Using 3D CNNs on high resolution medical volumes is very computationally demanding, especially for large datasets like the UK Biobank which aims to scan 100,000 subjects. Here we demonstrate that using 2D CNNs on a few 2D projections (representing mean and standard deviation across axial, sagittal and coronal slices) of the 3D volumes leads to reasonable test accuracy when predicting the age from brain volumes. Using our approach, one training epoch with 20,324 subjects takes 40 - 70 seconds using a single GPU, which is almost 100 times faster compared to a small 3D CNN. These results are important for researchers who do not have access to expensive GPU hardware for 3D CNNs.
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Large annotated datasets are required to train segmentation networks. In medical imaging, it is often difficult, time consuming and expensive to create such datasets, and it may also be difficult to share these datasets with other researchers. Different AI models can today generate very realistic synthetic images, which can potentially be openly shared as they do not belong to specific persons. However, recent work has shown that using synthetic images for training deep networks often leads to worse performance compared to using real images. Here we demonstrate that using synthetic images and annotations from an ensemble of 10 GANs, instead of from a single GAN, increases the Dice score on real test images with 4.7 % to 14.0 % on specific classes.
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Quantum machine learning (QML) has received increasing attention due to its potential to outperform classical machine learning methods in various problems. A subclass of QML methods is quantum generative adversarial networks (QGANs) which have been studied as a quantum counterpart of classical GANs widely used in image manipulation and generation tasks. The existing work on QGANs is still limited to small-scale proof-of-concept examples based on images with significant down-scaling. Here we integrate classical and quantum techniques to propose a new hybrid quantum-classical GAN framework. We demonstrate its superior learning capabilities by generating $28 \times 28$ pixels grey-scale images without dimensionality reduction or classical pre/post-processing on multiple classes of the standard MNIST and Fashion MNIST datasets, which achieves comparable results to classical frameworks with 3 orders of magnitude less trainable generator parameters. To gain further insight into the working of our hybrid approach, we systematically explore the impact of its parameter space by varying the number of qubits, the size of image patches, the number of layers in the generator, the shape of the patches and the choice of prior distribution. Our results show that increasing the quantum generator size generally improves the learning capability of the network. The developed framework provides a foundation for future design of QGANs with optimal parameter set tailored for complex image generation tasks.
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We present NusaCrowd, a collaborative initiative to collect and unite existing resources for Indonesian languages, including opening access to previously non-public resources. Through this initiative, we have has brought together 137 datasets and 117 standardized data loaders. The quality of the datasets has been assessed manually and automatically, and their effectiveness has been demonstrated in multiple experiments. NusaCrowd's data collection enables the creation of the first zero-shot benchmarks for natural language understanding and generation in Indonesian and its local languages. Furthermore, NusaCrowd brings the creation of the first multilingual automatic speech recognition benchmark in Indonesian and its local languages. Our work is intended to help advance natural language processing research in under-represented languages.
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In this study, we propose a lung nodule detection scheme which fully incorporates the clinic workflow of radiologists. Particularly, we exploit Bi-Directional Maximum intensity projection (MIP) images of various thicknesses (i.e., 3, 5 and 10mm) along with a 3D patch of CT scan, consisting of 10 adjacent slices to feed into self-distillation-based Multi-Encoders Network (MEDS-Net). The proposed architecture first condenses 3D patch input to three channels by using a dense block which consists of dense units which effectively examine the nodule presence from 2D axial slices. This condensed information, along with the forward and backward MIP images, is fed to three different encoders to learn the most meaningful representation, which is forwarded into the decoded block at various levels. At the decoder block, we employ a self-distillation mechanism by connecting the distillation block, which contains five lung nodule detectors. It helps to expedite the convergence and improves the learning ability of the proposed architecture. Finally, the proposed scheme reduces the false positives by complementing the main detector with auxiliary detectors. The proposed scheme has been rigorously evaluated on 888 scans of LUNA16 dataset and obtained a CPM score of 93.6\%. The results demonstrate that incorporating of bi-direction MIP images enables MEDS-Net to effectively distinguish nodules from surroundings which help to achieve the sensitivity of 91.5% and 92.8% with false positives rate of 0.25 and 0.5 per scan, respectively.
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作物疾病是对粮食安全的主要威胁,其快速识别对于防止产量损失很重要。由于缺乏必要的基础设施,因此很难迅速识别这些疾病。计算机视觉的最新进展和智能手机渗透的渗透为智能手机辅助疾病识别铺平了道路。大多数植物疾病在植物的叶面结构上留下了特定的文物。这项研究于2020年在巴基斯坦拉合尔工程技术大学计算机科学与工程系进行,以检查基于叶片的植物疾病识别。这项研究为叶面疾病鉴定提供了基于神经网络的深度解决方案,并纳入了图像质量评估,以选择执行识别所需质量的图像,并将其命名为农业病理学家(AGRO PATH)。新手摄影师的捕获图像可能包含噪音,缺乏结构和模糊,从而导致诊断失败或不准确。此外,Agropath模型具有99.42%的叶面疾病鉴定精度。拟议的添加对于在农业领域的叶面疾病鉴定的应用特别有用。
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面部表现攻击检测(PAD)在防御面部识别系统免受演示攻击方面起着重要作用。 PAD的成功很大程度上依赖于需要大量标记数据的监督学习,这对于视频尤其具有挑战性,通常需要专家知识。为了避免昂贵的标记数据收集,本文提出了一种通过运动预测进行自我监督视频表示学习的新方法。为了实现这一目标,我们基于三个RGB框架利用时间一致性,这些RGB帧在视频序列中以三个不同的时间获取。然后将获得的帧转换为灰度图像,其中每个图像被指定为三个不同的通道,例如R(红色),G(绿色)和B(蓝色),形成动态灰度片段(DGS)。由此激励,这些标签会自动生成,以通过使用视频的不同时间长度来基于DG的时间多样性,这对下游任务非常有帮助。从我们方法的自我监督性质中受益,我们报告了结果,结果表明,在四个公共基准数据集上的现有方法,即重播攻击,MSU-MFSD,CASIA-FASD和OULU-NPU。解释性分析是通过石灰和Grad-CAM技术进行的,以可视化DGS中使用的最重要功能。
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深度神经网络(DNN)模型,包括在安全 - 关键域中使用的模型,需要进行彻底测试,以确保它们在不同的情况下可以可靠地表现良好。在本文中,我们提供了用于测试DNN模型的结构覆盖量指标,包括神经元覆盖(NC),K-Multisection神经元覆盖范围(KMNC),TOP-K神经元覆盖范围(TKNC),神经元边界覆盖率(NBC),强元(NBC),强神经元激活覆盖范围(SNAC)和修改条件/决策覆盖范围(MC/DC)。我们评估用于感知任务的现实DNN模型(包括LENET-1,LENET-4,LENET-5和RESNET20)以及自治(TAXINET)中使用的网络的指标。我们还提供了一个工具DNNCOV,可以测量所有这些指标的测试覆盖范围。 DNNCOV向研究人员和从业人员提供了一份信息丰富的报道报告,以评估DNN测试的充分性,比较不同的覆盖范围,并在测试过程中更方便地检查模型的内部。
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