Federated learning (FL) is an emerging machine learning paradigm, in which clients jointly learn a model with the help of a cloud server. A fundamental challenge of FL is that the clients are often heterogeneous, e.g., they have different computing powers, and thus the clients may send model updates to the server with substantially different delays. Asynchronous FL aims to address this challenge by enabling the server to update the model once any client's model update reaches it without waiting for other clients' model updates. However, like synchronous FL, asynchronous FL is also vulnerable to poisoning attacks, in which malicious clients manipulate the model via poisoning their local data and/or model updates sent to the server. Byzantine-robust FL aims to defend against poisoning attacks. In particular, Byzantine-robust FL can learn an accurate model even if some clients are malicious and have Byzantine behaviors. However, most existing studies on Byzantine-robust FL focused on synchronous FL, leaving asynchronous FL largely unexplored. In this work, we bridge this gap by proposing AFLGuard, a Byzantine-robust asynchronous FL method. We show that, both theoretically and empirically, AFLGuard is robust against various existing and adaptive poisoning attacks (both untargeted and targeted). Moreover, AFLGuard outperforms existing Byzantine-robust asynchronous FL methods.
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Classifiers in supervised learning have various security and privacy issues, e.g., 1) data poisoning attacks, backdoor attacks, and adversarial examples on the security side as well as 2) inference attacks and the right to be forgotten for the training data on the privacy side. Various secure and privacy-preserving supervised learning algorithms with formal guarantees have been proposed to address these issues. However, they suffer from various limitations such as accuracy loss, small certified security guarantees, and/or inefficiency. Self-supervised learning is an emerging technique to pre-train encoders using unlabeled data. Given a pre-trained encoder as a feature extractor, supervised learning can train a simple yet accurate classifier using a small amount of labeled training data. In this work, we perform the first systematic, principled measurement study to understand whether and when a pre-trained encoder can address the limitations of secure or privacy-preserving supervised learning algorithms. Our key findings are that a pre-trained encoder substantially improves 1) both accuracy under no attacks and certified security guarantees against data poisoning and backdoor attacks of state-of-the-art secure learning algorithms (i.e., bagging and KNN), 2) certified security guarantees of randomized smoothing against adversarial examples without sacrificing its accuracy under no attacks, 3) accuracy of differentially private classifiers, and 4) accuracy and/or efficiency of exact machine unlearning.
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联合学习(FL)容易受到模型中毒攻击的影响,在该攻击中,恶意客户通过将操纵模型更新发送到服务器来破坏全局模型。现有的防御措施主要依靠拜占庭式抗体方法,即使某些客户是恶意的,旨在学习准确的全球模型。但是,在实践中,他们只能抵抗少数恶意客户。如何与大量恶意客户抗衡模型中毒攻击仍然是一个公开挑战。我们的fldetector通过检测恶意客户来应对这一挑战。 FLDETECTOR旨在检测和删除大多数恶意客户,以便拜占庭式的fl方法可以使用其余客户学习准确的全球模型。我们的主要观察结果是,在模型中毒攻击中,在多次迭代中的客户更新的模型更新是不一致的。因此,FLDetector通过检查其模型更高的一致性来检测恶意客户端。大致来说,服务器根据其历史模型更新使用Cauchy Mean Valie Therorem和L-BFG预测客户端的模型更新在多个迭代中不一致。我们在三个基准数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,FLDETECTOR可以准确检测到多种最新模型中毒攻击中的恶意客户。在删除了被检测到的恶意客户端后,现有的拜占庭式FL方法可以学习准确的全球模型。
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Contrastive learning pre-trains an image encoder using a large amount of unlabeled data such that the image encoder can be used as a general-purpose feature extractor for various downstream tasks. In this work, we propose PoisonedEncoder, a data poisoning attack to contrastive learning. In particular, an attacker injects carefully crafted poisoning inputs into the unlabeled pre-training data, such that the downstream classifiers built based on the poisoned encoder for multiple target downstream tasks simultaneously classify attacker-chosen, arbitrary clean inputs as attacker-chosen, arbitrary classes. We formulate our data poisoning attack as a bilevel optimization problem, whose solution is the set of poisoning inputs; and we propose a contrastive-learning-tailored method to approximately solve it. Our evaluation on multiple datasets shows that PoisonedEncoder achieves high attack success rates while maintaining the testing accuracy of the downstream classifiers built upon the poisoned encoder for non-attacker-chosen inputs. We also evaluate five defenses against PoisonedEncoder, including one pre-processing, three in-processing, and one post-processing defenses. Our results show that these defenses can decrease the attack success rate of PoisonedEncoder, but they also sacrifice the utility of the encoder or require a large clean pre-training dataset.
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随着最近在移动和边缘设备上部署神经网络模型的需求,希望提高模型对看不见的测试数据的普遍性,以及提高模型在固定点量化下的稳健性,以实现有效部署。然而,最大限度地减少培训损失在泛化和量化性能上提供了一些保证。在这项工作中,我们通过在改善模型对界限重量扰动的框架下理论上统一它们的理论上统一并最小化模型权重的稳健性并最小化了模型权重的框架的框架,同时履行泛化和量化性能。因此,我们提出了HESSIAN增强的鲁棒优化方法,以通过基于梯度的训练过程最小化Hessian特征值,同时提高泛化和量化性能。 HERO在测试准确性上高达3.8%,高度高达30%,在80%的培训标签扰动下的准确性高达30%,以及各种精度范围内的最佳训练后量化精度,包括在SGD上的高精度改善> 10%在各种数据集上的共同模型架构培训模型。
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在这项工作中,我们向图形神经网络(GNN)提出了第一个后门攻击。具体而言,我们向GNN提出一个\ emph {子画面的后门攻击},用于图表分类。在我们的后门攻击中,一旦预定义的子图注入测试图,GNN分类器就预测测试图的攻击者所选择的目标标签。我们在三个真实世界图数据集上的经验结果表明,我们的后门攻击对GNN的预测准确性的影响很小,对清洁测试图进行了很小影响。此外,我们概括了基于随机的平滑的认证防御来防御我们的后门攻击。我们的经验结果表明,在某些情况下,防御是有效的,但在其他情况下无效,突出了我们的后门攻击的新防御的需求。
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