Pre-trained models have achieved remarkable success in natural language processing (NLP). However, existing pre-training methods underutilize the benefits of language understanding for generation. Inspired by the idea of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), we propose a GAN-style model for encoder-decoder pre-training by introducing an auxiliary discriminator, unifying the ability of language understanding and generation in a single model. Our model, named as GanLM, is trained with two pre-training objectives: replaced token detection and replaced token denoising. Specifically, given masked source sentences, the generator outputs the target distribution and the discriminator predicts whether the target sampled tokens from distribution are incorrect. The target sentence is replaced with misclassified tokens to construct noisy previous context, which is used to generate the gold sentence. In general, both tasks improve the ability of language understanding and generation by selectively using the denoising data. Extensive experiments in language generation benchmarks show that GanLM with the powerful language understanding capability outperforms various strong pre-trained language models (PLMs) and achieves state-of-the-art performance.
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This paper presents a novel federated reinforcement learning (Fed-RL) methodology to enhance the cyber resiliency of networked microgrids. We formulate a resilient reinforcement learning (RL) training setup which (a) generates episodic trajectories injecting adversarial actions at primary control reference signals of the grid forming (GFM) inverters and (b) trains the RL agents (or controllers) to alleviate the impact of the injected adversaries. To circumvent data-sharing issues and concerns for proprietary privacy in multi-party-owned networked grids, we bring in the aspects of federated machine learning and propose a novel Fed-RL algorithm to train the RL agents. To this end, the conventional horizontal Fed-RL approaches using decoupled independent environments fail to capture the coupled dynamics in a networked microgrid, which leads us to propose a multi-agent vertically federated variation of actor-critic algorithms, namely federated soft actor-critic (FedSAC) algorithm. We created a customized simulation setup encapsulating microgrid dynamics in the GridLAB-D/HELICS co-simulation platform compatible with the OpenAI Gym interface for training RL agents. Finally, the proposed methodology is validated with numerical examples of modified IEEE 123-bus benchmark test systems consisting of three coupled microgrids.
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Image token removal is an efficient augmentation strategy for reducing the cost of computing image features. However, this efficient augmentation strategy has been found to adversely affect the accuracy of CLIP-based training. We hypothesize that removing a large portion of image tokens may improperly discard the semantic content associated with a given text description, thus constituting an incorrect pairing target in CLIP training. To address this issue, we propose an attentive token removal approach for CLIP training, which retains tokens with a high semantic correlation to the text description. The correlation scores are computed in an online fashion using the EMA version of the visual encoder. Our experiments show that the proposed attentive masking approach performs better than the previous method of random token removal for CLIP training. The approach also makes it efficient to apply multiple augmentation views to the image, as well as introducing instance contrastive learning tasks between these views into the CLIP framework. Compared to other CLIP improvements that combine different pre-training targets such as SLIP and MaskCLIP, our method is not only more effective, but also much more efficient. Specifically, using ViT-B and YFCC-15M dataset, our approach achieves $43.9\%$ top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K zero-shot classification, as well as $62.7/42.1$ and $38.0/23.2$ I2T/T2I retrieval accuracy on Flickr30K and MS COCO, which are $+1.1\%$, $+5.5/+0.9$, and $+4.4/+1.3$ higher than the SLIP method, while being $2.30\times$ faster. An efficient version of our approach running $1.16\times$ faster than the plain CLIP model achieves significant gains of $+5.3\%$, $+11.3/+8.0$, and $+9.5/+4.9$ on these benchmarks.
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Recently, domain-specific PLMs have been proposed to boost the task performance of specific domains (e.g., biomedical and computer science) by continuing to pre-train general PLMs with domain-specific corpora. However, this Domain-Adaptive Pre-Training (DAPT; Gururangan et al. (2020)) tends to forget the previous general knowledge acquired by general PLMs, which leads to a catastrophic forgetting phenomenon and sub-optimal performance. To alleviate this problem, we propose a new framework of General Memory Augmented Pre-trained Language Model (G-MAP), which augments the domain-specific PLM by a memory representation built from the frozen general PLM without losing any general knowledge. Specifically, we propose a new memory-augmented layer, and based on it, different augmented strategies are explored to build the memory representation and then adaptively fuse it into the domain-specific PLM. We demonstrate the effectiveness of G-MAP on various domains (biomedical and computer science publications, news, and reviews) and different kinds (text classification, QA, NER) of tasks, and the extensive results show that the proposed G-MAP can achieve SOTA results on all tasks.
