in particular, underlie strict regulatory and ethical requirements which need to be taken care of and are still active areas of debate. eXplainable AI (XAI) and privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) are both crucial research fields, aiming at mitigating some of the drawbacks of prevailing data-hungry black-box models in DL. Despite brisk research activity in the respective fields, no attention has yet been paid to their interaction. This work is the first to investigate the impact of private learning techniques on generated explanations for DL-based models. In an extensive experimental analysis covering various image and time series datasets from multiple domains, as well as varying privacy techniques, XAI methods, and model architectures, the effects of private training on generated explanations are studied. The findings suggest non-negligible changes in explanations through the introduction of privacy. Apart from reporting individual effects of PPML on XAI, the paper gives clear recommendations for the choice of techniques in real applications. By unveiling the interdependencies of these pivotal technologies, this work is a first step towards overcoming the remaining hurdles for practically applicable AI in safety-critical domains.
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两阶段探测器在物体检测和行人检测中是最新的。但是,当前的两个阶段探测器效率低下,因为它们在多个步骤中进行边界回归,即在区域提案网络和边界框头中进行回归。此外,基于锚的区域提案网络在计算上的训练价格很高。我们提出了F2DNET,这是一种新型的两阶段检测体系结构,通过使用我们的焦点检测网络和边界框以我们的快速抑制头替换区域建议网络,从而消除了当前两阶段检测器的冗余。我们在顶级行人检测数据集上进行基准F2DNET,将其与现有的最新检测器进行彻底比较,并进行交叉数据集评估,以测试我们模型对未见数据的普遍性。我们的F2DNET在城市人员,加州理工学院行人和欧元城市人数据集中分别获得8.7 \%,2.2 \%和6.1 \%MR-2,分别在单个数据集上进行培训并达到20.4 \%\%\%和26.2 \%MR-2。使用渐进式微调时,加州理工学院行人和城市人员数据集的重型闭塞设置。此外,与当前的最新时间相比,F2DNET的推理时间明显较小。代码和训练有素的模型将在上找到。
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在临床工作流程中成功部署AI的计算机辅助诊断(CAD)系统的一个主要障碍是它们缺乏透明决策。虽然常用可解释的AI方法提供了一些对不透明算法的洞察力,但除了高度训练的专家外,这种解释通常是复杂的,而不是易于理解的。关于皮肤病图像的皮肤病病变恶性的决定的解释需要特别清晰,因为潜在的医疗问题定义本身是模棱两可的。这项工作提出了exaid(可解释的ai用于皮肤科),是生物医学图像分析的新框架,提供了由易于理解的文本解释组成的多模态概念的解释,该概念由可视地图证明预测的视觉映射。 Exap依赖于概念激活向量,将人类概念映射到潜在空间中的任意深度学习模型学习的人,以及概念本地化地图,以突出输入空间中的概念。然后,这种相关概念的识别将用于构建由概念 - 明智地点信息补充的细粒度文本解释,以提供全面和相干的多模态解释。所有信息都在诊断界面中全面呈现,用于临床常规。教育模式为数据和模型探索提供数据集级别解释统计和工具,以帮助医学研究和教育。通过严谨的exaid定量和定性评估,即使在错误的预测情况下,我们展示了CAD辅助情景的多模态解释的效用。我们认为突然将为皮肤科医生提供一种有效的筛查工具,他们都理解和信任。此外,它将是其他生物医学成像领域的类似应用的基础。
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In this paper, we address the challenge of land use and land cover classification using Sentinel-2 satellite images. The Sentinel-2 satellite images are openly and freely accessible provided in the Earth observation program Copernicus. We present a novel dataset based on Sentinel-2 satellite images covering 13 spectral bands and consisting out of 10 classes with in total 27,000 labeled and geo-referenced images. We provide benchmarks for this novel dataset with its spectral bands using state-of-the-art deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNNs). With the proposed novel dataset, we achieved an overall classification accuracy of 98.57%. The resulting classification system opens a gate towards a number of Earth observation applications. We demonstrate how this classification system can be used for detecting land use and land cover changes and how it can assist in improving geographical maps. The geo-referenced dataset EuroSAT is made publicly available at
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Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA) provides information on the presence, extent, and severity of obstructive coronary artery disease. Large-scale clinical studies analyzing CCTA-derived metrics typically require ground-truth validation in the form of high-fidelity 3D intravascular imaging. However, manual rigid alignment of intravascular images to corresponding CCTA images is both time consuming and user-dependent. Moreover, intravascular modalities suffer from several non-rigid motion-induced distortions arising from distortions in the imaging catheter path. To address these issues, we here present a semi-automatic segmentation-based framework for both rigid and non-rigid matching of intravascular images to CCTA images. We formulate the problem in terms of finding the optimal \emph{virtual catheter path} that samples the CCTA data to recapitulate the coronary artery morphology found in the intravascular image. We validate our co-registration framework on a cohort of $n=40$ patients using bifurcation landmarks as ground truth for longitudinal and rotational registration. Our results indicate that our non-rigid registration significantly outperforms other co-registration approaches for luminal bifurcation alignment in both longitudinal (mean mismatch: 3.3 frames) and rotational directions (mean mismatch: 28.6 degrees). By providing a differentiable framework for automatic multi-modal intravascular data fusion, our developed co-registration modules significantly reduces the manual effort required to conduct large-scale multi-modal clinical studies while also providing a solid foundation for the development of machine learning-based co-registration approaches.
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