We study the composition style in deep image matting, a notion that characterizes a data generation flow on how to exploit limited foregrounds and random backgrounds to form a training dataset. Prior art executes this flow in a completely random manner by simply going through the foreground pool or by optionally combining two foregrounds before foreground-background composition. In this work, we first show that naive foreground combination can be problematic and therefore derive an alternative formulation to reasonably combine foregrounds. Our second contribution is an observation that matting performance can benefit from a certain occurrence frequency of combined foregrounds and their associated source foregrounds during training. Inspired by this, we introduce a novel composition style that binds the source and combined foregrounds in a definite triplet. In addition, we also find that different orders of foreground combination lead to different foreground patterns, which further inspires a quadruplet-based composition style. Results under controlled experiments on four matting baselines show that our composition styles outperform existing ones and invite consistent performance improvement on both composited and real-world datasets. Code is available at: https://github.com/coconuthust/composition_styles
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Data heterogeneity across clients in federated learning (FL) settings is a widely acknowledged challenge. In response, personalized federated learning (PFL) emerged as a framework to curate local models for clients' tasks. In PFL, a common strategy is to develop local and global models jointly - the global model (for generalization) informs the local models, and the local models (for personalization) are aggregated to update the global model. A key observation is that if we can improve the generalization ability of local models, then we can improve the generalization of global models, which in turn builds better personalized models. In this work, we consider class imbalance, an overlooked type of data heterogeneity, in the classification setting. We propose FedNH, a novel method that improves the local models' performance for both personalization and generalization by combining the uniformity and semantics of class prototypes. FedNH initially distributes class prototypes uniformly in the latent space and smoothly infuses the class semantics into class prototypes. We show that imposing uniformity helps to combat prototype collapse while infusing class semantics improves local models. Extensive experiments were conducted on popular classification datasets under the cross-device setting. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness and stability of our method over recent works.
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自我监督学习的一个重要目标是使模型预训练能够从几乎无限的数据中受益。但是,一种最近变得流行的方法,即掩盖图像建模(MIM),被怀疑无法从较大的数据中受益。在这项工作中,我们通过广泛的实验打破了这一误解,数据量表从10 \%imagenet-1k到完整的Imagenet-22K,型号的尺寸从4,900万到10亿,培训长度从125k迭代到500k迭代迭代范围不等。我们的研究表明:(i)蒙版的图像建模也要求对较大的数据进行要求。我们观察到,非常大的模型被相对较小的数据过度。 (ii)培训的时间长度。接受掩盖图像建模训练的大型模型可以从更多的数据中受益,并具有更长的培训。 (iii)预训练中的验证损失是衡量模型在多个任务上进行微调的表现的好指标。该观察结果使我们能够预先评估预训练的模型,而无需对下游任务进行昂贵的试用和错误评估。我们希望我们的发现能够从缩放能力方面提高对蒙版图像建模的理解。
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本文介绍了Simmim,这是一个简单的蒙面图像建模框架。我们在没有特殊设计的情况下简化了最近提出的相关方法,例如通过离散VAE或聚类的块状掩蔽和令牌化。要研究蒙版图像建模任务学习良好的表示,我们系统地研究了我们框架中的主要组成部分,并发现每个组件的简单设计揭示了非常强烈的表示学习性能:1)用中等的输入图像随机掩蔽输入图像大型蒙面贴片尺寸(例如,32)进行了强大的文本前任务; 2)通过直接回归预测RGB值的原始像素不比具有复杂设计的补丁分类方法更差; 3)预测头可以像线性层一样光,性能比较重的形式更差。使用VIT-B,我们的方法通过预训练在此数据集上进行预培训,我们的方法在ImageNet-1K上实现了83.8%的精细调整精度,超过了以前最佳方法+ 0.6%。当应用于大约6.5亿参数的更大模型时,SwinV2-H,它在Imagenet-1K上使用Imagenet-1K数据实现了87.1%的前1个精度。我们还利用这种方法来促进3B模型(SWINV2-G)的培训,比以前的实践中的数据减少40美元,我们在四个代表性视觉基准上实现了最先进的。代码和模型将在https://github.com/microsoft/simmim公开使用。
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When using LiDAR semantic segmentation models for safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving, it is essential to understand and improve their robustness with respect to a large range of LiDAR corruptions. In this paper, we aim to comprehensively analyze the robustness of LiDAR semantic segmentation models under various corruptions. To rigorously evaluate the robustness and generalizability of current approaches, we propose a new benchmark called SemanticKITTI-C, which features 16 out-of-domain LiDAR corruptions in three groups, namely adverse weather, measurement noise and cross-device discrepancy. Then, we systematically investigate 11 LiDAR semantic segmentation models, especially spanning different input representations (e.g., point clouds, voxels, projected images, and etc.), network architectures and training schemes. Through this study, we obtain two insights: 1) We find out that the input representation plays a crucial role in robustness. Specifically, under specific corruptions, different representations perform variously. 2) Although state-of-the-art methods on LiDAR semantic segmentation achieve promising results on clean data, they are less robust when dealing with noisy data. Finally, based on the above observations, we design a robust LiDAR segmentation model (RLSeg) which greatly boosts the robustness with simple but effective modifications. It is promising that our benchmark, comprehensive analysis, and observations can boost future research in robust LiDAR semantic segmentation for safety-critical applications.
