我们介绍了空间本地化叙述中的视频中的任务。我们的方法的关键是能够学会在与随附的叙述的视频中的大型视频中对自我监督进行空间地定位与自我监督的互动。为实现这一目标,我们提出了一种多层跨模型关注网络,可以在培训期间有效优化对比损失。我们介绍了一种分割的策略,可以通过视觉和自然语言方式计算和中间模态注意力之间的交替,这允许通过直接对比两种方式的表示来实现有效的培训。我们展示了我们对HOWTO100M教学数据集的自我训练的方法的有效性,并在YouCook2 DataSet中的本地化描述交互的新收集数据集上进行评估。我们展示了我们的方法优于替代基准,包括浅薄的共同关注和完全跨越的关注。我们还将我们的方法应用于在Flickr30k上的弱监管下的图像中的接地短语,并显示堆叠多个注意层是有效的,并且当与对区域丢失相结合时,在召回召回和指向时达到最先进的艺术状态手准确性。
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In this paper, we introduce ActBERT for self-supervised learning of joint video-text representations from unlabeled data. First, we leverage global action information to catalyze mutual interactions between linguistic texts and local regional objects. It uncovers global and local visual clues from paired video sequences and text descriptions for detailed visual and text relation modeling. Second, we introduce a TaNgled Transformer block (TNT) to encode three sources of information, i.e., global actions, local regional objects, and linguistic descriptions. Global-local correspondences are discovered via judicious clues extraction from contextual information. It enforces the joint video-text representation to be aware of fine-grained objects as well as global human intention. We validate the generalization capability of ActBERT on downstream video-and-language tasks, i.e., text-video clip retrieval, video captioning, video question answering, action segmentation, and action step localization. ActBERT significantly outperforms the stateof-the-art, demonstrating its superiority in video-text representation learning.actbct * This work was done when Linchao Zhu visited Baidu Research. Yi Yang is the corresponding author.
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The remarkable success of deep learning in various domains relies on the availability of large-scale annotated datasets. However, obtaining annotations is expensive and requires great effort, which is especially challenging for videos. Moreover, the use of human-generated annotations leads to models with biased learning and poor domain generalization and robustness. As an alternative, self-supervised learning provides a way for representation learning which does not require annotations and has shown promise in both image and video domains. Different from the image domain, learning video representations are more challenging due to the temporal dimension, bringing in motion and other environmental dynamics. This also provides opportunities for video-exclusive ideas that advance self-supervised learning in the video and multimodal domain. In this survey, we provide a review of existing approaches on self-supervised learning focusing on the video domain. We summarize these methods into four different categories based on their learning objectives: 1) pretext tasks, 2) generative learning, 3) contrastive learning, and 4) cross-modal agreement. We further introduce the commonly used datasets, downstream evaluation tasks, insights into the limitations of existing works, and the potential future directions in this area.
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Astounding results from Transformer models on natural language tasks have intrigued the vision community to study their application to computer vision problems. Among their salient benefits, Transformers enable modeling long dependencies between input sequence elements and support parallel processing of sequence as compared to recurrent networks e.g., Long short-term memory (LSTM). Different from convolutional networks, Transformers require minimal inductive biases for their design and are naturally suited as set-functions. Furthermore, the straightforward design of Transformers allows processing multiple modalities (e.g., images, videos, text and speech) using similar processing blocks and demonstrates excellent scalability to very large capacity networks and huge datasets. These strengths have led to exciting progress on a number of vision tasks using Transformer networks. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Transformer models in the computer vision discipline. We start with an introduction to fundamental concepts behind the success of Transformers i.e., self-attention, large-scale pre-training, and bidirectional feature encoding. We then cover extensive applications of transformers in vision including popular recognition tasks (e.g., image classification, object detection, action recognition, and segmentation), generative modeling, multi-modal tasks (e.g., visual-question answering, visual reasoning, and visual grounding), video processing (e.g., activity recognition, video forecasting), low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image enhancement, and colorization) and 3D analysis (e.g., point cloud classification and segmentation). We compare the respective advantages and limitations of popular techniques both in terms of architectural design and their experimental value. Finally, we provide an analysis on open research directions and possible future works. We hope this effort will ignite further interest in the community to solve current challenges towards the application of transformer models in computer vision.
