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犯罪率与人口的增加率成比例地增加。最突出的方法是引入基于闭路电视(CCTV)相机的监视以解决问题。视频监控摄像机增加了一个新的维度来检测犯罪。目前正在进行自动安全摄像机监控的几项研究工作,基本目标是从视频饲料发现暴力活动。从技术方面来看,这是一个具有挑战性的问题,因为分析了一组帧,即时间维度的视频,以检测暴力可能需要仔细的机器学习模型训练,以减少错误的结果。本研究通过整合最先进的深度学习方法来重点介绍该问题,以确保用于检测暴力活动的自主监测的强大管道,例如,踢,冲压和拍打。最初,我们设计了这种特定兴趣的数据集,其中包含600个视频(每个动作200个)。稍后,我们已经利用现有的预先训练的模型架构来提取特征,后来使用深度学习网络进行分类。此外,我们在不同预先训练的架构上分类了我们的模型'准确性,以及像VGG16,Inceptionv3,Reset50,七峰和MobileNet V2的不同预先训练的架构中的混淆矩阵,其中VGG16和MobileNet V2更好。
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目前在线视频游戏已成为逐步最喜欢的娱乐和反击来源:全球攻势(CS:Go)是全球上市的在线第一人称射击游戏之一。通过Esports每年安排许多竞争游戏。尽管如此,(i)没有关于CS的视频分析和行动认可的研究:GO游戏 - 游戏,可以在游戏行业中发挥重要作用,以进行预测模型(ii)在实时申请中没有完成任何工作在CS的行动和结果上:GO匹配(III)匹配的游戏数据通常在HLTV中可用作CSV格式化文件,但它没有开放访问,HLTV倾向于阻止用户采取数据。此手稿旨在开发一种用于精确预测4种不同行动的模型,并与我们的自主开发的深神经网络相比,与我们的自我开发的深神经网络相比,识别最佳型号,并在后面的主要投票包括有资格提供实时预测和该模型的结果有助于建设自动收集和处理更多数据的自动化系统,并解决从HLTV收集数据的问题。
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The latent space of autoencoders has been improved for clustering image data by jointly learning a t-distributed embedding with a clustering algorithm inspired by the neighborhood embedding concept proposed for data visualization. However, multivariate tabular data pose different challenges in representation learning than image data, where traditional machine learning is often superior to deep tabular data learning. In this paper, we address the challenges of learning tabular data in contrast to image data and present a novel Gaussian Cluster Embedding in Autoencoder Latent Space (G-CEALS) algorithm by replacing t-distributions with multivariate Gaussian clusters. Unlike current methods, the proposed approach independently defines the Gaussian embedding and the target cluster distribution to accommodate any clustering algorithm in representation learning. A trained G-CEALS model extracts a quality embedding for unseen test data. Based on the embedding clustering accuracy, the average rank of the proposed G-CEALS method is 1.4 (0.7), which is superior to all eight baseline clustering and cluster embedding methods on seven tabular data sets. This paper shows one of the first algorithms to jointly learn embedding and clustering to improve multivariate tabular data representation in downstream clustering.
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Almost 80 million Americans suffer from hair loss due to aging, stress, medication, or genetic makeup. Hair and scalp-related diseases often go unnoticed in the beginning. Sometimes, a patient cannot differentiate between hair loss and regular hair fall. Diagnosing hair-related diseases is time-consuming as it requires professional dermatologists to perform visual and medical tests. Because of that, the overall diagnosis gets delayed, which worsens the severity of the illness. Due to the image-processing ability, neural network-based applications are used in various sectors, especially healthcare and health informatics, to predict deadly diseases like cancers and tumors. These applications assist clinicians and patients and provide an initial insight into early-stage symptoms. In this study, we used a deep learning approach that successfully predicts three main types of hair loss and scalp-related diseases: alopecia, psoriasis, and folliculitis. However, limited study in this area, unavailability of a proper dataset, and degree of variety among the images scattered over the internet made the task challenging. 150 images were obtained from various sources and then preprocessed by denoising, image equalization, enhancement, and data balancing, thereby minimizing the error rate. After feeding the processed data into the 2D convolutional neural network (CNN) model, we obtained overall training accuracy of 96.2%, with a validation accuracy of 91.1%. The precision and recall score of alopecia, psoriasis, and folliculitis are 0.895, 0.846, and 1.0, respectively. We also created a dataset of the scalp images for future prospective researchers.
