基于RGB-D信息的多模态突出物体检测模型在现实世界中具有更好的鲁棒性。然而,它仍然是在特征融合阶段中的更好地平衡有效的多模态信息而变得不利。在这封信中,我们提出了一种新颖的门控校正网络(GRNET)来评估两种模式的信息有效性,并平衡其影响力。我们的框架分为三个阶段:感知阶段,重新编码混合阶段和特征集成阶段。首先,采用了一种感知编码器来提取多级单模态特征,这为多模态语义比较分析奠定了基础。然后,提出了一种模态 - 自适应栅极单元(MGU)以抑制无效信息并将有效的模态特征传送到重新编码混频器和混合分支解码器。 Recoding混频器负责重新编码和混合平衡的多模态信息。最后,混合分支解码器根据可选边缘引导流(OEG)的指导完成多级特征集成。八种流行基准测试的实验与分析验证了我们的框架对9种最先进的方法表现有利。
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Salient object detection (SOD) focuses on distinguishing the most conspicuous objects in the scene. However, most related works are based on RGB images, which lose massive useful information. Accordingly, with the maturity of thermal technology, RGB-T (RGB-Thermal) multi-modality tasks attain more and more attention. Thermal infrared images carry important information which can be used to improve the accuracy of SOD prediction. To accomplish it, the methods to integrate multi-modal information and suppress noises are critical. In this paper, we propose a novel network called Interactive Context-Aware Network (ICANet). It contains three modules that can effectively perform the cross-modal and cross-scale fusions. We design a Hybrid Feature Fusion (HFF) module to integrate the features of two modalities, which utilizes two types of feature extraction. The Multi-Scale Attention Reinforcement (MSAR) and Upper Fusion (UF) blocks are responsible for the cross-scale fusion that converges different levels of features and generate the prediction maps. We also raise a novel Context-Aware Multi-Supervised Network (CAMSNet) to calculate the content loss between the prediction and the ground truth (GT). Experiments prove that our network performs favorably against the state-of-the-art RGB-T SOD methods.
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显着对象检测是预测给定场景中人类参加区域的任务。融合深度信息已被证明在此任务中有效。该问题的主要挑战是如何从RGB模式和深度模式中汇总互补信息。但是,传统的深层模型在很大程度上依赖CNN特征提取器,并且通常会忽略远距离的依赖性。在这项工作中,我们提出了基于双Swin-Transformer的相互交互式网络。我们采用Swin-Transformer作为RGB和深度模态的特征提取器,以模拟视觉输入中的远程依赖性。在将两个特征分支融合到一个分支之前,将应用基于注意力的模块来增强每​​种模式的特征。我们设计了一个基于自我注意力的跨模式交互模块和一个封闭式的模态注意模块,以利用两种方式之间的互补信息。对于显着解码,我们创建了通过密集的连接增强的不同阶段,并保持解码的内存,而多级编码功能则被同时考虑。考虑到不准确的深度图问题,我们将早期阶段的RGB特征收集到跳过卷积模块中,以提供从RGB模式到最终显着性预测的更多指导。此外,我们添加了边缘监督以使功能学习过程正常。对四个评估指标的五个标准RGB-D SOD基准数据集进行了全面的实验,证明了所提出的DTMINET方法的优势。
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Benefiting from color independence, illumination invariance and location discrimination attributed by the depth map, it can provide important supplemental information for extracting salient objects in complex environments. However, high-quality depth sensors are expensive and can not be widely applied. While general depth sensors produce the noisy and sparse depth information, which brings the depth-based networks with irreversible interference. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-task and multi-modal filtered transformer (MMFT) network for RGB-D salient object detection (SOD). Specifically, we unify three complementary tasks: depth estimation, salient object detection and contour estimation. The multi-task mechanism promotes the model to learn the task-aware features from the auxiliary tasks. In this way, the depth information can be completed and purified. Moreover, we introduce a multi-modal filtered transformer (MFT) module, which equips with three modality-specific filters to generate the transformer-enhanced feature for each modality. The proposed model works in a depth-free style during the testing phase. Experiments show that it not only significantly surpasses the depth-based RGB-D SOD methods on multiple datasets, but also precisely predicts a high-quality depth map and salient contour at the same time. And, the resulted depth map can help existing RGB-D SOD methods obtain significant performance gain. The source code will be publicly available at https://github.com/Xiaoqi-Zhao-DLUT/MMFT.