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Timeyou have a little pressure you are cutting the wood readjusting the table saw I am using a roller sure you applied glue Figure 1: We describe an efficient approach to learn visual representations from misaligned and noisy narrations (bottom) automatically extracted from instructional videos (top). Our video representations are learnt from scratch without relying on any manually annotated visual dataset yet outperform all self-supervised and many fully-supervised methods on several video recognition benchmarks.
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We introduce LaViLa, a new approach to learning video-language representations by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs). We repurpose pre-trained LLMs to be conditioned on visual input, and finetune them to create automatic video narrators. Our auto-generated narrations offer a number of advantages, including dense coverage of long videos, better temporal synchronization of the visual information and text, and much higher diversity of text. The video-text embedding learned contrastively with these additional auto-generated narrations outperforms the previous state-of-the-art on multiple first-person and third-person video tasks, both in zero-shot and finetuned setups. Most notably, LaViLa obtains an absolute gain of 10.1% on EGTEA classification and 5.9% Epic-Kitchens-100 multi-instance retrieval benchmarks. Furthermore, LaViLa trained with only half the narrations from the Ego4D dataset outperforms baseline models trained on the full set, and shows positive scaling behavior on increasing pre-training data and model size.
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文本和视频之间交叉模态检索的任务旨在了解视觉和语言之间的对应关系。现有研究遵循基于文本和视频嵌入的测量文本视频相似度的趋势。在常见的做法中,通过将视频帧馈送到用于全球视觉特征提取的视频帧或仅通过使用图形卷积网络使用本地细粒度的框架区域来实现简单的语义关系来构造视频表示。然而,这些视频表示在学习视频表示中的视觉组件之间没有充分利用时空关系,从而无法区分具有相同视觉组件但具有不同关系的视频。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种视觉时空关系增强的网络(VSR-Net),这是一种新的跨模型检索框架,其考虑组件之间的空间视觉关系,以增强桥接文本 - 视频模型中的全局视频表示。具体地,使用多层时空变压器来编码视觉时空关系,以学习视觉关系特征。我们将全局视觉和细粒度的关系功能与两个嵌入空格上的文本功能对齐,用于交叉模态文本 - 视频检索。在MSR-VTT和MSVD数据集中进行了广泛的实验。结果表明了我们提出的模型的有效性。我们将发布促进未来研究的代码。
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视频瞬间检索旨在找到给定自然语言查询描述的片刻的开始和结束时间戳(视频的一部分)。全面监督的方法需要完整的时间边界注释才能获得有希望的结果,这是昂贵的,因为注释者需要关注整个时刻。弱监督的方法仅依赖于配对的视频和查询,但性能相对较差。在本文中,我们仔细研究了注释过程,并提出了一种称为“ Glance注释”的新范式。该范式需要一个只有一个随机框架的时间戳,我们将其称为“目光”,在完全监督的对应物的时间边界内。我们认为这是有益的,因为与弱监督相比,添加了琐碎的成本,还提供了更大的潜力。在一眼注释设置下,我们提出了一种基于对比度学习的一眼注释(VIGA),称为视频力矩检索的方法。 Viga将输入视频切成片段,并在剪辑和查询之间形成对比,其中一眼指导的高斯分布重量被分配给所有夹子。我们的广泛实验表明,VIGA通过很大的边距较小的弱监督方法获得了更好的结果,甚至可以在某些情况下与完全监督的方法相媲美。