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Deep learning methods in the literature are invariably benchmarked on image data sets and then assumed to work on all data problems. Unfortunately, architectures designed for image learning are often not ready or optimal for non-image data without considering data-specific learning requirements. In this paper, we take a data-centric view to argue that deep image embedding clustering methods are not equally effective on heterogeneous tabular data sets. This paper performs one of the first studies on deep embedding clustering of seven tabular data sets using six state-of-the-art baseline methods proposed for image data sets. Our results reveal that the traditional clustering of tabular data ranks second out of eight methods and is superior to most deep embedding clustering baselines. Our observation is in line with the recent literature that traditional machine learning of tabular data is still a competitive approach against deep learning. Although surprising to many deep learning researchers, traditional clustering methods can be competitive baselines for tabular data, and outperforming these baselines remains a challenge for deep embedding clustering. Therefore, deep learning methods for image learning may not be fair or suitable baselines for tabular data without considering data-specific contrasts and learning requirements.
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Semi-supervised learning (SSL) has made significant strides in the field of remote sensing. Finding a large number of labeled datasets for SSL methods is uncommon, and manually labeling datasets is expensive and time-consuming. Furthermore, accurately identifying remote sensing satellite images is more complicated than it is for conventional images. Class-imbalanced datasets are another prevalent phenomenon, and models trained on these become biased towards the majority classes. This becomes a critical issue with an SSL model's subpar performance. We aim to address the issue of labeling unlabeled data and also solve the model bias problem due to imbalanced datasets while achieving better accuracy. To accomplish this, we create "artificial" labels and train a model to have reasonable accuracy. We iteratively redistribute the classes through resampling using a distribution alignment technique. We use a variety of class imbalanced satellite image datasets: EuroSAT, UCM, and WHU-RS19. On UCM balanced dataset, our method outperforms previous methods MSMatch and FixMatch by 1.21% and 0.6%, respectively. For imbalanced EuroSAT, our method outperforms MSMatch and FixMatch by 1.08% and 1%, respectively. Our approach significantly lessens the requirement for labeled data, consistently outperforms alternative approaches, and resolves the issue of model bias caused by class imbalance in datasets.
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We present a machine-learning framework to accurately characterize morphologies of Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) host galaxies within $z<1$. We first use PSFGAN to decouple host galaxy light from the central point source, then we invoke the Galaxy Morphology Network (GaMorNet) to estimate whether the host galaxy is disk-dominated, bulge-dominated, or indeterminate. Using optical images from five bands of the HSC Wide Survey, we build models independently in three redshift bins: low $(0<z<0.25)$, medium $(0.25<z<0.5)$, and high $(0.5<z<1.0)$. By first training on a large number of simulated galaxies, then fine-tuning using far fewer classified real galaxies, our framework predicts the actual morphology for $\sim$ $60\%-70\%$ host galaxies from test sets, with a classification precision of $\sim$ $80\%-95\%$, depending on redshift bin. Specifically, our models achieve disk precision of $96\%/82\%/79\%$ and bulge precision of $90\%/90\%/80\%$ (for the 3 redshift bins), at thresholds corresponding to indeterminate fractions of $30\%/43\%/42\%$. The classification precision of our models has a noticeable dependency on host galaxy radius and magnitude. No strong dependency is observed on contrast ratio. Comparing classifications of real AGNs, our models agree well with traditional 2D fitting with GALFIT. The PSFGAN+GaMorNet framework does not depend on the choice of fitting functions or galaxy-related input parameters, runs orders of magnitude faster than GALFIT, and is easily generalizable via transfer learning, making it an ideal tool for studying AGN host galaxy morphology in forthcoming large imaging survey.
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Handwriting Recognition has been a field of great interest in the Artificial Intelligence domain. Due to its broad use cases in real life, research has been conducted widely on it. Prominent work has been done in this field focusing mainly on Latin characters. However, the domain of Arabic handwritten character recognition is still relatively unexplored. The inherent cursive nature of the Arabic characters and variations in writing styles across individuals makes the task even more challenging. We identified some probable reasons behind this and proposed a lightweight Convolutional Neural Network-based architecture for recognizing Arabic characters and digits. The proposed pipeline consists of a total of 18 layers containing four layers each for convolution, pooling, batch normalization, dropout, and finally one Global average pooling and a Dense layer. Furthermore, we thoroughly investigated the different choices of hyperparameters such as the choice of the optimizer, kernel initializer, activation function, etc. Evaluating the proposed architecture on the publicly available 'Arabic Handwritten Character Dataset (AHCD)' and 'Modified Arabic handwritten digits Database (MadBase)' datasets, the proposed model respectively achieved an accuracy of 96.93% and 99.35% which is comparable to the state-of-the-art and makes it a suitable solution for real-life end-level applications.
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