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现有的RGB-D SOD方法主要依赖于对称的两个基于CNN的网络来分别提取RGB和深度通道特征。但是,对称传统网络结构有两个问题:首先,CNN在学习全球环境中的能力是有限的。其次,对称的两流结构忽略了模态之间的固有差异。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于变压器的非对称网络(TANET),以解决上述问题。我们采用了变压器(PVTV2)的强大功能提取能力,从RGB数据中提取全局语义信息,并设计轻巧的CNN骨架(LWDEPTHNET),以从深度数据中提取空间结构信息,而无需预训练。不对称混合编码器(AHE)有效地减少了模型中参数的数量,同时不牺牲性能而增加速度。然后,我们设计了一个跨模式特征融合模块(CMFFM),该模块增强并互相融合了RGB和深度特征。最后,我们将边缘预测添加为辅助任务,并提出一个边缘增强模块(EEM)以生成更清晰的轮廓。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法在六个公共数据集上实现了超过14种最先进的RGB-D方法的卓越性能。我们的代码将在https://github.com/lc012463/tanet上发布。
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Camouflaged object detection (COD) aims to detect/segment camouflaged objects embedded in the environment, which has attracted increasing attention over the past decades. Although several COD methods have been developed, they still suffer from unsatisfactory performance due to the intrinsic similarities between the foreground objects and background surroundings. In this paper, we propose a novel Feature Aggregation and Propagation Network (FAP-Net) for camouflaged object detection. Specifically, we propose a Boundary Guidance Module (BGM) to explicitly model the boundary characteristic, which can provide boundary-enhanced features to boost the COD performance. To capture the scale variations of the camouflaged objects, we propose a Multi-scale Feature Aggregation Module (MFAM) to characterize the multi-scale information from each layer and obtain the aggregated feature representations. Furthermore, we propose a Cross-level Fusion and Propagation Module (CFPM). In the CFPM, the feature fusion part can effectively integrate the features from adjacent layers to exploit the cross-level correlations, and the feature propagation part can transmit valuable context information from the encoder to the decoder network via a gate unit. Finally, we formulate a unified and end-to-end trainable framework where cross-level features can be effectively fused and propagated for capturing rich context information. Extensive experiments on three benchmark camouflaged datasets demonstrate that our FAP-Net outperforms other state-of-the-art COD models. Moreover, our model can be extended to the polyp segmentation task, and the comparison results further validate the effectiveness of the proposed model in segmenting polyps. The source code and results will be released at https://github.com/taozh2017/FAPNet.
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RGB和深度图像上的突出物体检测(SOD)引起了越来越多的研究兴趣,因为它的有效性和现在可以方便地捕获深度线索的事实。现有的RGB-D SOD模型通常采用不同的融合策略来学习来自两个模态(\即RGB和深度)的共享表示,而几个方法明确考虑如何保留特定模态特征。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种新的框架,被称为SPNET}(特异性保存网络),这通过探索共享信息和模态特定属性(例如,特异性)来利益SOD性能。具体地,我们建议采用两个模态特定的网络和共享学习网络来分别生成个体和共享显着性预测映射。为了有效地融合共享学习网络中的跨模型特征,我们提出了一个交叉增强的集成模块(CIM),然后将融合特征传播到下一个层以集成交叉级信息。此外,为了捕获丰富的互补多模态信息,用于提高SOD性能,我们提出了一个多模态特征聚合(MFA)模块,将每个单独解码器的模态特定功能集成到共享解码器中。通过使用跳过连接,可以完全组合编码器和解码器层之间的分层功能。广泛的实验表明我们的〜\我们的〜优于六种流行的RGB-D SOD和三个伪装对象检测基准测试的前沿方法。该项目可在公开提供:https://github.com/taozh2017/spnet。