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In recent years, arbitrary image style transfer has attracted more and more attention. Given a pair of content and style images, a stylized one is hoped that retains the content from the former while catching style patterns from the latter. However, it is difficult to simultaneously keep well the trade-off between the content details and the style features. To stylize the image with sufficient style patterns, the content details may be damaged and sometimes the objects of images can not be distinguished clearly. For this reason, we present a new transformer-based method named STT for image style transfer and an edge loss which can enhance the content details apparently to avoid generating blurred results for excessive rendering on style features. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that STT achieves comparable performance to state-of-the-art image style transfer methods while alleviating the content leak problem.
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With the increasing ability of large language models (LLMs), in-context learning (ICL) has become a new paradigm for natural language processing (NLP), where LLMs make predictions only based on contexts augmented with a few training examples. It has been a new trend exploring ICL to evaluate and extrapolate the ability of LLMs. In this paper, we aim to survey and summarize the progress, challenges, and future work in ICL. We first present a formal definition of ICL and clarify its correlation to related studies. Then, we organize and discuss advanced techniques of ICL, including training strategies, prompting strategies, and so on. Finally, we present the challenges of ICL and provide potential directions for further research. We hope our work can encourage more research on uncovering how ICL works and improving ICL in future work.
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Gaze estimation is the fundamental basis for many visual tasks. Yet, the high cost of acquiring gaze datasets with 3D annotations hinders the optimization and application of gaze estimation models. In this work, we propose a novel Head-Eye redirection parametric model based on Neural Radiance Field, which allows dense gaze data generation with view consistency and accurate gaze direction. Moreover, our head-eye redirection parametric model can decouple the face and eyes for separate neural rendering, so it can achieve the purpose of separately controlling the attributes of the face, identity, illumination, and eye gaze direction. Thus diverse 3D-aware gaze datasets could be obtained by manipulating the latent code belonging to different face attributions in an unsupervised manner. Extensive experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in domain generalization and domain adaptation for gaze estimation tasks.
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Generalizability to unseen forgery types is crucial for face forgery detectors. Recent works have made significant progress in terms of generalization by synthetic forgery data augmentation. In this work, we explore another path for improving the generalization. Our goal is to reduce the features that are easy to learn in the training phase, so as to reduce the risk of overfitting on specific forgery types. Specifically, in our method, a teacher network takes as input the face images and generates an attention map of the deep features by a diverse multihead attention ViT. The attention map is used to guide a student network to focus on the low-attended features by reducing the highly-attended deep features. A deep feature mixup strategy is also proposed to synthesize forgeries in the feature domain. Experiments demonstrate that, without data augmentation, our method is able to achieve promising performances on unseen forgeries and highly compressed data.
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The development of deep learning models in medical image analysis is majorly limited by the lack of large-sized and well-annotated datasets. Unsupervised learning does not require labels and is more suitable for solving medical image analysis problems. However, most of the current unsupervised learning methods need to be applied to large datasets. To make unsupervised learning applicable to small datasets, we proposed Swin MAE, which is a masked autoencoder with Swin Transformer as its backbone. Even on a dataset of only a few thousand medical images and without using any pre-trained models, Swin MAE is still able to learn useful semantic features purely from images. It can equal or even slightly outperform the supervised model obtained by Swin Transformer trained on ImageNet in terms of the transfer learning results of downstream tasks. The code will be publicly available soon.
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