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LiDAR-based 3D object detection is an indispensable task in advanced autonomous driving systems. Though impressive detection results have been achieved by superior 3D detectors, they suffer from significant performance degeneration when facing unseen domains, such as different LiDAR configurations, different cities, and weather conditions. The mainstream approaches tend to solve these challenges by leveraging unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) techniques. However, these UDA solutions just yield unsatisfactory 3D detection results when there is a severe domain shift, e.g., from Waymo (64-beam) to nuScenes (32-beam). To address this, we present a novel Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation method for 3D object detection (SSDA3D), where only a few labeled target data is available, yet can significantly improve the adaptation performance. In particular, our SSDA3D includes an Inter-domain Adaptation stage and an Intra-domain Generalization stage. In the first stage, an Inter-domain Point-CutMix module is presented to efficiently align the point cloud distribution across domains. The Point-CutMix generates mixed samples of an intermediate domain, thus encouraging to learn domain-invariant knowledge. Then, in the second stage, we further enhance the model for better generalization on the unlabeled target set. This is achieved by exploring Intra-domain Point-MixUp in semi-supervised learning, which essentially regularizes the pseudo label distribution. Experiments from Waymo to nuScenes show that, with only 10% labeled target data, our SSDA3D can surpass the fully-supervised oracle model with 100% target label. Our code is available at
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Despite the fast advances in high-sigma yield analysis with the help of machine learning techniques in the past decade, one of the main challenges, the curse of dimensionality, which is inevitable when dealing with modern large-scale circuits, remains unsolved. To resolve this challenge, we propose an absolute shrinkage deep kernel learning, ASDK, which automatically identifies the dominant process variation parameters in a nonlinear-correlated deep kernel and acts as a surrogate model to emulate the expensive SPICE simulation. To further improve the yield estimation efficiency, we propose a novel maximization of approximated entropy reduction for an efficient model update, which is also enhanced with parallel batch sampling for parallel computing, making it ready for practical deployment. Experiments on SRAM column circuits demonstrate the superiority of ASDK over the state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches in terms of accuracy and efficiency with up to 10.3x speedup over SOTA methods.
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Self-supervised monocular depth estimation has shown impressive results in static scenes. It relies on the multi-view consistency assumption for training networks, however, that is violated in dynamic object regions and occlusions. Consequently, existing methods show poor accuracy in dynamic scenes, and the estimated depth map is blurred at object boundaries because they are usually occluded in other training views. In this paper, we propose SC-DepthV3 for addressing the challenges. Specifically, we introduce an external pretrained monocular depth estimation model for generating single-image depth prior, namely pseudo-depth, based on which we propose novel losses to boost self-supervised training. As a result, our model can predict sharp and accurate depth maps, even when training from monocular videos of highly-dynamic scenes. We demonstrate the significantly superior performance of our method over previous methods on six challenging datasets, and we provide detailed ablation studies for the proposed terms. Source code and data will be released at
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最近,基于云的图形卷积网络(GCN)在许多对隐私敏感的应用程序(例如个人医疗保健和金融系统)中表现出了巨大的成功和潜力。尽管在云上具有很高的推理准确性和性能,但在GCN推理中保持数据隐私,这对于这些实际应用至关重要,但仍未得到探索。在本文中,我们对此进行了初步尝试,并开发了$ \ textit {cryptogcn} $ - 基于GCN推理框架的同型加密(HE)。我们方法成功的关键是减少HE操作的巨大计算开销,这可能比明文空间中的同行高的数量级。为此,我们开发了一种方法,可以有效利用GCN推断中基质操作的稀疏性,从而大大减少计算开销。具体而言,我们提出了一种新型的AMA数据格式方法和相关的空间卷积方法,该方法可以利用复杂的图结构并在HE计算中执行有效的矩阵矩阵乘法,从而大大减少HE操作。我们还开发了一个合作式框架,该框架可以通过明智的修剪和GCN中激活模块的多项式近似来探索准确性,安全级别和计算开销之间的交易折扣。基于NTU-Xview骨架关节数据集,即,据我们所知,最大的数据集对同型的评估,我们的实验结果表明,$ \ textit {cryptogcn} $均优胜于最先进的解决方案。同构操作的延迟和数量,即在延迟上达到3.10 $ \ times $加速,并将总代态操作数量减少77.4 \%,而准确度的较小精度损失为1-1.5 $ \%$。
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多模式知识图(MKG)不仅包括关系三重态,还包括相关的多模式辅助数据(即文本和图像),从而增强了知识的多样性。然而,自然的不完整严重阻碍了MKG的应用。为了解决该问题,现有研究采用基于嵌入的推理模型来融合多模式特征后推断缺失的知识。但是,由于以下问题,这些方法的推理性能受到限制:(1)多模式辅助特征的无效融合; (2)缺乏复杂的推理能力以及无法进行多跳的推理,该推理能够推断出更多的知识。为了克服这些问题,我们提出了一个名为MMKGR(多模式知识图推理)的新型模型。具体而言,该模型包含以下两个组件:(1)统一的栅极注意网络,旨在通过充分的注意力相互作用和降低噪声来生成有效的多模式互补特征; (2)一种补充特征感知的增强学习方法,该方法根据组件(1)中获得的特征,通过执行多跳的推理过程来预测丢失元素。实验结果表明,MMKGR在MKG推理任务中的最新方法优于最先进的方法。
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归纳链路预测(ILP)是考虑到新兴知识图(kgs)中未见实体的联系,考虑到KGS的发展性质。一个更具挑战性的场景是,新兴的kg仅由看不见的实体组成,被称为已断开新兴kgs(DEKGS)。 DEKGS的现有研究仅专注于预测封闭链接,即预测新兴KG内部的联系。到目前为止,先前的工作尚未对将进化信息从原始KG到DEKG进行进化信息。为了填补空白,我们提出了一个名为DEKG-ILP的新型模型(由以下两个组成部分组成的dekg-ilp(断开新兴知识图形的归纳链路预测)。 (1)模块CLRM(基于对比的关系特定特征特征建模)是为了提取基于全球关系的语义特征而开发的,它们在原始KGS和DEKGS之间以新颖的采样策略共享。 (2)提出了模块GSM(基于GNN的子图建模),以提取围绕KGS中每个链接的局部子图拓扑信息。在几个基准数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,与最新方法相比,DEKG-ILP具有明显的性能改进,用于封闭和桥接链路预测。源代码可在线获得。
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