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我们介绍了一种视听方法,用于远程文本到视频检索。与以前专为简短视频检索设计的方法(例如,持续时间为5-15秒)不同,我们的方法旨在检索捕获复杂人类动作的长时间视频。仅标准视频方法的一个挑战是与从这样的长视频中处理数百个密集提取的帧相关的大量计算成本。为了解决这个问题,我们建议用紧凑的音频提示替换视频的部分,这些线索简洁地汇总了动态音频事件,并且处理便宜。我们的方法称为Eclipse(带有声音编码的有效剪辑),通过添加一个统一的视听变压器块,将流行的剪辑模型调整为视听视频设置,该块从视频和音频流中捕获互补的提示。除了比仅长期视频的方法快2.92倍和2.34倍的内存效率外,我们的方法还可以在几个不同的远程视频数据集上,例如ActivityNet,QVHighighlights,Youcoook2,Youcoook2,Youcook2,Youcook2,Youcook2,Youcook2,Youcook2,Youcook2, Didemo和Charades。
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基于文本的视频细分旨在通过用文本查询指定演员及其表演动作来细分视频序列中的演员。由于\ emph {emph {语义不对称}的问题,以前的方法无法根据演员及其动作以细粒度的方式将视频内容与文本查询对齐。 \ emph {语义不对称}意味着在多模式融合过程中包含不同量的语义信息。为了减轻这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的演员和动作模块化网络,该网络将演员及其动作分别定位在两个单独的模块中。具体来说,我们首先从视频和文本查询中学习与参与者相关的内容,然后以对称方式匹配它们以定位目标管。目标管包含所需的参与者和动作,然后将其送入完全卷积的网络,以预测演员的分割掩模。我们的方法还建立了对象的关联,使其与所提出的时间建议聚合机制交叉多个框架。这使我们的方法能够有效地细分视频并保持预测的时间一致性。整个模型允许联合学习参与者的匹配和细分,并在A2D句子和J-HMDB句子数据集上实现单帧细分和完整视频细分的最新性能。
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We present a model that generates natural language descriptions of images and their regions. Our approach leverages datasets of images and their sentence descriptions to learn about the inter-modal correspondences between language and visual data. Our alignment model is based on a novel combination of Convolutional Neural Networks over image regions, bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks over sentences, and a structured objective that aligns the two modalities through a multimodal embedding. We then describe a Multimodal Recurrent Neural Network architecture that uses the inferred alignments to learn to generate novel descriptions of image regions. We demonstrate that our alignment model produces state of the art results in retrieval experiments on Flickr8K, Flickr30K and MSCOCO datasets. We then show that the generated descriptions significantly outperform retrieval baselines on both full images and on a new dataset of region-level annotations.
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我们研究了视频引用表达理解(REC)的问题,该问题旨在将句子中描述的引用对象定位为视频帧中的视觉区域。尽管取得了最近的进展,但现有方法却遇到了两个问题:1)视频帧之间的本地化结果不一致; 2)参考对象和上下文对象之间的混淆。为此,我们提出了一个新颖的双对应网络(称为DCNET),该网络明确增强了框架间和跨模式的密集关联。首先,我们旨在为框架内所有现有实例建立框架间的相关性。具体而言,我们计算框架间的斑点余弦相似性,以估计密集的对齐方式,然后执行框架间的对比度学习以在特征空间中映射它们。其次,我们建议构建细粒斑点字对齐,以将每个贴片与某些单词相关联。由于缺乏这种详细的注释,我们还通过余弦相似性预测了斑点字的对应关系。广泛的实验表明,我们的DCNET在视频和图像基准测试中都达到了最先进的性能。此外,我们进行了全面的消融研究和彻底的分析,以探索最佳模型设计。值得注意的是,我们的框架间和跨模式对比损失是插件功能,适用于任何视频架构架构。例如,通过在共同接地之上进行构建,我们在vid-sentence数据集的Accu。0.5上提高了1.48%的性能。
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The little girl jumps back up after falling. Figure 1: We consider localizing moments in video with natural language and demonstrate that incorporating local and global video features is important for this task. To train and evaluate our model, we collect the Distinct Describable Moments (DiDeMo) dataset which consists of over 40,000 pairs of localized video moments and corresponding natural language.
