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Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection has attracted a large amount of attention from the machine learning research community in recent years due to its importance in deployed systems. Most of the previous studies focused on the detection of OOD samples in the multi-class classification task. However, OOD detection in the multi-label classification task remains an underexplored domain. In this research, we propose YolOOD - a method that utilizes concepts from the object detection domain to perform OOD detection in the multi-label classification task. Object detection models have an inherent ability to distinguish between objects of interest (in-distribution) and irrelevant objects (e.g., OOD objects) on images that contain multiple objects from different categories. These abilities allow us to convert a regular object detection model into an image classifier with inherent OOD detection capabilities with just minor changes. We compare our approach to state-of-the-art OOD detection methods and demonstrate YolOOD's ability to outperform these methods on a comprehensive suite of in-distribution and OOD benchmark datasets.
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We construct a corpus of Japanese a cappella vocal ensembles (jaCappella corpus) for vocal ensemble separation and synthesis. It consists of 35 copyright-cleared vocal ensemble songs and their audio recordings of individual voice parts. These songs were arranged from out-of-copyright Japanese children's songs and have six voice parts (lead vocal, soprano, alto, tenor, bass, and vocal percussion). They are divided into seven subsets, each of which features typical characteristics of a music genre such as jazz and enka. The variety in genre and voice part match vocal ensembles recently widespread in social media services such as YouTube, although the main targets of conventional vocal ensemble datasets are choral singing made up of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that our corpus is a challenging resource for vocal ensemble separation. Our corpus is available on our project page (https://tomohikonakamura.github.io/jaCappella_corpus/).
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确定点过程(DPP)的最大后验(MAP)推断对于在许多机器学习应用中选择多种项目至关重要。尽管DPP地图推断是NP-HARD,但贪婪的算法通常会发现高质量的解决方案,许多研究人员已经研究了其有效的实施。一种经典且实用的方法是懒惰的贪婪算法,适用于一般的下函数最大化,而基于Cholesky的最新快速贪婪算法对于DPP MAP推断更有效。本文介绍了如何结合“懒惰”和“快速”的想法,这些思想在文献中被认为是不兼容的。我们懒惰且快速的贪婪算法与当前最好的算法几乎具有相同的时间复杂性,并且在实践中运行速度更快。 “懒惰 +快速”的想法可扩展到其他贪婪型算法。我们还为无约束的DPP地图推断提供了双贪婪算法的快速版本。实验验证了我们加速思想的有效性。
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