许多基于点的3D检测器采用点功能采样策略来提出一些分数以提高推断。这些策略通常基于固定和手工制作的规则,因此难以处理复杂的场景。与它们不同的是,我们提出了一个动态球查询(DBQ)网络,以根据输入特征自适应地选择输入点的子集,并为每个选定的点分配特征转换,并具有合适的接受场。它可以嵌入到一些最新的3D检测器中,并以端到端的方式进行训练,从而大大降低计算成本。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法可以在Kitti和Waymo数据集中将延迟降低30%-60%。具体而言,我们的检测器的推理速度分别可以在Kitti和Waymo数据集上具有可忽略的性能降解,可以达到162 fps和30 fps。
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Deep learning frameworks have often focused on either usability or speed, but not both. PyTorch is a machine learning library that shows that these two goals are in fact compatible: it provides an imperative and Pythonic programming style that supports code as a model, makes debugging easy and is consistent with other popular scientific computing libraries, while remaining efficient and supporting hardware accelerators such as GPUs. In this paper, we detail the principles that drove the implementation of PyTorch and how they are reflected in its architecture. We emphasize that every aspect of PyTorch is a regular Python program under the full control of its user. We also explain how the careful and pragmatic implementation of the key components of its runtime enables them to work together to achieve compelling performance. We demonstrate the efficiency of individual subsystems, as well as the overall speed of PyTorch on several common benchmarks.
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Recent methods demonstrate that data augmentation using counterfactual knowledge can teach models the causal structure of a task, leading to robust and generalizable models. However, such counterfactual data often has a limited scale and diversity if crowdsourced and is computationally expensive to extend to new perturbation types if generated using supervised methods. To address this, we introduce a new framework called DISCO for automatically generating high-quality counterfactual data at scale. DISCO engineers prompts to generate phrasal perturbations with a large general language model. Then, a task-specific teacher model filters the generation to distill high-quality counterfactual data. We show that learning with this counterfactual data yields a comparatively small student model that is 6% (absolute) more robust and generalizes 5% better across distributions than baselines on various challenging evaluations. This model is also 15% more sensitive in differentiating original and counterfactual examples, on three evaluation sets written by human workers and via human-AI collaboration.
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Although existing multi-object tracking (MOT) algorithms have obtained competitive performance on various benchmarks, almost all of them train and validate models on the same domain. The domain generalization problem of MOT is hardly studied. To bridge this gap, we first draw the observation that the high-level information contained in natural language is domain invariant to different tracking domains. Based on this observation, we propose to introduce natural language representation into visual MOT models for boosting the domain generalization ability. However, it is infeasible to label every tracking target with a textual description. To tackle this problem, we design two modules, namely visual context prompting (VCP) and visual-language mixing (VLM). Specifically, VCP generates visual prompts based on the input frames. VLM joints the information in the generated visual prompts and the textual prompts from a pre-defined Trackbook to obtain instance-level pseudo textual description, which is domain invariant to different tracking scenes. Through training models on MOT17 and validating them on MOT20, we observe that the pseudo textual descriptions generated by our proposed modules improve the generalization performance of query-based trackers by large margins.