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我们建议对视觉模型预处理的基于利润的损失,以鼓励基于梯度的解释,这些解释与区域级注释一致。我们将该目标称为注意面罩的一致性(AMC),并证明它与依赖于区域级注释的模型相比,它产生了卓越的视觉接地性能,以显式训练对象检测器,例如更快的R-CNN。 AMC通过鼓励基于梯度的解释掩盖来工作,该掩盖的注意力分数主要集中在包含这种注释的图像的注释区域中。尤其是,在标准视觉建模目标之上接受AMC训练的模型在FlickR30K视觉接地基准中获得了86.59%的最新精度,与最佳先前模型相比,绝对改善了5.48%。我们的方法在既定的基准中都表现出表达理解,并通过设计基于梯度的解释来更好地与人类注释保持一致,从而提供了极大的表现。
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时空视频接地(STVG)的重点是检索由自由形式的文本表达式描绘的特定物体的时空管。现有方法主要将这一复杂的任务视为平行框架的问题,因此遭受了两种类型的不一致缺点:特征对齐不一致和预测不一致。在本文中,我们提出了一个端到端的一阶段框架,称为时空的一致性变压器(STCAT),以减轻这些问题。特别是,我们引入了一个新颖的多模式模板,作为解决此任务的全球目标,该目标明确限制了接地区域并将所有视频框架之间的预测联系起来。此外,为了在足够的视频文本感知下生成上述模板,提出了一个编码器架构来进行有效的全局上下文建模。由于这些关键设计,STCAT享有更一致的跨模式特征对齐和管预测,而无需依赖任何预训练的对象探测器。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法在两个具有挑战性的视频基准(VIDSTG和HC-STVG)上胜过先前的最先进的,这说明了拟议框架的优越性,以更好地理解视觉与自然语言之间的关联。代码可在\ url {https://github.com/jy0205/stcat}上公开获得。
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3D场景理解的最新进展探索了视觉接地(3DVG),以通过语言描述定位目标对象。但是,现有方法仅考虑整个句子和目标对象之间的依赖性,从而忽略了上下文与非目标之间的细粒度关系。在本文中,我们将3DVG扩展到更可靠和可解释的任务,称为3D短语意识接地(3DPAG)。 3DPAG任务旨在通过明确识别所有与短语相关的对象,然后根据上下文短语进行推理,旨在在3D场景中定位目标对象。为了解决这个问题,我们在可用的3DVG数据集中的170k句子中标记了大约400k短语级别的注释,即NR3D,SR3D和ScanRefer。通过利用这些开发的数据集,我们提出了一个新颖的框架,即Phraserefer,该框架通过短语对象对准优化以及短语特异性预训练来进行短语感知和对象级表示学习。在我们的环境中,我们将先前的3DVG方法扩展到短语感知方案,并提供指标以衡量3DPAG任务的解释性。广泛的结果证实,3DPAG有效地提高了3DVG,而Phraserefer分别在SR3D,NR3D和SCANREFER上分别达到三个数据集(即63.0%,54.4%和55.5%)的最先进。
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最近的动作识别模型通过整合对象,其位置和互动来取得令人印象深刻的结果。但是,为每个框架获得密集的结构化注释是乏味且耗时的,使这些方法的训练昂贵且可扩展性较低。同时,如果可以在感兴趣的域内或之外使用一小部分带注释的图像,我们如何将它们用于下游任务的视频?我们提出了一个学习框架的结构(简称SVIT),该结构证明了仅在训练过程中仅可用的少量图像的结构才能改善视频模型。 SVIT依靠两个关键见解。首先,由于图像和视频都包含结构化信息,因此我们用一组\ emph {对象令牌}丰富了一个可以在图像和视频中使用的\ emph {对象令牌}的模型。其次,视频中各个帧的场景表示应与静止图像的场景表示“对齐”。这是通过\ emph {frame-clip一致性}损失来实现的,该损失可确保图像和视频之间结构化信息的流动。我们探索场景结构的特定实例化,即\ emph {手对象图},由手和对象组成,其位置为节点,以及触点/no-contact的物理关系作为边缘。 SVIT在多个视频理解任务和数据集上显示出强烈的性能改进;它在EGO4D CVPR'22对象状态本地化挑战中赢得了第一名。对于代码和预算模型,请访问\ url {https://eladb3.github.io/svit/}的项目页面
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