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RGB-thermal显着对象检测(RGB-T SOD)旨在定位对齐可见的和热红外图像对的共同突出对象,并准确地分割所有属于这些对象的像素。由于对热图像的照明条件不敏感,它在诸如夜间和复杂背景之类的具有挑战性的场景中很有希望。因此,RGB-T SOD的关键问题是使两种方式的功能相互补充并互相调整,因为不可避免的是,由于极端光条件和诸如极端光条件和诸如极端光明条件和热跨界。在本文中,我们提出了一个针对RGB-T SOD的新型镜子互补变压器网络(MCNET)。具体而言,我们将基于变压器的特征提取模块引入RGB和热图像的有效提取分层特征。然后,通过基于注意力的特征相互作用和基于串行的多尺度扩张卷积(SDC)特征融合模块,提出的模型实现了低级特征的互补相互作用以及深度特征的语义融合。最后,基于镜子互补结构,即使是一种模态也可以准确地提取两种方式的显着区域也是无效的。为了证明在现实世界中具有挑战性的场景下提出的模型的鲁棒性,我们基于自动驾驶域中使用的大型公共语义分段RGB-T数据集建立了一种新颖的RGB-T SOD数据集VT723。基准和VT723数据集上的昂贵实验表明,所提出的方法优于最先进的方法,包括基于CNN的方法和基于变压器的方法。该代码和数据集将在稍后在https://github.com/jxr326/swinmcnet上发布。
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神经网络的高计算成本阻止了RGB-D突出物体检测(SOD)的最新成功,从受益现实世界应用。因此,本文介绍了一种新颖的网络,Mobily,它专注于使用移动网络进行深度特征提取的高效RGB-D SOD。然而,移动网络在特征表示中的功能较小比麻烦的网络更强大。为此,我们观察到彩色图像的深度信息可以加强与SOD相关的特征表示,如果正确杠杆。因此,我们提出了一种隐式深度恢复(IDR)技术,以加强用于RGB-D SOD的移动网络的特征表示能力。 IDR仅在训练阶段采用并在测试期间省略,因此它是免费的。此外,我们提出了用于有效的多级特征聚合的紧凑金字塔精制(CPR),以获得具有清晰边界的突出对象。与IDR和CPR合并,Mobilesal在六个挑战RGB-D SOD数据集上具有更快的速度(450fps 320 $ 320的输入尺寸为320美元)和更少的参数(6.5米)。代码在https://mmcheng.net/mobilesal发布。
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We solve the problem of salient object detection by investigating how to expand the role of pooling in convolutional neural networks. Based on the U-shape architecture, we first build a global guidance module (GGM) upon the bottom-up pathway, aiming at providing layers at different feature levels the location information of potential salient objects. We further design a feature aggregation module (FAM) to make the coarse-level semantic information well fused with the fine-level features from the top-down pathway. By adding FAMs after the fusion operations in the topdown pathway, coarse-level features from the GGM can be seamlessly merged with features at various scales. These two pooling-based modules allow the high-level semantic features to be progressively refined, yielding detail enriched saliency maps. Experiment results show that our proposed approach can more accurately locate the salient objects with sharpened details and hence substantially improve the performance compared to the previous state-of-the-arts. Our approach is fast as well and can run at a speed of more than 30 FPS when processing a 300 × 400 image. Code can be found at http://mmcheng.net/poolnet/.
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Image manipulation localization aims at distinguishing forged regions from the whole test image. Although many outstanding prior arts have been proposed for this task, there are still two issues that need to be further studied: 1) how to fuse diverse types of features with forgery clues; 2) how to progressively integrate multistage features for better localization performance. In this paper, we propose a tripartite progressive integration network (TriPINet) for end-to-end image manipulation localization. First, we extract both visual perception information, e.g., RGB input images, and visual imperceptible features, e.g., frequency and noise traces for forensic feature learning. Second, we develop a guided cross-modality dual-attention (gCMDA) module to fuse different types of forged clues. Third, we design a set of progressive integration squeeze-and-excitation (PI-SE) modules to improve localization performance by appropriately incorporating multiscale features in the decoder. Extensive experiments are conducted to compare our method with state-of-the-art image forensics approaches. The proposed TriPINet obtains competitive results on several benchmark datasets.
