The reconstruction of images from their corresponding noisy Radon transform is a typical example of an ill-posed linear inverse problem as arising in the application of computerized tomography (CT). As the (na\"{\i}ve) solution does not depend on the measured data continuously, regularization is needed to re-establish a continuous dependence. In this work, we investigate simple, but yet still provably convergent approaches to learning linear regularization methods from data. More specifically, we analyze two approaches: One generic linear regularization that learns how to manipulate the singular values of the linear operator in an extension of [1], and one tailored approach in the Fourier domain that is specific to CT-reconstruction. We prove that such approaches become convergent regularization methods as well as the fact that the reconstructions they provide are typically much smoother than the training data they were trained on. Finally, we compare the spectral as well as the Fourier-based approaches for CT-reconstruction numerically, discuss their advantages and disadvantages and investigate the effect of discretization errors at different resolutions.
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Reinforcement learning (RL) has shown great promise with algorithms learning in environments with large state and action spaces purely from scalar reward signals. A crucial challenge for current deep RL algorithms is that they require a tremendous amount of environment interactions for learning. This can be infeasible in situations where such interactions are expensive; such as in robotics. Offline RL algorithms try to address this issue by bootstrapping the learning process from existing logged data without needing to interact with the environment from the very beginning. While online RL algorithms are typically evaluated as a function of the number of environment interactions, there exists no single established protocol for evaluating offline RL methods.In this paper, we propose a sequential approach to evaluate offline RL algorithms as a function of the training set size and thus by their data efficiency. Sequential evaluation provides valuable insights into the data efficiency of the learning process and the robustness of algorithms to distribution changes in the dataset while also harmonizing the visualization of the offline and online learning phases. Our approach is generally applicable and easy to implement. We compare several existing offline RL algorithms using this approach and present insights from a variety of tasks and offline datasets.
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Humans have perfected the art of learning from multiple modalities through sensory organs. Despite their impressive predictive performance on a single modality, neural networks cannot reach human level accuracy with respect to multiple modalities. This is a particularly challenging task due to variations in the structure of respective modalities. Conditional Batch Normalization (CBN) is a popular method that was proposed to learn contextual features to aid deep learning tasks. This technique uses auxiliary data to improve representational power by learning affine transformations for convolutional neural networks. Despite the boost in performance observed by using CBN layers, our work reveals that the visual features learned by introducing auxiliary data via CBN deteriorates. We perform comprehensive experiments to evaluate the brittleness of CBN networks to various datasets, suggesting that learning from visual features alone could often be superior for generalization. We evaluate CBN models on natural images for bird classification and histology images for cancer type classification. We observe that the CBN network learns close to no visual features on the bird classification dataset and partial visual features on the histology dataset. Our extensive experiments reveal that CBN may encourage shortcut learning between the auxiliary data and labels.
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Current pre-trained language models rely on large datasets for achieving state-of-the-art performance. However, past research has shown that not all examples in a dataset are equally important during training. In fact, it is sometimes possible to prune a considerable fraction of the training set while maintaining the test performance. Established on standard vision benchmarks, two gradient-based scoring metrics for finding important examples are GraNd and its estimated version, EL2N. In this work, we employ these two metrics for the first time in NLP. We demonstrate that these metrics need to be computed after at least one epoch of fine-tuning and they are not reliable in early steps. Furthermore, we show that by pruning a small portion of the examples with the highest GraNd/EL2N scores, we can not only preserve the test accuracy, but also surpass it. This paper details adjustments and implementation choices which enable GraNd and EL2N to be applied to NLP.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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服务监视应用程序不断生成数据以监视其可用性。因此,实时和准确地对传入数据进行分类至关重要。为此,我们的研究开发了一种使用Learn ++来处理不断发展的数据分布的自适应分类方法。这种方法顺序预测并使用新数据更新监视模型,逐渐忘记了过去的知识并确定了突然的概念漂移。我们采用从工业应用获得的连续数据块来逐步评估预测变量的性能。
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