The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence is to mimic the human brain to perform decision-making and control directly from high-dimensional sensory input. All-optical diffractive neural networks provide a promising solution for realizing artificial intelligence with high-speed and low-power consumption. To date, most of the reported diffractive neural networks focus on single or multiple tasks that do not involve interaction with the environment, such as object recognition and image classification, while the networks that can perform decision-making and control, to our knowledge, have not been developed yet. Here, we propose to use deep reinforcement learning to realize diffractive neural networks that enable imitating the human-level capability of decision-making and control. Such networks allow for finding optimal control policies through interaction with the environment and can be readily realized with the dielectric metasurfaces. The superior performances of these networks are verified by engaging three types of classic games, Tic-Tac-Toe, Super Mario Bros., and Car Racing, and achieving the same or even higher levels comparable to human players. Our work represents a solid step of advancement in diffractive neural networks, which promises a fundamental shift from the target-driven control of a pre-designed state for simple recognition or classification tasks to the high-level sensory capability of artificial intelligence. It may find exciting applications in autonomous driving, intelligent robots, and intelligent manufacturing.
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Mathematical reasoning is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence and is applicable in various fields, including science, engineering, finance, and everyday life. The development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems capable of solving math problems and proving theorems has garnered significant interest in the fields of machine learning and natural language processing. For example, mathematics serves as a testbed for aspects of reasoning that are challenging for powerful deep learning models, driving new algorithmic and modeling advances. On the other hand, recent advances in large-scale neural language models have opened up new benchmarks and opportunities to use deep learning for mathematical reasoning. In this survey paper, we review the key tasks, datasets, and methods at the intersection of mathematical reasoning and deep learning over the past decade. We also evaluate existing benchmarks and methods, and discuss future research directions in this domain.
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Humans are sophisticated at reading interlocutors' emotions from multimodal signals, such as speech contents, voice tones and facial expressions. However, machines might struggle to understand various emotions due to the difficulty of effectively decoding emotions from the complex interactions between multimodal signals. In this paper, we propose a multimodal emotion analysis framework, InterMulti, to capture complex multimodal interactions from different views and identify emotions from multimodal signals. Our proposed framework decomposes signals of different modalities into three kinds of multimodal interaction representations, including a modality-full interaction representation, a modality-shared interaction representation, and three modality-specific interaction representations. Additionally, to balance the contribution of different modalities and learn a more informative latent interaction representation, we developed a novel Text-dominated Hierarchical High-order Fusion(THHF) module. THHF module reasonably integrates the above three kinds of representations into a comprehensive multimodal interaction representation. Extensive experimental results on widely used datasets, (i.e.) MOSEI, MOSI and IEMOCAP, demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art.
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Humans are skilled in reading the interlocutor's emotion from multimodal signals, including spoken words, simultaneous speech, and facial expressions. It is still a challenge to effectively decode emotions from the complex interactions of multimodal signals. In this paper, we design three kinds of multimodal latent representations to refine the emotion analysis process and capture complex multimodal interactions from different views, including a intact three-modal integrating representation, a modality-shared representation, and three modality-individual representations. Then, a modality-semantic hierarchical fusion is proposed to reasonably incorporate these representations into a comprehensive interaction representation. The experimental results demonstrate that our EffMulti outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. The compelling performance benefits from its well-designed framework with ease of implementation, lower computing complexity, and less trainable parameters.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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Due to the ambiguity of homophones, Chinese Spell Checking (CSC) has widespread applications. Existing systems typically utilize BERT for text encoding. However, CSC requires the model to account for both phonetic and graphemic information. To adapt BERT to the CSC task, we propose a token-level self-distillation contrastive learning method. We employ BERT to encode both the corrupted and corresponding correct sentence. Then, we use contrastive learning loss to regularize corrupted tokens' hidden states to be closer to counterparts in the correct sentence. On three CSC datasets, we confirmed our method provides a significant improvement above baselines.
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复杂的流量分析,例如加密的流量分析和未知的恶意软件检测,强调需要进行高级方法来分析网络流量。使用固定模式,签名匹配和检测网络流量中已知模式的规则的传统方法已被AI(人工智能)驱动算法取代。但是,缺乏高性能AI网络特定的框架使得不可能在网络工作负载中部署基于AI的实时处理。在本文中,我们描述了流量分析开发工具包(TADK)的设计,这是一个针对基于AI的网络工作负载处理的行业标准框架。 TADK可以在数据中心到边缘的网络设备中基于实时的AI网络工作负载处理,而无需专门硬件(例如GPU,神经处理单元等)。我们已经在商品WAF和5G UPF中部署了TADK,评估结果表明,Tadk可以在流量功能提取时达到每个核心最多35.3Gbps的吞吐量,每核6.5Gbps在流量分类中,并且可以减少SQLI/XSS检测到下降至4.5us每个请求的精度比固定模式解决方案更高。
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