Employing part-level features for pedestrian image description offers fine-grained information and has been verified as beneficial for person retrieval in very recent literature. A prerequisite of part discovery is that each part should be well located. Instead of using external cues, e.g., pose estimation, to directly locate parts, this paper lays emphasis on the content consistency within each part.Specifically, we target at learning discriminative partinformed features for person retrieval and make two contributions. (i) A network named Part-based Convolutional Baseline (PCB). Given an image input, it outputs a convolutional descriptor consisting of several part-level features. With a uniform partition strategy, PCB achieves competitive results with the state-of-the-art methods, proving itself as a strong convolutional baseline for person retrieval. (ii) A refined part pooling (RPP) method. Uniform partition inevitably incurs outliers in each part, which are in fact more similar to other parts. RPP re-assigns these outliers to the parts they are closest to, resulting in refined parts with enhanced within-part consistency. Experiment confirms that RPP allows PCB to gain another round of performance boost. For instance, on the Market-1501 dataset, we achieve (77.4+4.2)% mAP and (92.3+1.5)% rank-1 accuracy, surpassing the state of the art by a large margin.
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The combination of global and partial features has been an essential solution to improve discriminative performances in person re-identification (Re-ID) tasks. Previous part-based methods mainly focus on locating regions with specific pre-defined semantics to learn local representations, which increases learning difficulty but not efficient or robust to scenarios with large variances. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end feature learning strategy integrating discriminative information with various granularities. We carefully design the Multiple Granularity Network (MGN), a multi-branch deep network architecture consisting of one branch for global feature representations and two branches for local feature representations. Instead of learning on semantic regions, we uniformly partition the images into several stripes, and vary the number of parts in different local branches to obtain local feature representations with multiple granularities. Comprehensive experiments implemented on the mainstream evaluation datasets including Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reid and CUHK03 indicate that our method robustly achieves state-of-the-art performances and outperforms any existing approaches by a large margin. For example, on Market-1501 dataset in single query mode, we obtain a top result of Rank-1/mAP=96.6%/94.2% with this method after re-ranking.
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The main contribution of this paper is a simple semisupervised pipeline that only uses the original training set without collecting extra data. It is challenging in 1) how to obtain more training data only from the training set and 2) how to use the newly generated data. In this work, the generative adversarial network (GAN) is used to generate unlabeled samples. We propose the label smoothing regularization for outliers (LSRO). This method assigns a uniform label distribution to the unlabeled images, which regularizes the supervised model and improves the baseline.We verify the proposed method on a practical problem: person re-identification (re-ID). This task aims to retrieve a query person from other cameras. We adopt the deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN) for sample generation, and a baseline convolutional neural network (CNN) for representation learning. Experiments show that adding the GAN-generated data effectively improves the discriminative ability of learned CNN embeddings. On three large-scale datasets, Market-1501, CUHK03 and DukeMTMC-reID, we obtain +4.37%, +1.6% and +2.46% improvement in rank-1 precision over the baseline CNN, respectively. We additionally apply the proposed method to fine-grained bird recognition and achieve a +0.6% improvement over a strong baseline. The code is available at https://github.com/layumi/Person-reID_GAN .
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遮挡对人重新识别(Reid)构成了重大挑战。现有方法通常依赖于外部工具来推断可见的身体部位,这在计算效率和Reid精度方面可能是次优。特别是,在面对复杂的闭塞时,它们可能会失败,例如行人之间的遮挡。因此,在本文中,我们提出了一种名为M质量感知部分模型(QPM)的新方法,用于遮挡鲁棒Reid。首先,我们建议共同学习零件特征和预测部分质量分数。由于没有提供质量注释,我们介绍了一种自动将低分分配给闭塞体部位的策略,从而削弱了遮挡体零落在Reid结果上的影响。其次,基于预测部分质量分数,我们提出了一种新颖的身份感知空间关注(ISA)模块。在该模块中,利用粗略标识感知功能来突出目标行人的像素,以便处理行人之间的遮挡。第三,我们设计了一种自适应和有效的方法,用于了解来自每个图像对的共同非遮挡区域的全局特征。这种设计至关重要,但经常被现有方法忽略。 QPM有三个关键优势:1)它不依赖于培训或推理阶段的任何外部工具; 2)它处理由物体和其他行人引起的闭塞; 3)它是高度计算效率。对闭塞Reid的四个流行数据库的实验结果证明QPM始终如一地以显着的利润方式优于最先进的方法。 QPM代码将被释放。
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Person re-identification (Re-ID) aims at retrieving a person of interest across multiple non-overlapping cameras. With the advancement of deep neural networks and increasing demand of intelligent video surveillance, it has gained significantly increased interest in the computer vision community. By dissecting the involved components in developing a person Re-ID system, we categorize it into the closed-world and open-world settings. The widely studied closed-world setting is usually applied under various research-oriented assumptions, and has achieved inspiring success using deep learning techniques on a number of datasets. We first conduct a comprehensive overview with in-depth analysis for closed-world person Re-ID from three different perspectives, including deep feature representation learning, deep metric learning and ranking optimization. With the performance saturation under closed-world setting, the research focus for person Re-ID has recently shifted to the open-world setting, facing more challenging issues. This setting is closer to practical applications under specific scenarios. We summarize the open-world Re-ID in terms of five different aspects. By analyzing the advantages of existing methods, we design a powerful AGW baseline, achieving state-of-the-art or at least comparable performance on twelve datasets for FOUR different Re-ID tasks. Meanwhile, we introduce a new evaluation metric (mINP) for person Re-ID, indicating the cost for finding all the correct matches, which provides an additional criteria to evaluate the Re-ID system for real applications. Finally, some important yet under-investigated open issues are discussed.
