我们介绍了FastCoref,这是一个用于快速,准确且易于使用的英语核心分辨率的Python软件包。该软件包是可以安装的,并且允许两种模式:基于LingMess体系结构的精确模式,提供最新的核心精度,以及基本更快的模型F-Coref,这是本工作的重点。\ Model {}允许在V100 GPU上25秒内处理2.8K Ontonotes文档(相比之下,LingMess模型为6分钟,而流行的AllennLP Coreference模型的12分钟仅适度精度下降。快速速度是通过将紧凑模型从Lingmess模型中蒸馏而成的,以及使用我们称为“剩余批处理”的技术的有效批处理实现。https://github.com/shon-otmazgin/fastcoref
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Spoken language understanding (SLU) tasks have been studied for many decades in the speech research community, but have not received as much attention as lower-level tasks like speech and speaker recognition. In particular, there are not nearly as many SLU task benchmarks, and many of the existing ones use data that is not freely available to all researchers. Recent work has begun to introduce such benchmark datasets for several tasks. In this work, we introduce several new annotated SLU benchmark tasks based on freely available speech data, which complement existing benchmarks and address gaps in the SLU evaluation landscape. We contribute four tasks: question answering and summarization involve inference over longer speech sequences; named entity localization addresses the speech-specific task of locating the targeted content in the signal; dialog act classification identifies the function of a given speech utterance. We follow the blueprint of the Spoken Language Understanding Evaluation (SLUE) benchmark suite. In order to facilitate the development of SLU models that leverage the success of pre-trained speech representations, we will be publishing for each task (i) annotations for a relatively small fine-tuning set, (ii) annotated development and test sets, and (iii) baseline models for easy reproducibility and comparisons. In this work, we present the details of data collection and annotation and the performance of the baseline models. We also perform sensitivity analysis of pipeline models' performance (speech recognizer + text model) to the speech recognition accuracy, using more than 20 state-of-the-art speech recognition models.
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Self-supervised pre-trained transformers have improved the state of the art on a variety of speech tasks. Due to the quadratic time and space complexity of self-attention, they usually operate at the level of relatively short (e.g., utterance) segments. In this paper, we study the use of context, i.e., surrounding segments, during fine-tuning and propose a new approach called context-aware fine-tuning. We attach a context module on top of the last layer of a pre-trained model to encode the whole segment into a context embedding vector which is then used as an additional feature for the final prediction. During the fine-tuning stage, we introduce an auxiliary loss that encourages this context embedding vector to be similar to context vectors of surrounding segments. This allows the model to make predictions without access to these surrounding segments at inference time and requires only a tiny overhead compared to standard fine-tuned models. We evaluate the proposed approach using the SLUE and Librilight benchmarks for several downstream tasks: Automatic speech recognition (ASR), named entity recognition (NER), and sentiment analysis (SA). The results show that context-aware fine-tuning not only outperforms a standard fine-tuning baseline but also rivals a strong context injection baseline that uses neighboring speech segments during inference.
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具有对比目标的训练前视觉模型已显示出令人鼓舞的结果,这些结果既可以扩展到大型未经切割的数据集,又可以传输到许多下游应用程序。以下一些作品针对提高数据效率,通过添加自学意义来提高数据效率,但是在这些作品中的单个空间上定义了对比度损失(图像文本)对比度损失和内域(图像图像)对比度损失,因此许多可行的可行性监督的组合被忽略了。为了克服这个问题,我们提出了Uniclip,这是对对比语言图像预训练的统一框架。 Uniclip将域间对和域内对的对比损失整合到一个单一的通用空间中。 Uniclip的三个关键组成部分解决了整合不同域之间对比度损失时发生的差异:(1)增强感知功能嵌入,(2)MP-NCE损失和(3)域相似性度量。 Uniclip的表现优于以前的视觉语言预训练方法,在下游任务的各种单模式和多模式上。在我们的实验中,我们表明每个组成的分支都对最终性能有很好的贡献。
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