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The behavior of the network and its stability are governed by both dynamics of individual nodes as well as their topological interconnections. Attention mechanism as an integral part of neural network models was initially designed for natural language processing (NLP), and so far, has shown excellent performance in combining dynamics of individual nodes and the coupling strengths between them within a network. Despite undoubted impact of attention mechanism, it is not yet clear why some nodes of a network get higher attention weights. To come up with more explainable solutions, we tried to look at the problem from stability perspective. Based on stability theory, negative connections in a network can create feedback loops or other complex structures by allowing information to flow in the opposite direction. These structures play a critical role in the dynamics of a complex system and can contribute to abnormal synchronization, amplification, or suppression. We hypothesized that those nodes that are involved in organizing such structures can push the entire network into instability modes and therefore need higher attention during analysis. To test this hypothesis, attention mechanism along with spectral and topological stability analyses was performed on a real-world numerical problem, i.e., a linear Multi Input Multi Output state-space model of a piezoelectric tube actuator. The findings of our study suggest that the attention should be directed toward the collective behaviour of imbalanced structures and polarity-driven structural instabilities within the network. The results demonstrated that the nodes receiving more attention cause more instability in the system. Our study provides a proof of concept to understand why perturbing some nodes of a network may cause dramatic changes in the network dynamics.
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深度神经网络(DNN)越来越多地部署在诸如个人医疗设备和自动驾驶汽车等安全关键系统中。在基于DNN的系统中,由于DNN推理的故障可能导致错误预测和安全危险,因此错误弹性是一个顶级优先级。对于资源受限边缘设备对延迟关键的DNN推断,它是非应用传统的冗余基于故障公差技术。在本文中,我们提出了合适的方法,通过部署细粒度可训练的激活功能来增强DNN的误差弹性的低成本方法。主要思想是通过神经元 - 明亮的激活功能精确地绑定每个单独神经元的激活值,以便它可以防止网络中的故障传播。为避免复杂的DNN模型重新培训,我们建议将精度培训和恢复力培训解耦,并开发轻量级训练阶段,以了解这些激活功能的精确界限。关于广泛使用的DNN模型(如AlexNet,VGG16和Reset50)的实验结果表明,装配优惠的最先进的研究(如Clip-Act和Ranger)在增强DNN误差弹性方面,在添加可管理的同时增加了各种故障率运行时和内存空间开销。
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神经网络权重的对抗性比特翻转攻击(BFA)可以通过翻转非常少量的比特来导致灾难性的精度下降。先前比特翻转攻击技术的主要缺点是他们对测试数据的依赖。包含敏感或专有数据的应用程序通常是不可能的。在本文中,我们提出了盲目数据侵犯比特 - 翻转攻击(BDFA),一种新颖的技术,使BFA能够无任何访问训练或测试数据。这是通过优化合成数据集来实现的,该数据集被设计为匹配跨网络的不同层和目标标签的批量标准化的统计数据。实验结果表明,BDFA可以显着降低75.96 \%至13.94 \%的resnet50的准确性,只有4位翻转。
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