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现有的基于CNNS的RGB-D突出物体检测(SOD)网络全部需要在想象网上预先预先磨削以学习层次结构功能,有助于提供良好的初始化。但是,大规模数据集的收集和注释是耗时和昂贵的。在本文中,我们利用自我监督的表示学习(SSL)来设计两个借口任务:跨模型自动编码器和深度轮廓估计。我们的借口任务只需要几个和未标记的RGB-D数据集来执行预先润廓,这使得网络捕获丰富的语义上下文并降低两个模态之间的间隙,从而为下游任务提供有效的初始化。此外,对于RGB-D SOD中的跨模态融合的固有问题,我们提出了一种一致性差异聚合(CDA)模块,其将单个特征融合分成多路径融合,以实现对一致和差分信息的充分看法。 CDA模块是通用的,适用于跨模型和交叉级别融合。关于六个基准数据集的广泛实验表明,我们的自我监督净化模型对想象成的最先进的方法有利地表现出有利的。源代码将在\ textColor {红色} {\ url {https://github.com/xiaoqi-zhao-dlut/sslsod}}上公开可用。
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Salient object detection (SOD) aims to determine the most visually attractive objects in an image. With the development of virtual reality technology, 360{\deg} omnidirectional image has been widely used, but the SOD task in 360{\deg} omnidirectional image is seldom studied due to its severe distortions and complex scenes. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Projection Fusion and Refinement Network (MPFR-Net) to detect the salient objects in 360{\deg} omnidirectional image. Different from the existing methods, the equirectangular projection image and four corresponding cube-unfolding images are embedded into the network simultaneously as inputs, where the cube-unfolding images not only provide supplementary information for equirectangular projection image, but also ensure the object integrity of the cube-map projection. In order to make full use of these two projection modes, a Dynamic Weighting Fusion (DWF) module is designed to adaptively integrate the features of different projections in a complementary and dynamic manner from the perspective of inter and intra features. Furthermore, in order to fully explore the way of interaction between encoder and decoder features, a Filtration and Refinement (FR) module is designed to suppress the redundant information between the feature itself and the feature. Experimental results on two omnidirectional datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.
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深度映射记录场景中的视点和对象之间的距离,这在许多真实应用程序中起着关键作用。然而,消费者级RGB-D相机捕获的深度图遭受了低空间分辨率。引导深度地图超分辨率(DSR)是解决此问题的流行方法,该方法试图从输入的低分辨率(LR)深度及其耦合的HR RGB图像中恢复高分辨率(HR)深度映射和作为指引。引导DSR最具挑战性的问题是如何正确选择一致的结构并传播它们,并正确处理不一致的结构。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于引导DSR的新型关注的分层多模态融合(AHMF)网络。具体地,为了有效地提取和组合来自LR深度和HR引导的相关信息,我们提出了一种基于多模态注意力的融合(MMAF)策略,包括分层卷积层,包括特征增强块,以选择有价值的功能和特征重新校准块来统一不同外观特征的方式的相似性度量。此外,我们提出了一个双向分层特征协作(BHFC)模块,以完全利用多尺度特征之间的低级空间信息和高级结构信息。实验结果表明,在重建精度,运行速度和记忆效率方面,我们的方法优于最先进的方法。
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大多数现有的RGB-D突出物体检测方法利用卷积操作并构建复杂的交织融合结构来实现跨模型信息集成。卷积操作的固有局部连接将基于卷积的方法的性能进行了限制到天花板的性能。在这项工作中,我们从全球信息对齐和转换的角度重新思考此任务。具体地,所提出的方法(Transcmd)级联几个跨模型集成单元来构造基于自上而下的变换器的信息传播路径(TIPP)。 Transcmd将多尺度和多模态特征集成作为序列到序列上下文传播和内置于变压器上的更新过程。此外,考虑到二次复杂性W.R.T.输入令牌的数量,我们设计了具有可接受的计算成本的修补程序令牌重新嵌入策略(Ptre)。七个RGB-D SOD基准数据集上的实验结果表明,在配备TIPP时,简单的两流编码器 - 解码器框架可以超越最先进的基于CNN的方法。
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RGB-D图像上的突出对象检测(SOD)是计算机视觉中的主动问题。 RGB-D SOD问题的主要挑战是1)提取RGB的准确特征和杂物背景或图像质量差的深度图像数据,2)探索RGB和深度图像数据之间的互补信息。为了解决这些挑战,我们提出了一种用于RGB-D SOD的新型互变融合网络(MTFNET)。 MTFNET包含两个主要模块,$ i. $,焦点特征提取器(FFE)和相互变压器融合(MTF)。 FFE旨在通过引入新的像素级焦点正则化来引导CNN特征提取器来提取RGB和深度图像的更准确的CNN特征。 MTF旨在深入利用RGB与粗略和精细尺度之间的多模态交互。 MTF的主要好处是它同时对模态和模态的学习进行了学习,因此可以更直接且充分地实现不同方式的通信。六个公共基准的综合实验结果展示了我们提出的MTFNET的优越性。
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