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The rapid growth of machine translation (MT) systems has necessitated comprehensive studies to meta-evaluate evaluation metrics being used, which enables a better selection of metrics that best reflect MT quality. Unfortunately, most of the research focuses on high-resource languages, mainly English, the observations for which may not always apply to other languages. Indian languages, having over a billion speakers, are linguistically different from English, and to date, there has not been a systematic study of evaluating MT systems from English into Indian languages. In this paper, we fill this gap by creating an MQM dataset consisting of 7000 fine-grained annotations, spanning 5 Indian languages and 7 MT systems, and use it to establish correlations between annotator scores and scores obtained using existing automatic metrics. Our results show that pre-trained metrics, such as COMET, have the highest correlations with annotator scores. Additionally, we find that the metrics do not adequately capture fluency-based errors in Indian languages, and there is a need to develop metrics focused on Indian languages. We hope that our dataset and analysis will help promote further research in this area.
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In recent years several learning approaches to point goal navigation in previously unseen environments have been proposed. They vary in the representations of the environments, problem decomposition, and experimental evaluation. In this work, we compare the state-of-the-art Deep Reinforcement Learning based approaches with Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) formulation of the point goal navigation problem. We adapt the (POMDP) sub-goal framework proposed by [1] and modify the component that estimates frontier properties by using partial semantic maps of indoor scenes built from images' semantic segmentation. In addition to the well-known completeness of the model-based approach, we demonstrate that it is robust and efficient in that it leverages informative, learned properties of the frontiers compared to an optimistic frontier-based planner. We also demonstrate its data efficiency compared to the end-to-end deep reinforcement learning approaches. We compare our results against an optimistic planner, ANS and DD-PPO on Matterport3D dataset using the Habitat Simulator. We show comparable, though slightly worse performance than the SOTA DD-PPO approach, yet with far fewer data.
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Finetuning image-text models such as CLIP achieves state-of-the-art accuracies on a variety of benchmarks. However, recent works like WiseFT (Wortsman et al., 2021) and LP-FT (Kumar et al., 2022) have shown that even subtle differences in the finetuning process can lead to surprisingly large differences in the final performance, both for in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) data. In this work, we show that a natural and simple approach of mimicking contrastive pretraining consistently outperforms alternative finetuning approaches. Specifically, we cast downstream class labels as text prompts and continue optimizing the contrastive loss between image embeddings and class-descriptive prompt embeddings (contrastive finetuning). Our method consistently outperforms baselines across 7 distribution shifts, 6 transfer learning, and 3 few-shot learning benchmarks. On WILDS-iWILDCam, our proposed approach FLYP outperforms the top of the leaderboard by $2.3\%$ ID and $2.7\%$ OOD, giving the highest reported accuracy. Averaged across 7 OOD datasets (2 WILDS and 5 ImageNet associated shifts), FLYP gives gains of $4.2\%$ OOD over standard finetuning and outperforms the current state of the art (LP-FT) by more than $1\%$ both ID and OOD. Similarly, on 3 few-shot learning benchmarks, our approach gives gains up to $4.6\%$ over standard finetuning and $4.4\%$ over the state of the art. In total, these benchmarks establish contrastive finetuning as a simple, intuitive, and state-of-the-art approach for supervised finetuning of image-text models like CLIP. Code is available at https://github.com/locuslab/FLYP.
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The primary obstacle to developing technologies for low-resource languages is the lack of representative, usable data. In this paper, we report the deployment of technology-driven data collection methods for creating a corpus of more than 60,000 translations from Hindi to Gondi, a low-resource vulnerable language spoken by around 2.3 million tribal people in south and central India. During this process, we help expand information access in Gondi across 2 different dimensions (a) The creation of linguistic resources that can be used by the community, such as a dictionary, children's stories, Gondi translations from multiple sources and an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) based mass awareness platform; (b) Enabling its use in the digital domain by developing a Hindi-Gondi machine translation model, which is compressed by nearly 4 times to enable it's edge deployment on low-resource edge devices and in areas of little to no internet connectivity. We also present preliminary evaluations of utilizing the developed machine translation model to provide assistance to volunteers who are involved in collecting more data for the target language. Through these interventions, we not only created a refined and evaluated corpus of 26,240 Hindi-Gondi translations that was used for building the translation model but also engaged nearly 850 community members who can help take Gondi onto the internet.
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Tumor segmentation in histopathology images is often complicated by its composition of different histological subtypes and class imbalance. Oversampling subtypes with low prevalence features is not a satisfactory solution since it eventually leads to overfitting. We propose to create synthetic images with semantically-conditioned deep generative networks and to combine subtype-balanced synthetic images with the original dataset to achieve better segmentation performance. We show the suitability of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and especially diffusion models to create realistic images based on subtype-conditioning for the use case of HER2-stained histopathology. Additionally, we show the capability of diffusion models to conditionally inpaint HER2 tumor areas with modified subtypes. Combining the original dataset with the same amount of diffusion-generated images increased the tumor Dice score from 0.833 to 0.854 and almost halved the variance between the HER2 subtype recalls. These results create the basis for more reliable automatic HER2 analysis with lower performance variance between individual HER2 subtypes.
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Deep Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks has become a methodology of choice for analyzing medical images with a diagnostic performance comparable to a physician, including the diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy. However, commonly used techniques are deterministic and are therefore unable to provide any estimate of predictive uncertainty. Quantifying model uncertainty is crucial for reducing the risk of misdiagnosis. A reliable architecture should be well-calibrated to avoid over-confident predictions. To address this, we propose a UATTA-ENS: Uncertainty-Aware Test-Time Augmented Ensemble Technique for 5 Class PIRC Diabetic Retinopathy Classification to produce reliable and well-calibrated predictions.
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我们提出了一种新的抽样策略,称为Smart Active Sapling,以在生产线之外进行质量检查。根据主动学习的原则,机器学习模型决定将哪些样品发送到质量检查。一方面,由于较早发现质量违规行为,这可以最大程度地减少废料零件的产生。另一方面,质量检查成本降低了,以进行平稳运行。
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预测行人运动对于开发在拥挤的环境中相互作用的社会意识的机器人至关重要。虽然社交互动环境的自然视觉观点是一种自然的观点,但轨迹预测中的大多数现有作品纯粹是在自上而下的轨迹空间中进行的。为了支持第一人称视图轨迹预测研究,我们提出了T2FPV,这是一种构建高保真的第一人称视图数据集的方法,给定真实的,自上而下的轨迹数据集;我们在ETH/UCY行人数据集上展示了我们的方法,以生成所有互动行人的以自我为中心的视觉数据。我们报告说,原始的ETH/UCY数据集中使用的鸟眼视图假设,即代理可以用完美的信息观察场景中的每个人,而不会在第一人称视图中保持;在现有作品中通常使用的每个20个磁场场景中,只有一小部分的代理都可以完全看到。我们评估现有的轨迹预测方法在不同的现实感知水平下 - 与自上而下的完美信息设置相比,位移错误增加了356%。为了促进第一人称视图轨迹预测的研究,我们发布了T2FPV-ETH数据集和软件工具。
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