Real-time air pollution monitoring is a valuable tool for public health and environmental surveillance. In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in air pollution forecasting and monitoring research using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Most of the prior work relied on modeling pollutant concentrations collected from ground-based monitors and meteorological data for long-term forecasting of outdoor ozone, oxides of nitrogen, and PM2.5. Given that traditional, highly sophisticated air quality monitors are expensive and are not universally available, these models cannot adequately serve those not living near pollutant monitoring sites. Furthermore, because prior models were built on physical measurement data collected from sensors, they may not be suitable for predicting public health effects experienced from pollution exposure. This study aims to develop and validate models to nowcast the observed pollution levels using Web search data, which is publicly available in near real-time from major search engines. We developed novel machine learning-based models using both traditional supervised classification methods and state-of-the-art deep learning methods to detect elevated air pollution levels at the US city level, by using generally available meteorological data and aggregate Web-based search volume data derived from Google Trends. We validated the performance of these methods by predicting three critical air pollutants (ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and fine particulate matter (PM2.5)), across ten major U.S. metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) in 2017 and 2018.
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语音分离的目标是从单个麦克风记录中提取多个语音源。最近,随着大型数据集的深度学习和可用性的进步,言语分离已被制定为监督的学习问题。这些方法旨在使用监督学习算法,通常是深神经网络学习语音,扬声器和背景噪声的判别模式。监督语音分离中的一个持久问题正在为每个分离的语音信号找到正确的标签,称为标签置换歧义。置换歧义是指确定分离源和可用的单扬声器语音标签之间的输出标签分配的问题。计算分离误差需要找到最佳输出标签分配,后来用于更新模型的参数。最近,置换不变训练(PIT)已被证明是处理标签歧义问题的有希望的解决方案。但是,通过坑的输出标签分配的过度自信选择导致次优训练模型。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个概率的优化框架来解决坑中找到最佳输出标签分配的效率。然后,我们所提出的方法在折放不变训练(PIT)语音分离方法中使用的相同的长短期内存(LSTM)架构。我们的实验结果表明,所提出的方法优于传统的坑语音分离(P值$ <0.01 $),在信号到失真比(SDR)和干扰比中的失真率(SDR)和+ 1.5dB中的+ 1dB(SIR)。
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