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Person re-identification (re-ID) models trained on one domain often fail to generalize well to another. In our attempt, we present a "learning via translation" framework. In the baseline, we translate the labeled images from source to target domain in an unsupervised manner. We then train re-ID models with the translated images by supervised methods. Yet, being an essential part of this framework, unsupervised image-image translation suffers from the information loss of source-domain labels during translation.Our motivation is two-fold. First, for each image, the discriminative cues contained in its ID label should be maintained after translation. Second, given the fact that two domains have entirely different persons, a translated image should be dissimilar to any of the target IDs. To this end, we propose to preserve two types of unsupervised similarities, 1) self-similarity of an image before and after translation, and 2) domain-dissimilarity of a translated source image and a target image. Both constraints are implemented in the similarity preserving generative adversarial network (SPGAN) which consists of an Siamese network and a Cy-cleGAN. Through domain adaptation experiment, we show that images generated by SPGAN are more suitable for domain adaptation and yield consistent and competitive re-ID accuracy on two large-scale datasets.
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This paper contributes a new high quality dataset for person re-identification, named "Market-1501". Generally, current datasets: 1) are limited in scale; 2) consist of hand-drawn bboxes, which are unavailable under realistic settings; 3) have only one ground truth and one query image for each identity (close environment). To tackle these problems, the proposed Market-1501 dataset is featured in three aspects. First, it contains over 32,000 annotated bboxes, plus a distractor set of over 500K images, making it the largest person re-id dataset to date. Second, images in Market-1501 dataset are produced using the Deformable Part Model (DPM) as pedestrian detector. Third, our dataset is collected in an open system, where each identity has multiple images under each camera.As a minor contribution, inspired by recent advances in large-scale image search, this paper proposes an unsupervised Bag-of-Words descriptor. We view person reidentification as a special task of image search. In experiment, we show that the proposed descriptor yields competitive accuracy on VIPeR, CUHK03, and Market-1501 datasets, and is scalable on the large-scale 500k dataset.
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闭塞者重新识别(REID)旨在匹配遮挡人物在不同的相机视图上的整体上。目标行人(TP)通常受到非行人闭塞(NPO)和Nontarget行人(NTP)的干扰。以前的方法主要集中在忽略NTP的特征污染的同时越来越越来越多的模型对非NPO的鲁棒性。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的特征擦除和扩散网络(FED),同时处理NPO和NTP。具体地,我们的建议闭塞擦除模块(OEM)消除了NPO特征,并由NPO增强策略辅助,该策略模拟整体行人图像上的NPO并产生精确的遮挡掩模。随后,我们随后,我们将行人表示与其他记忆特征弥散,以通过学习的跨关注机构通过新颖的特征扩散模块(FDM)实现的特征空间中的NTP特征。随着OEM的闭塞分数的指导,特征扩散过程主要在可见的身体部位上进行,保证合成的NTP特性的质量。通过在我们提出的联邦网络中联合优化OEM和FDM,我们可以大大提高模型对TP的看法能力,并减轻NPO和NTP的影响。此外,所提出的FDM仅用作用于训练的辅助模块,并将在推理阶段中丢弃,从而引入很少的推理计算开销。遮挡和整体人员Reid基准的实验表明了美联储最先进的优越性,喂养的含量在封闭式封闭的内容上取得了86.3%的排名 - 1准确性,超过其他人至少4.7%。
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Occluded person re-identification (ReID) is a person retrieval task which aims at matching occluded person images with holistic ones. For addressing occluded ReID, part-based methods have been shown beneficial as they offer fine-grained information and are well suited to represent partially visible human bodies. However, training a part-based model is a challenging task for two reasons. Firstly, individual body part appearance is not as discriminative as global appearance (two distinct IDs might have the same local appearance), this means standard ReID training objectives using identity labels are not adapted to local feature learning. Secondly, ReID datasets are not provided with human topographical annotations. In this work, we propose BPBreID, a body part-based ReID model for solving the above issues. We first design two modules for predicting body part attention maps and producing body part-based features of the ReID target. We then propose GiLt, a novel training scheme for learning part-based representations that is robust to occlusions and non-discriminative local appearance. Extensive experiments on popular holistic and occluded datasets show the effectiveness of our proposed method, which outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 0.7% mAP and 5.6% rank-1 accuracy on the challenging Occluded-Duke dataset. Our code is available at https://github.com/VlSomers/bpbreid.
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在本文中,我们基于任何卷积神经网络中中间注意图的弱监督生成机制,并更加直接地披露了注意模块的有效性,以充分利用其潜力。鉴于现有的神经网络配备了任意注意模块,我们介绍了一个元评论家网络,以评估主网络中注意力图的质量。由于我们设计的奖励的离散性,提出的学习方法是在强化学习环境中安排的,在此设置中,注意力参与者和经常性的批评家交替优化,以提供临时注意力表示的即时批评和修订,因此,由于深度强化的注意力学习而引起了人们的关注。 (Dreal)。它可以普遍应用于具有不同类型的注意模块的网络体系结构,并通过最大程度地提高每个单独注意模块产生的最终识别性能的相对增益来促进其表现能力,如类别和实例识别基准的广泛实验所证明的那样。
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