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Transcranial temporal interference stimulation (tTIS) has been reported to be effective in stimulating deep brain structures in experimental studies. However, a computational framework for optimizing the tTIS strategy and simulating the impact of tTIS on the brain is still lacking, as previous methods rely on predefined parameters and hardly adapt to additional constraints. Here, we propose a general framework, namely multi-objective optimization via evolutionary algorithm (MOVEA), to solve the nonconvex optimization problem for various stimulation techniques, including tTIS and transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS). By optimizing the electrode montage in a two-stage structure, MOVEA can be compatible with additional constraints (e.g., the number of electrodes, additional avoidance regions), and MOVEA can accelerate to obtain the Pareto fronts. These Pareto fronts consist of a set of optimal solutions under different requirements, suggesting a trade-off relationship between conflicting objectives, such as intensity and focality. Based on MOVEA, we make comprehensive comparisons between tACS and tTIS in terms of intensity, focality and maneuverability for targets of different depths. Our results show that although the tTIS can only obtain a relatively low maximum achievable electric field strength, for example, the maximum intensity of motor area under tTIS is 0.42V /m, while 0.51V /m under tACS, it helps improve the focality by reducing 60% activated volume outside the target. We further perform ANOVA on the stimulation results of eight subjects with tACS and tTIS. Despite the individual differences in head models, our results suggest that tACS has a greater intensity and tTIS has a higher focality. These findings provide guidance on the choice between tACS and tTIS and indicate a great potential in tTIS-based personalized neuromodulation. Code will be released soon.
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在深度感知的固有歧义的范围内,现代相机的3D对象检测方法属于性能瓶颈。从直觉上讲,利用时间多视角立体声(MVS)技术是解决这种歧义的自然知识。但是,在适用于3D对象检测场景时,MV的传统尝试在两个方面存在缺陷:1)所有观点之间的亲和力测量遭受昂贵的计算成本; 2)很难处理经常移动物体的室外场景。为此,我们引入了一种有效的时间立体声方法,以动态选择匹配候选者的尺度,从而显着减少计算开销。更进一步,我们设计了一种迭代算法,以更新更有价值的候选人,使其适应移动候选人。我们将我们提出的方法实例化,以进行多视图3D检测器,即Bevstereo。 Bevstereo在Nuscenes数据集的仅相机轨道上实现了新的最先进的性能(即52.5%地图和61.0%NDS)。同时,广泛的实验反映了我们的方法比当代MVS方法更好地处理复杂的室外场景。代码已在https://github.com/megvii astection/bevstereo上发布。
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由于3D对象检测和2D MOT的快速发展,3D多对象跟踪(MOT)已取得了巨大的成就。最近的高级工作通常采用一系列对象属性,例如位置,大小,速度和外观,以提供3D MOT的关联线索。但是,由于某些视觉噪音,例如遮挡和模糊,这些提示可能无法可靠,从而导致跟踪性能瓶颈。为了揭示困境,我们进行了广泛的经验分析,以揭示每个线索的关键瓶颈及其彼此之间的相关性。分析结果激发了我们有效地吸收所有线索之间的优点,并适应性地产生最佳的应对方式。具体而言,我们提出位置和速度质量学习,该学习有效地指导网络估计预测对象属性的质量。基于这些质量估计,我们提出了一种质量意识的对象关联(QOA)策略,以利用质量得分作为实现强大关联的重要参考因素。尽管具有简单性,但广泛的实验表明,提出的策略可显着提高2.2%的AMOTA跟踪性能,而我们的方法的表现优于所有现有的最先进的Nuscenes上的最新作品。此外,Qtrack在Nuscenes验证和测试集上实现了48.0%和51.1%的AMOTA跟踪性能,这大大降低了纯摄像头和基于LIDAR的跟踪器之间的性能差距。
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目前,在鸟眼中检测3D对象(BEV)优于其他3D检测器,用于自动驾驶和机器人技术。但是,将图像特征转换为BEV需要特别操作员进行特征采样。这些操作员在许多边缘设备上不受支持,在部署探测器时会带来额外的障碍。为了解决此问题,我们重新审视BEV表示的生成,并在透视图BEV中提出检测对象 - 一种不需要功能采样的新的BEV表示。我们证明,BEV功能同样可以享受BEV范式的好处。此外,视角BEV通过解决特征采样引起的问题来改善检测性能。我们建议基于此发现的透视bev空间中的高性能对象检测提出PERSDET。在实施简单且有效的结构时,SPEDET优于Nuscenes基准上的现有最新单眼方法,在使用Resnet-50作为骨架时,达到34.6%的MAP和40.8%的NDS。
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